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DMN in the House

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Everything posted by DMN in the House

  1. Yeah. Personally, as a white dude, I feel it's not my place to say, and men like Mike Tirico and Tony Dungy (who has his own issues with homophobia) were vouching for him, but it read as far more blatantly racist to me than people were acting like it was. I'm really interested to hear what Carl Nassib is going to have to say about this as well. Unfortunate situation for him as the first openly gay player to be on this team with this coach, he's going to have the media all over him.
  2. Even the 'rubber lips' thing was iffy because he actually said Smith had 'lips like a Michelin tire', which is not the same as saying he has rubber lips, imo, so his explanation didn't really fit for me. Edit: the homophobic shit is kind of ironic given the way the team, Gruden included, came out in support of him.
  3. I literally just missed the half time show to go to the restroom and help with dinner. Probably a lost season at this point, not to sound defeatist but the AFCW is too strong to have to deal with this on top of the offensive issues of the last two weeks. Just glad it won't drag out like the Urban Meyer shit in Jacksonville.
  4. Didn't think Jon Gruden was a piece of shit, but I was wrong. At least he did the right thing and fell on his sword. Don't know what the fuck is going to happen now. Interim HC Gus Bradley, I guess.
  5. Damnit, started the wrong Jacobs backup.
  6. Holy shit this would be the most Chargers thing ever to lose this game.
  7. You need the glove to play the game, you don't really need the paper. I dunno, there's definitely a line but I don't think this crosses it. This is like trying to steal signs while on second base, it falls into the part of the game between the teams off the field.
  8. This shit over the Blue Jays catcher dropping the game plan and the Rays picking it up is hilarious. So much hand-wringing on Reddit for nothing. Rays did nothing wrong, Jays players would have done the exact same thing, it isn't cheating, it's gamesmenship. Jays fans keep comparing it to dropping your wallet, like, really?
  9. Derek Carr is a top 5-7 QB, but y'all don't want to talk about that.
  10. Nah, Fresno State QBs are built different.
  11. Oh, hey, so, yeah, we're still UCLA. At least it wasn't against Stanford.
  12. I think Mad Maxx and Ngakoue are going to be tough for a lot of teams, but Baltimore might have line issues so it's a little early to tell.
  13. He was fine outside of the one bad false start, which was kind of on Carr for going hard count at the one yard line. I bet the Ravens wish they had him instead of Villanueva.
  14. This was the most absurd shit I've ever seen.
  15. What the fuck This fucking game I swear.
  16. I don't know how you're supposed to stop Lamar Jackson. At least the pass rush looks better than last season, maybe it'll work against someone that isn't a human cheat code.
  17. Jameis has 4 TDs on less than 100 yards passing.
  18. I buy this more than I do the people thinking Denver makes the playoffs. Then again I think everyone is really low on the Raiders (the defense improved and the offense still has all the main pieces that make it go) and I'm a homer so what do I know?
  19. Let's each do one prediction for the season, then we can look back and laugh at people. Here's mine. I think Jameis Winston is going to have a hell of a season. 4500+ yards, 30+ TD, under 20 int. Edit: actually, I'll go 16 or less ints. I think he can throw less than one a game, have at least a 2/1 TD/Int ratio.
  20. I just kind of miss the old SWC, so it was a nice throwback rivalry game.
  21. This Hogs defense is real good. @CLDY
  22. A Ducks win here would be nice, even if it likely means UCLA will have a tough time with Fresno St.
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