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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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For the skills on the car\bikes, does it actually increase your driving skill? Can you drive better as it goes up or what?

The controls become less jerky, making it easier to steer. On a bike, it increases your ability to stay on.

I've maxed out Muscle, Machine Pistol and Shotgun bars. I have no fucking clue how to raise sex appeal though.

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My brother's (who's game it is, so he's playing it atm) guy is pumped (full muscle/stamina) and he can only manage lev7, so yeah... I just think it's a case of having to resort to full-on Track & Field style button hammering.

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It's been mentioned elsewhere that muscle, and some style in the clothing department helps sex appeal. So does regularly getting a new (stylish) haircut (DO NOT get the Elvis one.) Finally, sleeping with hookers apparently raises your sex appeal too, but only if you don't kill them afterward to get back your cash.

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There isn't...a way to keep it raised/determine when it raises. For instance, you could wear one thing, the sex appeal appears low, and the next day, the sex appeal bar could possibly be full, wearing teh same exact thing. I don't know what changes it exactly, but it just changes randomly on it's own

You're half right, and half wrong here.

There isn't a way to keep sex appeal raised, it is impossible, but it's not to do with clothes. Clothes consist of about 40% of your sex appeal, whilst the car you drive covers the remaining 60%. You could wear a great set of clothes, have a great haircut, and have all the right tattoos, but that only gives you a certain amount of sex appeal. Say, 30%.

If you then drive a Cab, your sex appeal will only be at say, 35%. If you drive a Banshee, it'll be around 80%. The reason it changes a lot, and is impossible to keep at a certain level is because it's determined by the last car you drove. And even then, it depends upon the state of the car, a perfect condition will be better than a crappy damaged car. Obviously.

If that makes sense.

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Do I have to pass a certain mission to able to do this?

You need to pass Doberman, Sweet's extra/last mission. You enter another gangs area, marked by colour, and kill a few of them to start a war. Three waves of gangs will show up, once they're dead you'll win the territory.

Which brings me to my question. Does anyone know if getting all the Ballas, for example's territory mean you don't need to keep defending them? I'm almost done gaining them all, but I don't really want to bother if I need to keep defending them all the time. :\

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