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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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On a related note, I just found out that the Max Drive (16mb USB device) that seems the best choice for this kind of thing can be bought for a mere £12.99 on Play.com.

Really, even if you're not interested in using it for GTA, it's well worth looking at rather than buying memory cards which are more expensive and have less storage space.

Look: http://www.play.com/play247.asp?source=677...S2&title=167036

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So I left my game on overnight. I left CJ is the area in full view of any witches. I went to sleep, woke up 8 hours later and CJ was at the hospital.

This proves that

1/ Leatherface is real


2/ You die if you don't move

My next step is to put CJ back out there and leave the game. But this time I'll stay up and see what puts me in the hospital.

Edited by Krazy_K
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I was driving up to Panopticon to follow your lead and attempt to find this fucker. It started to rain, and I read that thing you said about how he attacks in the rain, so I sped up and got there as soon as possible. I get there and thankfully it's still raining, first thing I do is get search all the cabins while wielding the chainsaw. Nothing, but the blood on the floor is a nice touch. Next, I run around the logs with chainsaw, and once again nothing happens. I got back up to the cabins to try up there again, just as get there I hear something something similar to a chainsaw, for a second I get excited and change from the chainsaw to the camera. The noise stops a few seconds after, but I run around like a madman to see if I can find the fucker. Then I notice on the map that the road is near by and it could have just been a bike driving past, which was most likely the case. Never the less, I'm going to camp around here for a bit, maybe I can find something. I hijacked a police bike and am listening to the the reports on the radio, maybe it can give me some hints or clues.

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Another clue I read that in the Desert (near the airstrip you buy) is a graveyard. Someone said that there is a ditch full of bodybags.

I'm not leaving my postion so someone else go find out.

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Yeah....I'm far behind everyone because I only got the game on Tuesday...

I'm stuck on 'Wrong Side Of The Track' and the Low-Rider mission. Any help? I did WSOTT, but I got busted when I was driving Big Smoke home, so I failed the mission :(


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I love the crane. I was getting chased by the FBI (Having came out of the water at the compound bit on the other side of the docks), so I got into the crane, and picked up the FBI ranchers, dumping each into the ocean, before importing a Monster truck and making my getaway.


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The dudes at Gamefaqs told me to go there. They said they all went there and saw him.

I keep hearing a low gumbling around where CJ is standing. It may be a chainsaw or CJ's stomach.

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