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Vilge Duin

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Everything posted by Vilge Duin

  1. Zelda embarrassingly short? What game did he play? Honestly. Twilight Princess is universally agreed to be the longest Zelda title there is, and on average goes from 25-50 hours depending what you do (and how you do). As for the Wii in general, I highly doubt it will fail as miserably as everyone has been thinking since well before it's launch. It's radical new stuff to the generally close minded and "same old, same old" game industry. However it has all of the tools and ingredients to be a success in multiple demographics and markets, it just needs to be tapped properly. I can very easily see it's use as a platforum to house traditional games. Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3, Super Paper Mario Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition, and the upcoming Mario Galaxy all show this (for a 'top tier' title). The problem is, I just named off 5 games out of how many? A lot of the downlook on the Wii, and the very concept of the article is, it seems like only Nintendo truly gets how to make anything for the thing at the moment, and most other companies go with the basics to cash in some money. They fear that it's a one trick pony gimmicky fad because it only has seemingly had mini game compilations and the sort on it. Thing is, they've only bothered to make those kind of games and/or ports of PS2 games. Nintendo has released one major release of its own pretty much every month and these games sell very well. Of course Boogie isn't going to sell as much as Metroid Prime, nor will Carnival Games, My Sims or anything of the sort sell well in comparison to games like Zelda and Mario. It's not the mascot, it's the game quality. Once these studios start pumping out the good stuff in league with Nintendo, then maybe the longevity of the system won't be in question. But so long as they can't perform to those standards, then they won't make seeing it.Then again, this has occurred with Nintendo's systems since the N64 (and arguably outside of a Square and possibly Capcom & Konami, since the SNES). People buy Nintendo products for Nintendo, and either be it sadly or fortunately I don't see that ending. The Wii's already a tremendous success and it will continue to be, if only because Nintendo will make it that way. Do their games appeal to everyone and does their system accommodate everyone's needs? No, but same can be said for the other ones. For every person who hates Mario Baseball and loves God of War, there is someone else who is the opposite. Close mindedness and perceived notions is what leads people to think of these things and as a result, culminates in threads like this. "Oh it doesn't have anything I like, and all it's got is that fat plumber in party games that suck! Who would buy that?" Well, obviously not you, but plenty of people would. And that's it really. People buy it, people like it, and it will continue. The Wii isn't going anywhere.
  2. I didn't play '07 on the 360, so mayhap the controls were different than the PS2, but wow I don't know how to play this. Took a 15 minute match with my girlfriend to figure out what the controls were for various things. And are there actual moves anymore that are unique? Seemed like every strong grapple wound up in an ultimate control move, of which I can't see there being much variety. Was also a bit strange seeing Undertaker seemingly fly across the screen to hit a double axe handle on Randy Orton on the other side of the ring. I also don't like the fighting style stuff... It seems very limiting with what can be done. With only certain wrestlers allowed to do certain things. And I don't care how strong Bobby Lashley is, he can not whip the Undertaker off him with ease. Also seems like a lot of little touches and good steps forward were removed. I miss the stamina system. And I seemingly can't get anyone to bleed. All in all, I'm not liking it and it seems like they're going for a more arcadey feel to the action. I do believe I shall stick with '07 and may just upgrade to that version.
  3. Nah, Mega Drive beat the everlasting piss out of the SNES in every way shape and form. Didn't have that fucking fat pervy plumber in every other game for one thing
  4. Miyamoto has always said "A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever," and it will continue to be true. Brawl seems to be bursting at the seems with content, so a delay is unfortunate but it will be even better once released. Not like there's not much to play in the coming months. Albeit early next year is going to be just as bad with Brawl (possibly), LittleBigPlanet, Metal Gear Solid 4, GTA IV, Mercenaries 2 and who knows what else...
  5. Where is news of this delay? That's just about the worst thing I didn't want to happen.
  6. Yep, very simple. Just plug it into a USB port on your computer, install whatever's on the disc it comes with, then configure the Wii to use it for online stuff. Very simple stuff.
  7. Like Godfatha said, you can buy an adapter. It plugs into the back of the Wii in the USB slots. Otherwise it has to be wireless, but on that note I've never been able to get it working properly. We just use the USB Wi-Fi thing that came out for the DS, since the Wii nor our DSs seemingly acknowledge the connection from our router despite the fact that everything else does.
  8. Don't buy the core, it's an utter waste of money. Namely for purposes of saving games. Even if you just get a little (64 Mb I think) memory unit, you'll run up to close to the price of the Premium. And you'll likely want to save your games. Premium's now apparently are supposed to be shipping out with HDMI ports, so the only thing the Elite would have is the 120 Gb hard drive. Which is only necessary if you plan on downloading TV shows or movies with it. The Premium is the best value you can get for your money.
  9. Yeah, I picked it up for the 360 last week after randomly downloading the demo. Thought that was great, and the game is better. The faux Hollywood feel of it is great. I five starred Aftershock, Whoopin' and a Hollerin' II, Overdrive, all of the Odd Jobs and all of the Quick Fixes. Strike Force Omega I almost have five starred (the first one with the scud missile was infuriating for me) and Night Avenger should be done too after some tries. Never Kill Me Again though... That can fuck right off. I only have 3 stars on most of them because I can't stand driving on ice, mainly for the one in the red "Black Dragon" car. Evil evil shit. But yeah it is really great fun. I never heard of the first one and obviously didn't play it, but this one was tremendously fun. I'm now primarily trying to get the stunt constructor things going, which are great, but irritating trying to place everything just right. Looking at the leaderboards though, it's insane what some people have gotten score-wise on some of the levels.
  10. Finally got around to Crossing At Dawn, what I assume people mean as the infamous "bridge level". What a bunch of whiny gits. I got a silver medal first try, it is easy as pie to grab the tauros and rhinos. And turning is a cinch. Got through Serpent Strait, and by jove what a great boss fight. That's all I really have to say. Ravine of No Return is tricky but very much like similar missions in the Rogue Squadron games. Fly low, avoid spotlights, get to destination... In this case though, it's simply best to take out the pipes for all three generators and THEN take those out, or else you'll be swarming in enemies. Still quite fun. Albeit I can honestly see people having difficulty with the game. It's not the greatest game ever, but it certainly doesn't deserve the revilement it has received and is very much enjoyable if the style appeals to you. It does have some annoying camera issues, as did Factor 5's previous games...Actually, all of it's problems have been inherent in their previous efforts. Ridiculous difficulty in time based objectives, spastic camera on occasion, trouble figuring out who is an enemy or not, ridiculous requirements for medals and occasionally odd mission objectives that take some figuring out. The only big differences for instance I really see between Lair and Rebel Strike for instance are the lack of a targeting reticule and subsequently your dragon somewhat auto-aims a bit. But honestly, stick your dragon in the direction of what you want it to take out and it's done. Eh well, I'm having fun. But honestly, it isn't for everyone. Especially people with no patience, and definitely not for those who will have trouble adapting to the controls (I'm still actually catching myself on occasion trying to turn with the analog stick). It's an arcady flight sim with motion controls and a medieval dragon theme.
  11. Well after deliberating a lot and reading up on a few more reviews... I finally simply watched and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUjL0k0pU6E, And decided to go buy it since I could get it for $50 at Blockbuster for some reason. Gotta say, I'm impressed. It is a very pretty game, and it controls just as I suspected. I don't know how it did before the firmware update though as I installed that before I played, but I don't have many complains with the controls. It can take a bit getting used to but they work very well, and a lot of complaints seem redundant (like having to take wide turns... do what you do in another Factor 5 game, like say, Rogue Squadron, "brake" and turn). I'm more irritated at the black foggy border around cutscenes and such, and the overall murkiness of the game. Very dark (as with all PS3 games it seems). But yeah, i can't comprehend the utter negative backlash. That said, I only beat the third mission (with the big tower and boats) so maybe it gets more irritating, but as it stands, quite fun. The plethora of extras and the presentation of it all is very impressive though. Other companies should take notice.
  12. Of the games I own... Resistance - Meh to the single player. I don't know why but it doesn't jive well with me, especially when compared to a lot of other stuff. Characters animations seem clunky and I am sick of facing the same stuff over and over. Going up against the Stalkers the few times you do though is exhilarating. Doesn't help having a mind numbingly boring story to go with rather generic sequences that were done better in what it's trying to pull off (namely Halo and Half-LIfe) Online is great though. The variety in the weapons and large community makes it great. Warhawk - Awesome game. Feels like a legit full on war on some of the map variations you can choose: with tanks, jeeps, infantry and Warhawks just going all about. Quick fun. Shame about having no single player or anything really offline, but still fun. Got it for $40 with the headset and all, which was a great deal. Ninja Gaiden Sigma - Honestly, haven't played it. We got it for my girlfriend (who likes stuff like it, DMC, God of War, etc.) but it looks pretty cool. Seems hard as fuck though. As for things in the future... Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction - The game I bought one for. I absolutely loved the Ratchet & Clank games, and this one is proving to be just as good if not better. Especially since their diverting back to the style of the first four. Uncharted - Action adventure with lots of nifty platforming and good looking gun play, made by Naughty Dog. Not much more needs to be said. LittleBigPlanet - This game looks fantastically fun and awesome. Can't wait for it's release, one of the bigger reasons I wanted a PS3. Infamous - Superhero style game with a dark edge to it with moral complications made by the Sly Cooper guys. Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy shit and God of War III. I am not as impressed by everyone else with Metal Gear Solid 4, but I loved the first two (still have yet to play the 3rd) but it should be decent. Watching a "7 minute trailer" that is entirely in game cinematics is not interesting. The game play shown from Kojima's demo seemed interesting from what I've seen but nothing "awesome and innovative". I guess I'm not just buying into the hype. As for Final Fantasy, well I own them all and have played them all. I enjoy the games and will likely pick up the next instalments, but nothing earth shattering. And same with God of War, not something that means I craved the system, but was a nice little bullet point on selling it to me. Same goes for a possible future Kingdom Hearts game. But eh, I have all three now, so I have no "allegiance" or need to promote one over the other, All three have their strengths and weaknesses (some more apparent right now with a couple of them than others).
  13. I was really looking forward to this game, as was my girlfriend and we were thinking of picking it right up... But, after seeing so many of the dismal reviews it's kind of worrisome. It does seem that the only reason anyone has a problem with it is the controls (the game is given extreme credit in all other areas, except for some graphical annoyances). I'll likely rent it to check it out and then say screw it if it does suck, but otherwise maybe buy. I really wish Sony was like Microsoft and released more demos for some things. Ah well.
  14. I'm pretty sure that's the movie with Burgess Meredith as the voice of some Cobra-La guy or whatever. The dude you're thinking of is Serpentor, and I'm waaaaaay too old to remember this shit.
  15. Candyman is what you're thinking of, with Tony Todd. EDIT: Bah... That's what I get for replying without refreshing.
  16. Got a 360 awhile ago, gamertag is Vilge Duin Games I have that I know are Live enabled: Crackdown (been playing that a lot) Dead or Alive 4 Forza 2 Monster Madness Gears of War Viva Pinata Marvel Ultimate Alliance Perfect Dark Zero Kameo Call of Duty 2 Saints Row Bomberman Live Robotron Uno Smash TV Also got Halo 2. Never realized how fun playing online is, despite the fact I suck.
  17. I quite know that, and I said nothing about the other enemies, nor did I mention it causing damage or otherwise. Nice try though. I DID hit the security bot with it (and the camera afterwards). I blew through a bunch of my Eve syringe things trying to do it over and over. It didn't do jack shit for me.
  18. I played through the demo earlier. I have to say, wow. It looks phenomenal. One of the best looking games I have ever seen. The water is so photo realistic and with the lighting, everything is exquisite. Very atmospheric and creepy. However, I can't say much more for it. I HATE the security bot thing. The one area with a red camera, I wasn't paying attention and the alarm went off. You have to wait too long for it to go away. Also, shooting the electricity plasmid seemed to do sweet fuck all. Combat seems a bit weird too. Too much screen distortion when hita nd that. And the story, from what I've read at least, isn't that interesting. I also didn't see that much game play to really make a conclusion. I'm not really a fan of "first person immersion" game play. But yeah, the sound and graphics design are absolutely fantastic. Not sure about the rest.
  19. If you have a Silver account (meaning signed up to Xbox Live, but not Gold) you're good to go (same as Gold too). Everything except online play is pretty much free to use, meaning demos and downloads and such. You just can't play online at all. So if you only have a Silver account you're fine. Speaking of which, the Bioshock demo just finished... Must go play.
  20. Ratchet & Clank akin to Banjo Kazooie? Um, no. Aside from having platform elements they're almost nothing alike. Ratchet & Clank are more like souped up spiritual successors to the 2D Mega Man games. Just with more exploding and humour. It's a great series, you should try them out if you haven't. The new one is the primary reason I was leaning toward wanting a PS3. I love me some Ratchet. Clank needs his own spin off puzzle game on the PSP. Like how Daxter got his own game.
  21. You consider Killer Croc as more essential to Batman than Selena Kyle? Wha? He's a good character and all, but Catwoman has more importance to the Batman mythos (to both Bruce and Batman) along with being, well, extraordinarily popular. Sarah Michelle Gellar can do the bouncy perky nutjob role well if she tries. So I could easily see her introduced briefly as Harley near the end of the movie. Maybe as a quick thing once Joker's in Arkham and have him introduced to his new psychiatrist. I doubt seriously if she could pull off either Ivy or Catwoman. And at that, Ivy is a bit out there (as is Croc unless they heavily modify both to be 'realistic'). And I think as an aside, an allusion really, they could just have the Flying Graysons mentions over the radio as coming to town or something. As more background clatter. Or have Gordon's daughter tug at his leg asking if he can take her or something briefly. Nothing special, but would set things up for anyone when Nolan is done with the movies.
  22. I find Marvel infinitely more readable and easier to follow than anything thrown out there by DC. Nothing against their main universe, but I just don't get a lot of it. Its too often reliant on old crossovers and such. Batman has the best appeal and does the best namely due to his own comics being within their own little world. The DC "macroverse" is a confusing mess that they feel they have to fix every few years. Also, Marvel sells more than DC. So that has to make up for something. And arguably, most if not all of their movies have been good if not great. Sure, with personal opinions tossed in you have any number of viewpoints. But they've made a shitload of money and have generally been praised by critics (maybe not hailed as godsends, but generally accepted for what they are). And the general movie going public seems to love most of them (ignore comic nerds cries for "that sucks" and look at the money they take in). DC has what? An ancient Batman movie based off of the campy 60s show. Two good Superman movies with two movies so horrid they are almost literally shit. A decent Batman movie with two passable sequels (Forever is questionable though) and a wretched vile piece of shit tossed in. Then you have Catwoman... Forgetting that even exists you have Superman Returns which is reviled almost everywhere you look... And of course Batman Begins, the holy grail of DC movies. Compared to the plethora of decent if not great Marvel movies, I think Marvel's doing fine for itself. Of course, if you add on the DCAU, well then it evens out quite a bit. However if you include DC's Vertigo line in the comparison of companies, DC makes Marvel their bitch as far as my enjoyment goes. So in general, Marvel Comics > DC Comics, Marvel Movies > DC Movies and DC Cartoons > Marvel Drek. But, Vertigo > Marvel.
  23. Me and my girlfriend are picking one up sometime this week. The future looks to bright for us. We're getting Resistance (Insomniac is great). But as for the future, Lair looks good, along with Heavenly Sword. Ratchet & Clank is bound to be awesome, along with Uncharted. And of course the plethora of multi-platform titles (Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty 4, Mercenaries 2, etc.) Then there's Metal Gear Solid 4 next year and of course LittleBigPlanet. Infamous looks grand too, plus there's of course Final Fantasy XIII. God of War III is bound to show up sometime too, and the idea of a new Kingdom Hearts is too much to give up.
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