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Everything posted by Whisper

  1. Ok, I know this has come up a few times but it never seems to go anywhere. We needs to get an EWB CS game going, so who would be interested? I'm on X-Fire, "Pilch4" for anyone who cares.
  2. woot! £2 E/W on Nil Desperandum wins me £16.
  3. Or more specifically, bands. I'm bored and need more music, only thing is I have everything by all my favourite bands so I figured you reliable folk would be able to recommend some other stuff. Some bands that I like are... Jimmy Eat World Sum 41 Our Lady Peace Blink 182 Starting Line The Early November American Hi-Fi All-American Rejects Taking Back Sunday Dashboard Confessional Lit Alkaline Trio Rise Against Audioslave Boxcar Racer Finch Greenday Fallout Boy Less Than Jake NoFX Me First and the Gimme Gimmes The Used The Killers Ash Stereophonics Breaking Benjamin Oasis I would just post my winamp playlist but I dunno how Anyways, if anyone can recommend anything they think i'd like, it'd be appreciated
  4. You say that as if Park's shit? He's been our best player this season as far as i'm concerned. Whenever he's on he makes things happen. I can't understand why Ferguson started with Fletcher ahead of Park, obviously it ended up working but still. Then again, I'm in total agreement with what was said above. Fletcher is by no means shit, he's just not as good as Rooney or Ronaldo. Not every youngster can be that good. The guy is only 21, he'll get much better with time.
  5. bah, mine hasnt arrived yet... better be tomorrow. bloody uni post, can't get it till 12.
  6. it's all about timing... I try and avoid it cos there's so much risk if you miss (as can be seen from my card above). I don't use the down the wicket shot at all hardly. I hit my six attempts off the front foot. And I always aim for a large gap in the field, that way if I mis0time em they go safe. I also don't try and hit pace bowlers for six very often... In that game with the aussies it was only Warne I was trying to smash... connected lots, most went for fours rather than sixes. I also only try it off straight balls, any spin usually messes up my shot. I think hamster already mentioned it but in test cricket there's usually space on the leg side... until the batsman reaches 30 then the field changes. Best way I score runs is flicking it off the legs for 1's and 2's, with the odd cover drive for four.
  7. W00T~! Rate my scorecard... That's the best total i've managed to get in an innings so far.... Flintoft's total is especially awesome since I just hit out at warne with him nearly every shot. His total came off about 19 balls. It also included one six, which is a rarity for me (makes it about 4 since I got the game). Vaughn's century is also my first... yay me! Now to bowl those bastards out...
  8. fielding on ea cricket can be a bit dodgy at times (at least on the PC version anyway) and I don't believe there's a patch. In my opinion the bowling is very good. I got a bit frustrated playing on easy cos a full toss seemed to get them out nearly every time but i assume once i shift the difficulty up it wont happen. Spin and fast are extremely different and the whole bowling system works well. Player likeness seems ok to me, but i'm just a passing cricket fan so you may want another opinion there. Having only made one 50 I can't really comment on the celebrations but the comp has made a few and they do celebrate with the usual raised bat etc. The single best part of the game though is how realistic it is when it comes to getting batsmen out. Once they make 20 or so and gain confidence it gets difficult, more so with the top order than the tail enders. Touches like that make me feel like this game is better for the cricket purist than Brian Lara. Although i've only played Lara once it did seem more of a pick up and play game.
  9. Joey Gilbert is booked to fight either Joe Calzaghe or someone in December i think. I'm guessing it'll be a title fight too since Calzaghe is champ right now.
  10. So i picked the game up the other day. Anyone know of any sites where i cang et decent caws from?
  11. Pretenders GK: Reina DF: Carragher, Carvalho, Carr, Heinze MF: Ronaldo ©, Makelele, Cahill, Giannakopoulos ST: Heskey, Radzinski Subs Jaaskelainen Edman Gamst-Pedersen Jeffers
  12. I would love to see Owen in a United shirt and, while i've slated the guy on occasions, he proved last season that he's still got it. Also, if we did sign him surely Fergie would have to revert back to 4-4-2? Because i'm sure Owen wouldn't come just to sit on the bench and we saw last season that he wont leave Ruud out.
  13. "This is no different than what is in San Andreas, although worse." So it's the same, but not the same? Ohhhhhkay (Y) Seriously, this guy's a fucking loon.
  14. If anyone sets up an EWB online game i'd definately be up for it. Not like I don't have the free time...
  15. I realise who Sofia are, they're a tougher side than a lot of the teams in there.
  16. Split won't be the easiest of games, but I can't see us having any problems there. Liverpool should get through also but CSKA (looks as if that's who it'll be) will be tough. Oh and, buh-bye Everton
  17. To be fair though, we SHOULD have won it. We were the better team for the most part and we just defended poorly at times. But you have to take into account that Japanese football is pretty good these days and Kashima are in the middle of their season and top of league. It was always going to be a tough game, they'll be fully fit as well as confident. I think we can take heart from the performance overall but you're right about the formation. 4-4-2 is the only way for a United team to play. We've got two of the best wingers in the world and we're not using them as well as we could be. Anyone have any updates on Park? That looked a pretty nasty cut, i'm guessing stitches were needed...
  18. Scholes got the official man of the match... the one awarded at the game with the trophy and everything. I have no idea who got the MUTV one. I don't doubt that Ruud will come good again, it just needs to happen sooner rather than later. If it doesn't then the manager will seriously have to consider dropping him. Playing him when he's off form could hurt us, only have to look at the Cup Final to see that. And is it me or does Lou Macari hate Alan Smith? After the match he was going on about how to play in midfield you needed good awareness and to be a good passer of the ball and that's not Smith's strengths. That's complete rubbish, Smith's passing is one of his best qualities. You watch any game he's played in for us, he always does the simple thing and hardly ever gives the ball away. Then he called Smith a goalscorer which he isn't by any means, he's never been a regular goalscorer. He's always been a target man who provides goals for the other forwards. In my opinion Smith is perfectly suited to playing in Midfield and I would certainly try him there in the Champions League qualifier at least.
  19. Well i know that plenty of people on the board have HL2 and therefore CS: Source so who'd be up for playing an EWB game of CS? I would host but i'm only on 512 so it'd suck. Anyone interested in hosting/playing/both?
  20. Park = 13 Van Der Sar = 19
  21. It's difficulty to know how he'll adapt to the Premiership. But he should get his fair share of games and from first looks he seems to be fitting in quite well with the rest of the squad and our style of play. But, don't expect him to be a regular who starts 30+ league games a season.
  22. yeah i find batting easier in the test matches, since I feel under pressure to hit out in the one day matches. ANyone know if changing the difficulty level on the main screen will affect my saved season? I hope it does cos I don't want to have to start again just cos i find it too easy.
  23. Actually, i've gotten the hang of bowling now. The best way of getting someone out seems to be a full toss straight at middle wicket, eventually they take a swing and either it his the stumps or you get an lbw.
  24. Yeah I watched in between decorating.... Park impressed me again, his energy levels are awesome and he took his goal pretty well too. Ruud's finishing was poor again, i have no idea what's up with him at the moment, must just be a confidence thing. Is anyone else really excited about Ronaldo this season? He just looks a lot stronger and, if possible, quicker. He's looking on top form even ithis early in pre-season.
  25. *****POSSIBLE SPOILERS****** If you actually get drawn into the game, and understand it, the whole of Silent Hill 2 is pretty sad. With James' descent into madness. If we're talking single moments then in FFX where Tidus finds out that Yuna will die after summoning the final aeon. Oh, and Silent Hill 3 and the death of Harry Mason, just because Harry Mason = badass.
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