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Everything posted by Whisper

  1. No it really doesn't need Walcott. Peter Crouch is awesome, simple as. Him, Joe Cole and Gerrard have been class so far.
  2. Phail. Listen to the national anthem a few hundred times, that should do it. >_>
  3. The mis-spelling of "initially" in that article makes me doubt it's credibility. Either way. Carrick's on his way to us eventually it seems. Huzzah!
  4. Come on boys! I know we suck at opening games but i'm feeling confident today. 2-0 England. Crouch brace >_>
  5. I actually thought they'd give them more trouble than that. I don't rate Germany at all this year and I thought Costa Rica were a much better side than they showed today. Clearly I was wrong. Looks like it'll be more than goal difference stopping them making the knockout stages this time round. Eh, I overrated Costa Rica. Germany are still shit.
  6. Why not? Ties (or draws) are part of the game. They happen. As fans, we can hope they don't happen, but we can't prevent'em. :ohwell: Haha. So it seems the American "Anti-Draw" stereotype is true. And yes, Misanthrope understood perfectly what I was saying. EDIT ~ Kulex, the Poland game is on ITV And how is this a bad thing? I don't think I'm quite understanding... There really isn't much to get. I made a passing comment about the use of the word "tie" as opposed to "draw"...
  7. Why not? Ties (or draws) are part of the game. They happen. As fans, we can hope they don't happen, but we can't prevent'em. :ohwell: Haha. So it seems the American "Anti-Draw" stereotype is true. And yes, Misanthrope understood perfectly what I was saying. EDIT ~ Kulex, the Poland game is on ITV
  8. The word "tie" should never be used in football. Ever. 2-1 Poland. Zurawski and Rasiak to score.
  9. Well I was right, Germany ARE shit. It's just a shame Costa Rica are far, far worse than I realised. Oh well, with that defence gotta fancy England's chances when we inevitably meet the Germans in the second round. I shall be watching Poland/Ecuador. Should be an easy win for Poland. Ecuador only qualified because they play their home gamnes at about 3000ft above sea level.
  10. 4-1? You're dreaming. Germany are poor. It'll either be a lucky 1-0 with a last minute penatly or a 2-0 with a goal in each half. Seriously, everyone but the German's realises Germany are shit this year. Come on the Costa Ricans! EDIT ~ AHAHAA.
  11. Interestingly enough, I'm backing Borgetti for top scorer. Mexico have to play Angola and Iran in the groups so he'll be amongst the goals there. Then obviously they'll be into the knockout stages and if Mexico score it's more than likely going to be him that does it. He was top scorer in qualifying.
  12. And what role are you playing? I don't play roles. And really, I don't see how I was "owned" over the Rooney topic. :ohwell: I said bringing Defoe wasn't pointless. They'll use him as a substitute in the group stages if needs be. Rooney will travel too, but he won't be playing in the group stages. There. Quoted. Now shut the fuck up and stop arguing just to be a cunt. EDIT ~ Acey beat me to it. You're still a cunt.
  13. You're missing my point. Rooney WILL be going, even if the scan suggests he probabaly shouldn't. Therefore, taking Defoe is pointless. EDIT ~ Mudda beat me to it.
  14. Because if there's even the slightest chance that Rooney can play in the knockouts they'll take him. So even if his scan shows no improvements they'll more than likely take him anyway, rendering the decision to take Defoe pointless.
  15. He's talking about Rooney. If the scan goes badly Rooney will still go, therefore taking Deofe at all is a waste of time.
  16. Bugger. Just heard on Sky Sports, Ashley Cole's having a scan on his groin. Let's hope it's not serious because Wayne Bridge really isn't good enough to start for England in my opinion. Also I'd definately pick Gary Neville over Carragher. I rate Carragher but he's a centre back really, he's not got much on Neville as a right back. He did play well today though. The only real problem I have with him is he's a bit negative at times, which I suppose can only be expected since he's a natural centre back.
  17. Hahaha. Trying to compare Sol Campbell to John Terry. Give up, he's past it. Players seem to be able to get half a yard on him far too easily these days and I really hope he's only going to Germany as 4th choice, behind Carragher. EDIT ~ Also CSAMH, my bad... I mis-interpreted what you were saying.
  18. Ha, what game were you watching? I think you can count the number of times he's given the ball away in the last two games on one hand. That's one of his best qualities, his link up play. He rarely gives the ball away. And how can you say his chest down was the best thing he did when he played a huge part in the first goal, scored 3 with his third being an extremely well taken goal. Seriously, I think people need to actually pay more attention to the little things players do, like their movement off the ball and such. For example, when Owen was offside in the first half, the way Crouch's run towards the ball pulled the defender with him allowing the space for Owen. Something which rarely seems to get noticed, I'mm just glad they brought it up in the studio so it's not completely forgotten about. If Rooney did something like that everyone would be going mad yet, just because it's someone like Crouch, no one really cares. Having said that, the penalty was ridiculously bad. Also, I admit Joe Cole is playing well at the moment but he did very little today other than a few nice touches. Although he did impress me defensively once or twice today which is always a bonus.
  19. Jamiaca are wank, seriously. If Trinidad play anything like this then god help them, it could get embarrasing. Although at least they have Dwight Yorke... But he's no Peter Crouch to be fair.
  20. ahahaha nice Crouchy, nice. Eh, he's still awesome. Hat trick for Crouchy! Get in. Just don't give him any penalties over the next month or so and we'll be fine. EDIT ~ Stupid flood control.
  21. Holy Shit. Looking at that Hellogoodbye stuff I see they're touring with Motion City Soundtrack and Straylight Run. I'm now officially jealous... i'd love to see that show.
  22. Thank you. I've been saying this about Crouch for ages, he's a good player and over the last two friendlies has done enough to show that he is capable of starting for us, and doing a job with it, at the World Cup. I'd prefer just to see Owen and Crouch together up front than the crappy loan striker formation. When will people learn that it just doesn't suit the English game?
  23. Holy shit... 11 days. Jesus that time's gonna fast. Anyway, I'm tipping Holland this year. I have been ever since the groups were drawn, they've got a good young squad and, from what I remember, if they get through their group okay then their root to the semis isn't stupidly difficult. As for England, eh... i'm going to be severely disappointed if we don't win it.. although I fully expect us to go out in the quarters or semis. I just don't see us having as good a chance as we do this year for a long time. Oh, and anyone writing off Germany will no doubt be eating their words soon. Seriously, they may be pretty crap but they have home advantage and they always seem to pull it out in the big tournaments. Let's not forget, they were crap in Japan & Korea and they still got to tthe final.
  24. Has to be Blink 182 for me. I have all of these except the greatest hits album (since it's essentially just the singles anyway). After them it's probably either The Get Up Kids or Jimmy Eat World. Get Up Kids Four Minute Mile Eudora Guilt Show Red Letter Day On A Wire Something To Write Home About I also have their "Live at the Granada Theatre" Cd, which doesn't really have anything new on but still... Jimmy Eat World Static Prevails Bleed American (Jimmy Eat World) Jimmy Eat World (EP) Singles Futures Maximum Jimmy Eat World Stay On My Side Tonight Ohhh a tie, whadd'ya know?
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