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Vilge Duin

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Everything posted by Vilge Duin

  1. Jamie Bulger's 10 year old killers were pretty heavily linked to watching Childs Play 3 (the father of one of them had rented it out the week before and the killing was pretty much exactly the same as one of the deaths in the movie.)
  2. If a parent wishes to purchase an M (or equivalent) rated game or an R (or equivalent) rated movie, or music or anything of the such. That's their legal right and no one, including you, should have a say in if they want to buy their child the product. Alcohol is a legally controlled substance by the government. Big difference. Media is not. The ratings boards (at least in the US and Canada) are guidelines. They are not mandated by the government as necessary. Alcohol, or any substance of the like, is. Giving a kid GTA for his birthday is not even close to the same as providing him with beer or liquor. I was watching Freddy dice people up as a kid and watching Arnold blow away many a badguy. I also saw Robert Deniro brain a guy with a baseball bat in The Untouchables and I witness *shock* *horror* breasts and the like in Basic Instinct. I also played Mortal Kombat and Doom and various other games. My parents were neither delinquents nor idiots. They understood what they were doing and taught me properly. There has never once been a proven substantial link between violent or "objectionable" media and resulting behaviour. Playing Manhunt won't make you kill someone or even likely want to. A disturbed person with violent tendencies may seek the game out to get their fill, but the game won't make them do it.
  3. Banning of anything in modern Western Society (or honestly anywhere) where the virtues of freedom are extolled is borderline fascist. It's sad, and shouldn't be done. Regardless of what people may think of the game (ratings are there for a reason, along with retailer guidelines) it shouldn't be banned. This traverses a thin line toward censoring anything that is deemed "not appropriate for public consumption".
  4. People should have figured the "war" was "over" the moment Disney sided entirely with Sony. Those two together right there take up a large portion of what people like to buy (especially considering all of what Disney owns and distributes). This is just the nail in the coffin. I don't see the point though. Maybe in a few years when things come down in price (players and the DVDs themselves). Me and my girlfriend just finished "upgrading" all of our VHSs to their DVD counterparts, and besides that we have a few hundred DVDs. We'll likely keep on buying regular DVDs as we don't have a player, and refuse to blow that much cash on one and because I'd rather pick up a great looking movie for $10 compared to the same, but slightly better looking, movie for $25. The only reason Blu-Ray is somewhat exciting is for the future possibilities of the PS3 with the disc's larger storage capacity. And that's all it is, future possibilities.
  5. My girlfriend's loved it so much we went out and got the first when she saw the track list... I find I am actually capable of maintaining some decency with it instead of the second (4-5 stars on songs on Medium). It's mostly because my left hand is a bit screwed up and I have trouble using my pinky, thus I have to move my hand up and down and can't seem to get back and forth between green and blue quick enough. Anyways, just a quick question... Does anyone know where to get a licensed guitar for the PS2 that isn't too expensive? We want to play together, but all we've seen is a 3rd party wireless guitar at EB for $75... Which is just too expensive. EDIT: Or if the new 80s edition will have a bundle coming out with it for that matter.
  6. I've never heard of that happening. I love that area and play it frequently. Only problem I've ever had is if four guys are going at it, and far apart, there's slight slow down. It sounds like the disc you have is glitched. Would you be able to return it and get another copy?
  7. Never was impressed by the idea of Guitar Hero, but my girlfriend's loved the time's she's had with it in stores so we ordered it off of Amazon and just got it today. Gotta say, with the couple times she's actually let me touch the damn thing... I absolutely fucking suck. I can't even do songs on easy properly. I'm not used to the whole press the strummer and one or multiple buttons thing... then the whammy bar... I just suck. But gotta admit it was fun. More fun than I thought. I'll have to get some time in with it when she can unglue her hands from the guitar.
  8. I love almost every single Disney films, even the so called "kiddy" ones. Beauty and The Beast would be my number one favourite if I were to choose. Lady and The Tramp, Peter Pan, Bambi, Alice In Wonderland, Sleeping Beauty, The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Tarzan, Aladdin and Mulan are also up there as fantastic films. I however could never get into a handful, such as The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Cinderella (albeit the mouse song is great) and a few others. I've either not seen by choice or couldn't be bothered with everything after Tarzan. I especially don't wish to see the generic CGI movies they've been releasing. Disney TV animation division during the 80s and 90s was also awesome. Darkwing Duck, Ducktales, TailSpin, Gargoyles, etc. All great shows. Not explicitly a Disney movie, but still counting in its own way, Who Framed Roger Rabbit is the greatest animated movie ever. My favourite movie ever too.
  9. http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=105194 ^ Found that amusing. People these days... It does look like a decal of some kind. I didn't notice it was 2012 until someone pointed it out. It looks like some nonsensical blotches. Rather horrid it is.
  10. He was effectively forced out with the way Sony has been restructured over the past few years (especially since October). May have voluntarily stepped down and resigned, but he was effectively forced out. Kind of odd considering how he was almost the single driving force behind the success of the Playstation brand. Eh, he's likely off to do as he wish. I'd laugh if he found his way to Microsoft or Nintendo eventually.
  11. Yay for living in Canada. I can't see it. Albeit I have heard horrible quality live versions before, that do sound fairly decent. Better quality would allow better judgement.
  12. I've been in a really odd mood to play all that is Star Wars. Did all of the campaigns for Empire at War (Rebel and Empire, plus Forces of Corruptions Zann Consortium). I know it's not the greatest, best looking or indepth RTS out there, but damn is that a fantastic game. An enjoyment of Star Wars makes it all the more awesome. Plus the very last campaign mission in FoC is just outright fantastic. Played some Rogue Squadron III yesterday, and by god do I suck, but damn is it fun. Being able to play Rogue Squadron II co-op was fucking brilliant. More games should be like that. Bought and have been playing some Battlefront II (never played the first) and I have to say, it's one of the best Star Wars games ever. Really gets the feel of some of the battles (albeit space missions suck) in the movies. I was always leery of it because of the whole online thing (since I can't and wouldn't anyways). But it's great to play against the AI and going through various things with my girlfriend has been awesome. Next up is some Knights of the Old Republic... Still have to track down those star maps.
  13. Heard it and honestly figured it was BS. Kind of funny that MTV of all things went and verified the story while no one else bothered to. Would be hilarious if true though, and a wee bit morbid.
  14. You can't really compare them though. DoW is an RTS, and all Dark Crusade did was add a basic tabletop campaign element in place of a story. M2:TW is entirely different.
  15. I heard so much about the Total War games that I went out and picked up the Rome Gold Edition last year. Thought it was quite awesome at first until it got tiring. I found myself developing into a cycle more often than other games like it. Building the same things, expanding in the same way, using the same tactics. And since I'm a micromanaging bastard and must meticulously plan I never did get to far. Always conquered 15/16 areas and quit. I'm sure maybe using some of the other factions would help, but I can't be bothered to unlock them. And I refuse to cheat. Regardless I much preferred Dawn of War: Dark Crusade over it. Less planning and thought, more killing and violence.
  16. You pretty much have it. Rex means king. Namor shouts "Imperial King" effectively enough. "Imperious" isn't really proper latin anyways. It should be imperiosus. Pretty much since he's king of Atlantis.
  17. I was just looking on Youtube and other sites looking at old commercials and such and realizing how awesome some old ones are. The Super Smash Bros for the N64 commercial was just fucking awesome in every way of the word. However, since finding it ages ago... Why do the Japanese get all the funky weird shit like The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past for SNES. Every commercial needs an absurd dance number. I also absolutely loved the WWF Superbowl commercial (either 1998 or 1999, I can't remember). It was so well put together and Mick Foley is beyond my favourite part. There's tonnes more I can't think of right now, but yeah, anyone else have any favourite commercial goodness.
  18. Gotta say, Civil War was... Long winded. I've seen a lot of people around bitching about how it ended and such... but to avoid spoilers...
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