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Fanku Kaibutsu

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Everything posted by Fanku Kaibutsu

  1. Tier 4 is the best tier ever. I heard that Wal-Mart/Xplorer bundle is due to Red Octane cutting a deal with Wal-Mart to get rid of a large quantity of Xplorer guitars they have. I guess the 360 Guitar Hero 2 didn't sell as well as they were expecting.
  2. Man... the new Les Paul controller is really throwing me off. The body is bigger, the neck is thinner, the buttons and strum bar have a different consistency, it's longer, and I mean, I'll get used to it, but it's annoying the hell out of me for right now. The stickers that came with it, especially the ones they gave out at launch, are actually pretty cool. 'Specially the evil looking bunny. I wish you could play the boss battle songs in single player, like, just one player playing both sections. The Tom Morello song was awesome.
  3. I'm gonna need a co-op partner, because some of the songs can only be unlocked in co-op career mode.
  4. I don't have a 360 controller, so I've been playing the demo with the controller, and Evenflow looks like it'll be fun as hell once I get a controller. the song by Priestess and The Metal look good too. As far as demos go, it's a hell of a lot better than the demo for GH2.
  5. There's a demo up on Xbox Live, if you're into that kind of thing. The demo has Even Flo, Hit Me With Your Best Shot, Rock You Like a Hurricane and The Metal, If you don't have a guitar, like me, you can use the Xbox controller to play, it sucks, but, I've been managing on medium.
  6. both gamestop.com and bestbuy.com have listings of what stores will be opening at midnight. I would assume any canadian retailers would have such information on their website.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkovz_8Zx90 This is a video showing off the menus, interface, and character customization of GH3. While I was initially disappointed at how few characters were selectable, I think the amount of customization for each character makes up for it.
  8. It's kinda odd, the voice they used for Light was actually the voice I used in my head for L when I read the manga... which makes me wonder if the voice of L will be the voice I used in my head for Light. It's also kinda weird seeing Ryuk's face move, in the manga it always looks the same, which I thought added comedy to the series. Anyway, yeah, I thought the show was good, and I look forward to watching it. Until about episode 8, when it should start to suck according to the manga progression. But I look forward to episode 11 when it should get better... until episode 16, when the show'll go completely to shit.
  9. Fuck the X-Games, man. Primarily the megaramp. I had a 95 average on the street competition, but I can't seem to get higher than a 68 on the megaramp.
  10. Yeah, that rendition of Devil Went Down To Georgia isn't all that great. I mean, yeah, the solos sound like they'll be a bitch to play, but they don't sound good.
  11. As good as this episode was, I fear a horribly graphic depiction of kyle sucking cartman's balls in the next episode.
  12. Last night I saw a few episodes of a show called Maburaho. It was dumb, but amusing. It's the standard 'a bunch of chicks want to fuck a dude, but the dude doesn't want none of it' set up, but with magic. I can only in good conscience recommend watching it if you don't have to pay money for it.
  13. I still haven't seen all of Trigun. I blame Cartoon Network's ever shifting schedule. Has anyone seen 'Beck'.. or maybe it was called 'Mongolian Chop Squad', or maybe Beck Mongolian Chop Squad. I don't remember, exactly. I saw it at Best Buy today, and it seemed like it might potentially be amusing. It seems like it's about a band, or something.
  14. http://www.streetfighterworld.com/ Capcom has announced that Street Fighter IV is in development. A teaser trailer is available at the above link. It will be released in about a year, I've heard. I am ecstatic.
  15. About 1:30 into that video is the 'calibrate whammy' option, and it may be one of the most amusing parts of the game.
  16. Yeah, I think I'm about to hit a wall in the game, where all I can do are film challenges that are impossible. I mean, a 40ft jump, 60 foot grind, 4 grabs, and a 30 foot powerslide in 30 seconds... the hell do they expect from us!
  17. I was worried about A Pimp Named Slickback being a recurring character. He seemed to me like he'd only be good as a once off, minor character. Damn if he didn't end up saving the episode. Was anyone else reminded of Black Mage during that "Scientifically speaking, has not hitting her been working?" part?
  18. Can't the person that died just re-roll new character?
  19. Konami- As mentioned, they do Metal Gear Solid, and Silent Hill. Capcom for the oldschool Mega Man games, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, and the Street Fighter/Marvel vs. Capcom series. Maxis for Sim City, the Sims, Sim Farm, and the upcoming Spore Neversoft for Tony Hawk 1, 2, 3, American Wasteland, Thug, and Spider-Man and Guitar Hero 3 Rockstar- GTA, Bully, and Warriors. Nintendo- name more than 2 bad games they've developed. The Super Mario Brothers games, the Zelda games, Kirby games, Earthbound(I think), the Star Fox games, the Smash Brothers games. I believe Nintendo may be the overall best software developer.
  20. http://geocities.com/heroclixol/ This is a fan-made program that lets you play Heroclix online. I noticed there's a significant portion of people on the board that are into heroclix, so I figured I'd share. The interface isn't all that great, but it seems functional and thorough.
  21. 1. Dragon Ash 2. Green Day 3. The Misfits 4. Iron Maiden 5. Metallica 6. The Offspring 7. Bad Religion 8. The Who 9. Beastie Boys 10. Soul Coughing edited to correct copy and paste error.
  22. Man... All that, just for a cheap shot at Bono.... :thumbsdown: The last minute made up for it, though.
  23. Considering the announcement made in the Smash Bros thread, I find this entry somewhat creepily coincidental.
  24. As long as Deadpool gets another starring role in a comic, I'm not bothered. Cable and Deadpool kinda lost it's focus after the first couple arcs. Instead of being Cable And Deadpool, it was sometimes Cable and sometimes Deadpool and sometimes Both. I'd love to see a Deadpool led Agency X title. Edit after reading GoGo's post: In the beginning, particularly while Cable was building his little utopia island, and while he was near-omnipotent, I thought Cable was a great character, and he and Deadpool played well with each other. Then he ran off and got elected to a European nation, and then he joined the X-Men again, and it's been all Deadpool for me since then.
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