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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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I hate you.

Hate you.

I'm stuck on this mission. Usually, I go speeding in with whatever car I jack, then I run over the guard by the gates. Run over the guard by the garage entrance thing. Then I park the car in the doors to the warehouse thing and blow it up, hoping that it kills someone in the process.

Jump over the wreckage and start blastin' fools with my M4 (Hitman level, I may add.)

But they always kill me RIGHT before I get to the armor/health pickup. Or, alternatively, if I'm lucky I can get to the roof of the place where the minigun is with a tiny sliver of life left, at which point an asshole in a tower kills me.

FUCK. I just have this and the airstrip missions left..><

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There's a topic about this on the GameFAQs boards. I was reading it earlier yesterday, there's apparently no Leatherface but rather a "psycho pedestrian" that wields a chainsaw and will try to kill you if you attack him.

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CREDIT: jacobsh @ GTAgaming.com's forums

I've had LV opened for quite some time now, but I've always felt bored with exploring the desert, and the entire city for that matter. The only time I'd been there was to do missions.

I've become fed up with bigfoot and finally come to terms with the fact that he most likely isn't real. I'll more than likely never hunt him again unless he's confirmed.

Anyway, I got to thinking that if there's anything paranormal in this game at all, it's without a doubt something involving aliens. Why this theory was never discussed more than bigfoot confuses me. So much evidence of aliens is scattered about in the story, and on the radio stations. This is far more believeable than bigfoot.

So tonite I finally decided to explore LV for a great bit of time... 3 hours actually. The wierdest things happened though in Fort Carson...

When I first arrived I caught site of a huge plane resting in someones driveway. I don't know the name of it, but I've flown in one before. But when I walked up to it to get in, it just exploded. Police and firefighters swarmed to the scene. It really freaked me out.

The next thing I noticed was a man walking down the street dressed in black. He was wearing a trench coat, boots, and a cowboy hat... all black. He stopped to talk to a ped and all he said to them was "Watch the skies." I decided to follow him. I don't know if it was a glitch or what, but after a long time following him he started to run, I continued following. He ran all the way to the drive-in theatre where he started bleeding... like the peds during Paramedic missions. He ran all the way across the highway and died in the desert. Before he fell to the ground however, he said "Father, Uncle"... if I'm correct that's something from that Kiflom thing or whatever.

Also, the Vanilla Ice guy in the Fort Carson barber shop said "Father, Brother, Uncle" when I walked in.

I'm not sure if there's anything outside of the story that involves aliens or anything, but my first exploration in LV freaked me out. Right now I'm jetpacking around the skies looking for something neat. I figured I'd mention something about this.

Also, does anyone know anything about someone dressed like an alien in that trailer park across from the lil probe inn... the only thing I've found there that's somewhat errie is another damn Glendale...


Map by some other guy on GTAgaming.com. MikkDC or something.

Edited by Cloudy
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So I'm stuck on Up, Up, & Away.

But that's for another kind of post. After getting frustrated with UU&A for the 80 billionth time, I decided it was time to take a break from missions and hunt for the paranormal.

No, no bigfeets, no aliens, no leatherface or Piggsy - just weird stuff. Which is still paranormal.

I think. Even if it isn't, I can be CloudStrife - Paranormal & Weird stuffs investimagator.

I started my adventure by printing off a "World of Weirdness" Map that I found on GTAGaming.com's forums.


I decided to start with the bodybag hole, near the airstrip. Armed with a camera and a handgun, I set out on my journey in a sleek black Cheetah that I jacked from some rich bitch. After zooming through the desert and hitting a variety of things to further damage the car to the point of explosion, I jacked a Solair minivan from two gruff-looking hispanics and made my way to the location of the Bodybag hole.

After searching for the bodybag hole FOREVER, at approximately 2:30 at night I came across it. I whipped out my camera and waited for daylight to provide a better photo opportunity. 7:00 rolled around and I snapped a photograph of the bodybags. I turned to my left and was immediately met by a turqoise Bobcat truck.

Strange, I said to myself. I had come from the right side but still, don't you think I would have seen that truck sticking out of the bushes on the left?

After taking snapshots of the bodybags and the truck, I set out for destination no. 2: The Plane in the Porch.

After wrecking my vehicle and walking into Fort Carson, quite by accident I happened upon destination no. 3: The Man in Black. Clad in a black cowboy hat, black boots, a black trenchcoat, and with a red bandana hanging loosely around his neck, I began to suspect he was indeed, our 'man in black'. I followed him throughout Fort Carson.

Two strange things happened as I followed him: Once, as I bumped into him, he said in a southern-tinged accent "I know things!". Surely, this must be him. I continued to follow him and at a street-corner, quite unexpectedly, he got into a fighting position and threw a jab at CJ!

What was a nigga to do? Well, obviously, I threw a couple jabs back and knocked his ass down. I photographed the body and went on my way, looking for the plane in the porch.

It didn't take long to find it: I rounded a corner and hopped on a sanchez, rounded another corner, and surely enough: There it was! Quite a strange sight, a Beagle airplane parked in someone's driveway. One wing actually extended through the porch, and the other was blocked by two telephone poles. I climbed in and it began to billow black smoke and before I could jump out, the plane caught fire and exploded.

I re-loaded my game and bought a ticket to Los Santos, where I headed for destination no. 4: The Epsilon Backpacker.

After wandering around quite a few dirtroad paths I came across a blonde man, dressed in khakis and a dark blue t-shirt with a light blue backpack on his back. I photographed him, whipped out my knife, and slit his throat - my suspicions were confirmed when, right before his throat was slit, he calmly said "Kifflom!"

If I can come across a pendrive somehow, I will upload the pictures I took of all of these strange happenings/things. :wub:

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On the Kifflom and Epsilon front I've noticed this on the Rockstar website.

Cloudy showed me that ages before the game came out, along with one for Cluckin Bell, and the guy who tells you to sleep with your mother.

I was wandering around San Fierro last night and saw some guy with a cardboard box on his head. There was something written on his shirt, but I forget what it was, so it probably wasn't important :P

Pic of the Cowboy, although he didn't do anything except walk around the geyser. I ended up beating him to death, cos he was boring <_< :

Pic of Backpacker, but I didn't have a knife, so he didn't say Kifflom when I killed him. Might be the wrong guy.

Edited by Kaney
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Oh...ooops. >_>

Oh yea. I just chased the helicopter onto the highway. Then I passed it, like, until I knew I was good in front of it..then I got out of the car got out my rocket launcher, and shot it as it was coming towards me. And even if you miss, just turn around and blast it then...and if again, get in the car, repeat, etc.

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