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DMN in the House

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Everything posted by DMN in the House

  1. I love Marshawn Lynch. I'd also love a Marshawn & Eli podcast.
  2. Hell of a catch by Smith right there.
  3. GG to the Braves. Tough way to end the season, but with everything the team went through just didn't have the gas to get it done. Atlanta did and now they need to go beat the Astros. No excuses, before I make what sounds like an excuse, but I think the season long fight with the Giants, then an emotional full series against them, just don't think the Dodgers had much left by the time they got there.
  4. The most fun thing about watching the Raiders is that everyone gets fed. Carr doesn't care who gets open, they get the ball.
  5. Also, Atlanta is about to win this game, and the answer is actually the Minnesota Vikings, if I'm being honest.
  6. May I introduce you to the New York Jets?
  7. I hope he's ok, didn't look like he had much behind the eyes when they Weekend at Bernie's'd him off the field.
  8. This league makes it really hard to be high af and thinking I need to find a replacement for Darren Waller but forgetting I can't pickup.
  9. Baltimore Buffalo Las Vegas Los Angeles Tennessee Cincinnati I really only trust Buffalo and Tennessee out of those 6, but if things held, KC will be fighting with, like, Indianapolis and New England for the seventh spot. EDIT: this is so disrespectful to Cleveland, they're basically in the same place as KC to me. If they were healthy I'd have them in the top group, tho.
  10. Mahomes finding out what Derek Carr's life has been like.
  11. A bad Derek Carr year is still like, 3500 yards, 20 TDs and 12 ints. Like, Derek Carr is really good. *Sniff* that's my quarterback, man
  12. This MNF game is a really fun watch.
  13. Wazzu fired HC Nick Rolovich, for cause, along with the rest of the unvaxed coaches. I'm surprised and impressed.
  14. Pretend I made a funny joke referencing Urban Meyer before remarking how nice it is to see that things look as positive as they do for Taylor.
  15. I'll be rooting for you guys cuz of Lonzo and Caruso. You be good to them!
  16. So Jon Gruden clearly was the problem.
  17. And we thank you for it. Also, a nice beat down of Denver would be just what we need to put the Gruden shit behind us.
  18. The might have to give a damn about part of Michigan when Sparty shows up.
  19. FTG, but that wasn't a swing. Don't think dude was getting out of that at-bat against Scherzer with a positive result, tho, so it's hard to care much beyond feeling that the second greatest season in the history of the rivalry deserved a better finale.
  20. Also, I made a, umm, copypasta of Aaron Rodgers doing the CM Punk pipe bomb promo over on r/NFL, but y'all might enjoy it too...
  21. I don't believe in 'cancel culture', it's just consequences of people's actions, but it's pretty hypocritical on the Bucs parts. Of course, basically every sports franchise in the world engages in the same hypocrisy, especially the NFL, so whatever.
  22. First world problems, but now I need a new fantasy football team name.
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