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Fanku Kaibutsu

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Everything posted by Fanku Kaibutsu

  1. Unless they've changed things since I last traded in a system, no, you don't need a box.
  2. IGN has a hands-on story up. This game is either going to be the best game of 08, or the biggest disappointment of my life, because these previews make it sound fucking awesome.
  3. I'm playing through an Elimination match, and something is rapidly becoming apparent: Akira Taue > Most of the DDT roster.
  4. Funny, DearS was the show that made me bring up harem anime to begin with last week. I'm borrowing it from my girlfriend. She enjoyed it, she said I'd probably enjoy it. I've seen one episode. She was wrong. It's not horribly bad, it's just not particularly good. I'm gonna try to get through the first disc before I come to a conclusion, though. I also loathe 99% of fanfiction. I especially loathe the worst form of fanfiction: The kind where the author inserts their 'original character', who is almost always an idealized version of themselves. My girlfriend's friend is one of these people, she's also a big fan of telling people about what shitty(usually pornographic) fanfiction she's recently read. I hate her.
  5. I don't know about the Wii version, but on the 360 version, you can use a standard controller to play co-op career with. edit: as far as I know, there's no way to counter the Death Drain.
  6. So, when you create a wrestler, it only lets you make 1 costume. but when you select a wrestler to use you can still scroll through 4 identical costumes. This leads me to believe you can make alternate costumes for created wrestlers, but I can't seem to figure out how. Also- I hate S-1 rules.
  7. If it wasn't for hentai, I wouldn't have heard what I believe to be one of the funniest phrases possible: "For the greater future of Japan, I must collect your semen."
  8. I got my ass kicked by Ebessan in my first match
  9. Man, I ordered this from amazon, and all week the mail has been arriving an hour and a half later than usual. Figures.
  10. A minute or so of gameplay footage. This is going to be my favorite game of '08, I can tell.
  11. That was a terrible title for that article. He spent a total of 1 paragraph on the subject of humor in video games. And what the hell did that story about the jacket have to do with the rest of the article?
  12. The Prestige: 8/10 I had a bad feeling about this movie going in. I'm generally not a fan of movies set in the 1800s unless they involve chinese folk heroes fighting against british imperialism, but I was surprised with how interesting it was. It's about two feuding magicians, one of whom is on trial for the death of the other. It's full of various twists and turns and was all in all a pretty good film.
  13. Seriously, what is it with the japanese and making shows about guys surrounded by beautiful women who want to fuck him, but he doesn't want anything to do with them? It wouldn't be bad if it was just Tenchi Muyo, but it's like a whole genre of anime.
  14. I have a whole folder in my bookmarks dedicated to flash games. Among my favorites are: http://www.trevorvanmeter.com/flyguy/ (Ok, not a 'game' but still amusing) http://megami.starcreator.com/nanaca-crash/ (I bet someone on this board knows what anime this is from) http://www.thecleverest.com/animated/147 http://www.onemorelevel.com/games3/double-wires.swf http://www.armorgames.com/games/boxheadmorerooms_popup.html http://www.k2xl.com/games/boomshine/ http://www.wickedpissahgames.com/games/gra...ravityPods.html
  15. The Mist: 8/10 It would've been a 7, if not for the ending. The ending was fantastically depressing. Overall, it was a good horror movie about people in a small space surrounded by Bad Hungry Things and some of those people losing their goddamn minds. I loved the ending, any major movie with the balls to pull off an ending like that is deserving of my commendation.
  16. I've never heard of Peter Kay, that joke in his profile wasn't funny, and I'm officially pissed off he made it onto the list in front of Lenny Bruce or Redd Foxx
  17. I can't make a pie chart because I don't have enough plays within the past year to make one. of course, i haven't used the media player I have a last.fm plugin for since this last december. I should download a plugin for the program I use now.
  18. I thought this was one of the better episodes of the season. I like the whole 'Kumite sound effect thing' and the Kung Fu Wolf Bitch's girlfriends constant bad advice despite being in no position to give advice was brilliant.
  19. 1. Bioshock - This was a fucking magnificent game. Top to bottom, left to right, thoroughly and fully an amazing gaming experience. Possibly the best looking game I've ever played. The only draw back is that it has a minimal replay value. 2. Skate - The character creation sucks, and it has some limitations, but goddamn it's fun. It's the kind of game you can idly play for hours and not get tired of. 3. Guitar Hero 3 - I love Guitar Hero. Sure they got rid of my favorite characters, and some of the note charts are outright retarded, but this has the best tracklist of any of the games so far. 4. Orange Box - Even if it was just a re-release of Half Life 2, it'd be on the list. But it's got Half Life 2 plus 4 more games in one box! 5. God of War 2 - Badass and epic for every moment... except those fucking madusa. 6. John Woo's Stranglehold - I like shooting things, I like breaking things, I like Chow-Yun Fat. I like this games. 7. Elebits - The next-highest point of my Wii owning experience. It was fun throwing shit around, finding elebits in various nooks and crannies. 8. Carcassonne - I just downloaded this a couple days ago for free, and I love it. Simple, elegant, strategic and best of all it was free. 9. Mass Effect - I'll be honest, I haven't played this game yet. However, it's an RPG, it's made by Bioware, so unless they royally fuck it up, I bed I'm going to love it. 10. Viva Pinata - .... What? It was $17 and I find it relaxing.
  20. Ah, but do you have the State Alchemist's pocket watch with "Don't forget 3. Oct. 10." written on the inside?
  21. I'm not sure if it's acceptable to talk about anime merchandise in this thread but, today I bought the Official Deathnote Notebook Set, and I'm amazed at how awesome it is. Leathery book with the deathnote rules and 1/3rd filled with japanese stuff that I have a feeling would contain a lot of spoilers if I could read japanese, a faux-quill pen, and an L pendant. As far as anime merchandise goes, it's incredible for $20. And I kinda feel like a dork for having keychains of both Elrich brothers.
  22. You can easily cheat your way to that achievement, if you're into that kind of thing. Beat the hard/expert career, then the next time you start the game up, use the controller, then when you go into the career you've beaten, you'll get the achievement. It's the the best way to get that achievement if you're not above exploiting bugs.
  23. The blog Ghostbusters III has scans from a Game Informer article about the upcoming game and it sounds like it's going to be fantastic.
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