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Fanku Kaibutsu

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Everything posted by Fanku Kaibutsu

  1. And oddly enough, the Tom Morello song is way harder than Slash's.
  2. That second demo looks like it's a Gears of War mod, which is a good thing. Variety has four tiny screenshots. They all look like they're scenes from the first movie, which is a bad thing.
  3. http://www.variety.com/article/VR111797601...d=1009&cs=1
  4. 1. Mitch Hedberg 2. George Carlin 3. Bill Hicks 4. Lewis Black 5. Richard Pryor 6. Dave Chappelle 7. Chris Rock 8. The Amazing Jonothan 9. Henry Rollins 10. Demitri Martin
  5. I've been playing through expert recently and last night I got to the next-to-last tier(with Slipknot, and Queens of the Stone Age and them) and I think I'm about done with the whole 'progressing in expert mode' thing. I mean, seriously, I'm amazed that slipknot song got all the way through the QA process without enough people saying "Hey, this notechart really sucks." to get it changed.
  6. Wow, that is just stupid as hell. Vagiant is bad enough but this? Ugh, they're just trying to get me to not buy this...
  7. It's like Trogdor, but less funny and infinitely more annoying!. I mean, this song would be cool for Guitar Hero, but not rock band. Not Rock Band at all.
  8. Fuck whoever made the Killswitch Engage notechart... damn G+O chords...
  9. Like many others, I was raised on the rock music of the day. My parents(and by extension I) listened to Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Metallica, Ozzy Osbourne, Guns and Roses and the like. In addition to hearing it on the radio and stereo at a young age(5-6ish) I started listening to my parent's albums on my own. About the age of 8 I got a TV with cable in my room, which led to me watching a lot of MTV and getting into Nirvana, White Zombie, Stone Temple Pilots, Green Day and so on. For a while, up until a few years ago, actually, I thought I didn't like classic rock music. As it turns out, I was just sick of hearing the same few songs that the local rock radio station plays ad nauseum, even today. Now greatly enjoy the likes of Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, and The Who.
  10. I'm trying to figure out the angle they were using for that episode. Was it a 'kids are using video games to replace reality' thing? Or was it just a 'cliche rockstar story but it's funny because it uses video games and 9 year olds' thing? The line at the end was great, though. "OK, but this time I get to be the one that betrays you after the coke and sex party."
  11. I would like to congratulate F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X. by Fall of Troy for being the first song in the history of the Guitar Hero franchise that I have quit mid-song due to how frustrating and out-right fucking retarded the note chart is. Slipknot couldn't do it, The Sword couldn't do it, Made In Mexico couldn't do it, but F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X made me quit at the 60% mark due to being just plain pissed off at the song and the note chart.
  12. Y'know, if there's one thing I don't like about the Deathnote anime so far is that L's voice is far too manly sounding for his character.
  13. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0816711/ Awesome. ^_^
  14. Playing with lefty flip on is really fucking hard. It's like learning to play all over again.
  15. Agreed. I haven't had a chance to check out RiffTrax, how are they? Anyone?
  16. That would be quite an achievement, just for beating Najica Blitz Tactics. It has more in a 30 second trailer than I have ever seen in all the other anime I've watched put together.
  17. I've been watching a show called Ikki Tousen, and I think it has a chance at setting some sort of record for most panty shots per minute. Asides from that, it's actually kind of good. It's about fighters/high school students named after historical figures, and the show's story vaguely mirrors the history of the people the characters are based on. Plus, it's only 13 episodes, so that's nice. And there's a blue haired chick with an eyepatch who looks really cool.
  18. I got an interesting achievement today. I was playing through on medium(for the monies), and I get to the Slash battle, and I realize it's 7pm. 7pm is Simpsons time, so I decline the battle, so I can watch the Simpsons, and I get a "Tail Between Your Legs" achievement unlocked. It sucks that it was for 0 points.
  19. http://skate.share.ea.com/profiles/24551/posts/538344.aspx yeah... I'm an achievment whore too. vote plz
  20. I... think I voted. I clicked the star rating.
  21. It is not, but there's a good possibility that it'll be put out as DLC.
  22. Fuck Slipknot, and fuck whoever thought of following a YBO chord with a GRY chord. And while I enjoy the song, Pride and Joy was a terrible encore for the set of Tier 6. All kindsa crazy shit goes down, and then you play a happy country/blues tune. I was seriously expecting Maiden to be the encore for that tier.
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