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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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Tetris dosen't count, thats a chick game anyway!


Tetris is one of the most macho games ever.

And Krazy_K; no, my brother is far, FAR too cool to be distracting himself with video games when he could spending more time being awesome.

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You can get all eight in a coach. Some guy on GameFAQs was doing a stupid leatherface search, os he took pics with eight of his guys, then drove a coach up to the panopticon.

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hold L1 to bunny hop with the bicycle . I don't think you can with the motorcycle though..

I like to go up to mount Chillad and get the parachuite and then on the mountain bike to start the races. instead of doing the race i hit the ramp and bail off the bike and opening my parachute. since i'm doing the race i can't fall all the way to the ground instead i respawn at the top of Mount Chillad on the bik but this time my parachute is out and above me , so i go around riding on the bik looking like a nerd with the parachute in the air.

also i like to get the satchel charges and placing about 30 on the front of the car detonating them and watching the car flip like crazy

also i like picking out random people and i follow them with my camera , knife and i'm wearign the hockey mask. after I follw them a ways i slice their throat witht he knife and collect the goods. I doign this with the couples that hold hands. I attcked the woman once and her guy just took off running and screaming. I followed and killed him too sorry bastard wouldn't stick up for his girl

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One thing I never understood in the game is why people jump in front of cars instead of out of the away. At first I thought it was due to the fact that they are dumb as rocks. I mean, diving right in front the me while I'm driving! Then I thought....maybe its suicide. Now, I'm not a sadistic person, but people avoiding being hit by a car by jumping in front of it just does not make sense.

Another time, I took a short cut by driving over the train tracks, there were two guys standing on the side walk and as I sped past them, I could have swore I saw one guy push the other in front of me. Needless to say, I drove over the poor guy and the evil man who did the pushing just calmly walked away. I wasn't really paying attention, but it looked as though the one guy put his arm out and pushed the other guy. Hmmm.

Any similar stories of dumbass bystanders doing dumbass things?

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They just jump in a random direction and most times, it's directly in front of the car your driving. It happens to me all the time. I love it when there's an accident not involving you, and one of the drivers will get out and start fighting with the other one. Then a cop comes for me, and kills them both, that's one AI fault... the NPCs don't seem to care what they do as long as it's what they're supposed to. Hence the people diving.

However, I find it funny when you make people freak on a dock and they run into the water and instantly drown.

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And if the cops are chasing you while you are driving, usually if you drive off a cliff and into the water, they will follow down. Dumbasses. Everyone knows that though.

Its also kinda funny when a cop accidentally runs over an innocent bystander. "To serve and protect", my ass.

Oh yeah, another thing that once happened to me.

I was driving around Easter Bay Airport, when I accidentally drove right into the water. I get out of my car and swim around for a few seconds, when all of a sudden I hear a big splash in the water, followed by screams. I turn around to see a guy laying head first in the water and a motorcycle underneath him.

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*spoiler* Actually, once you get to San Fierro, WCTR completely changes, and Lazlow becomes the host of the entertainment show.

Also, there are pictures of Candy Suxx(I think that's her name) in a lot of safe houses. Jack Howitzer, who was the star a movie advertised in Vice City is interviewed on WCTR. Area 53 mentions Australia as America's mortal enemy(once again mentioning the Australian-American War), women being made from sand(the same as a caller from the original Chatterbox) and a Area 53 caller also says "Flouride is evil dude!", and exact quote from a Chatterbox caller. There's an Interglobal TV studio in Los Santos, Interglobal being the name of the Movie Studio in Vice City.

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I have the full 8 man gang (I just finished gaining all territories and have max respect for that) and I agree it's a pain having nowhere to put them all. It's not like Coaches are that easy to come across in the hood either.

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near ocean docks, or around that area, ya know the train line that goes to the docks? Well on a road above there if you go "UP" it then on the left is a gap with a bullet inside :)

If i get a map I can pinpoint it exactly.

Usually i just go left before driving school, across train tracks, follow road till a right and then there it is, /me thinks.

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I have determined now that Wrong Side of the Tracks is, in actuality, far more of a bitch than Robbing Uncle Sam. Why? Because at least Ryder knows how to shoot a gun and I can help him there. Meanwhile, Sweet shoots like a man having a heart attack.

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And does anyone know why the garage door at Transfender doesn't open when I drive up with the Elegy or the Jester? Is this normal or is it just me?

Nah, thats normal. Those cars are classified as Street Racers, so they have their own special mod garages called Wheel Arch Angels, which is in Ocean Flats, San Fierro.

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