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Everything posted by Whisper

  1. Dunno if it's your type of game or not but I've just downloaded Grand Prix Manager 2 off of The Underdogs. I owned it years ago and it's still as addicting now as it was back then. EDIT ~ Also, another in the point and click genre, is Sanitarium. I remember playing that back in the day and loving it.
  2. Right, because when a striker doesn't score they must have played shit right? If you actually watch him he makes extremely intelligent runs and his link up play is great, or at least it was tonight. I don't remember him giving the ball away much, if at all. His touch is superb for a big man and he seems to be extremely aware of what's around him. Tonight I thought he kept things flowing well for us and he would've actually scored had Owen not been so greedy early on. It's not like he's an out and out goalscorer anyway. He's much the same as Alan Smith was as a striker, his game is all about the link up work and he's damn good at it. Put it this way, I'd prefer the Crouch-Owen combination to seeing Cole or Gerrard playing off the front.
  3. Um... secrets? You mean the ultimate weapons? The magazines told you everything that you needed in order to make them, alright so I didn't get them all but I managed Squall's without a strategy guide. Also, FF8's card game>all FF mini games. Including Blitzball.
  4. Lies. Lennon played well but Peter Crouch was the best player on the park but, as always, because he didn't score he wont get the credit he deserves.
  5. Agreed, the trouble was it didn't really kick off until Disc 2, and by then many people had seemingly given up. This is true, although I think that's what made it so great. I mean, the entire first disc was spent building up the background to the story, so when it all kicked off after the prison bit you were really drawn into it. At least, I was anyway. I can honestly say I don't think there's ever been a game with such excellent character development. Not just with Squall, Rinoa, Seifer etc. but even with the more minor characters like Cid, Norg or Raine. All of them had impressive story arcs to them.
  6. Waiting is the film with Ryan Reynolds right? If so, I was going to see it anyone for that reason alone Also...why does TURKEY get Pirates of the Caribbean before anywhere else? Gwaha, exact same here. The film is basically all just a backdrop for his ability to serve excellent one liners in his guyish way, but it also adds a bit extra with every other character, there's only one unentertaining character in the film. Haha, i'm the same. Ryan Reynolds is the only reason I went anywhere near Just Friends when that came out, and for that same reason i'll be going to see Waiting over the Da Vinci Code tomorrow.
  7. All this talk of the FF series without mention of FFVIII saddens me. It clearly had the best story of any FF game and while the battle system might not be on a par with say FFX, it's still my favourite. I'm also surprised that FFVII has been backed so highly as the best of the lot. FFX, VIII and IX are all far better in my opinion.
  8. Something Corporate Songs: Down (From the album: North) Break Myself (From the album: North) Ruthless (From the album: North) Good News ((From the album: Leaving Through A Window) Drunk Girl (From the album: Leaving Through A Window) If you want an album, both are great but if I had to choose one i'd go for North myself.
  9. Whisper


    i'm watching scrubs right now and have just discovered my fave quote. "Sorry that's all he can say... you don't have liver disease. You have inoperable lung cancer." From the one where JD has a parrot on his shoulder in one of his day dream sequences.
  10. have to say it, great save by Almunia
  11. you're kidding right? He was straight through on goal and Lehmann took him out... if he doesn't give the goal its gotta be a red card. fuck off campbell..
  12. lol, feel the exagerration. Seriously, the ref just disallowed a barca goal, how exactly is that being biased? Also marquez didnt "mow down" Henry, he barely clipped him... and Arsenal proceeded to not give the ball back.
  13. What the fuck?! awful refereeing, just awful. Just let the goal stand for god sake. Way to ruin a potentially great final.
  14. If Liverpool didn't have Gerrard they'd be nothing. Seriously. I mean, how many times now is it that he's rescued them?
  15. I'm with Summers, Reina was off his line every time there. Awesome game though, so unlucky for west ham... they deserved to win it.
  16. Who mentioned Reuben? I saw them supporting Fightstar not too long ago.. they were immense.
  17. I'd recommend all of these... except Yellowcard. Something Corporate are one of my favourite bands too, plus i'd also suggest you try some stuff by Strung Out and Story of the Year. Not everybodies tastes but hey, I like them.
  18. Summers speaks the truth. Crouchie is immense.
  19. I thought Richardson would make the back ups. There's no way he's a better full back than Bridge though.
  20. Andy Johnson shouldn't be anywhere near an England squad. Ever. Yeah he's scored goals... in the Championship. Players like Defoe and Bent are Premiership quality, Johnson isn't IMO. I'm well aware how many goals he scored last season but at least 30% of them were penalties. I would prefer any of Crouch, Bent, Defoe, Ashton, Beattie, Fowler or Harewood over him to tell the truth. Hell, if we have to go for Championship players, Leroy Lita has twice the ability AJ does. And I don't see how anyone can complain about Crouch's inclusion. Alright so he isn't a goalscorer, but he's a good link up man and he's at the very least something different that we can bring on late in games.
  21. Why would he take SWP? He's been a bench warmer for the best part of the season while Aaron Lennon has performed far better than SWP has when he's played. Picking Theo Walcott is a disgrace... Rooney's as good as out, Owen isn't at 100% which leaves Crouch and Walcott. Good work Sven, good fucking work. I'm by no means Darren Bent's biggest fan but he deserved to be there... even Defoe should be there ahead of Walcott. Garbage, utter garbage. I don't see everyone's problem with Owen Hargreaves. He's a solid player and has never done anything majorly wrong for England. You have to remember most of his caps have come as a substitute, usually for the last 10 mins. It's a bit hard to influence a game from the bench.
  22. bump c'mon, there must be some people here who play!
  23. Whisper

    Silent Hill

    SPOILERS I thought the ending was awesome. Clearly they have left it open for a sequel, which could be equally as awesome. The logical thing to do would be to loosely follow the SH2 storyline and have Christopher head into Silent Hill in search of Rose and Sharon.
  24. Whisper

    Silent Hill

    Just got back from seeing this and the first thing that needs to be said is that this definately isn't a film for everyone. Which, in a way, is one of it's best qualities. I have to say, I loved it. However, I say that as a huge fan of the games and someone who understands the story and symoblism involved with Silent Hill. People who have never played the games may have a hard time enjoying the film as I can appreciate it might seem confusing at times. Anyone looking for a traditional hollywood horror film should avoid SH because it certainly isn't that. Thankfully, the film stays true to the game series and explores the nature of isolation and the fear of what you can't see, rather than being a standard shock and gore fest. Although there is plenty of gore, trust me. There is one particular scene with Pyramid Head. I don't want to spoil it, but let's just say he shows his true awesomeness Admittedly, some of the story was a little weak in parts. I think mainly due to the fact that there are so many aspects of the complete SH story that the directors had to mix and match between the games for it to make sense as a stand alone film. Anyone who has seen Jacob's Ladder will know that you don't have to understand everything in a film for it to be enjoyable. I repeat, fans of the games will both love and understand this film. Those who are new to the series, but go in open-minded, may be pleasantly surprised but don't expect to understand every little detail.
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