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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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None of them were hard to spot for me, it was just a bitch to take over the smaller territories - it seemed like the smaller the territory the harder the waves.

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It was the first thing I did when I got around to it the second time, because it was fucking annoying. Is it just me, or was that thin, thin, thin, thin yellow spot on the north most part of LS right by the 24/7 REALLY hard to spot?

My God yes. Although the territory was Ballas when I done it, but that was the hardest to win for me. I had to hide behind the small wall and hope the got confused by the steps, because there were so many of them in such a small place. I'm not looking forward to having to do that again.


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None of them were hard to spot for me, it was just a bitch to take over the smaller territories - it seemed like the smaller the territory the harder the waves.

I find it hard to find enough gang members to kill. I find one, and then no more.


Couple of tips:

1. Drive around the area in a car or bike with a recruited member of your own gang. They'll shoot at any rival gang members they see, often some you wouldn't have noticed by yourself.

2. Often rival gang members are driving in cars rather than at the side of roads. I found that dragging one from a car and killing them usually makes others show up to the scene.

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"Mom, Jimmy has a video game where you can steal a truck and run over prostitutes with said truck and steal their money and use the money to buy grenades and throw said grenades at police officers and use a dildo to beat their charred corpses for hours while yelling the n-word.  Can I get it for my birthday?"

I'm sure that a lot of you parents have heard that from your child(s).

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Does the guy not realise the rating for this game is M - Mature? Surely he would realise that? Would parents be so dumb to buy a game that is rated M for their kids? Sadly...yes.

The valet thing is funny though. "Hello, my name is Carl. I am your valet. Do you need assistance with exiting your vehicle? I would be glad to help you."

And the picture shows Carl THROWING the person off the car.

Edited by ladydavinator
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you guys with the "doesn't this guy know this" stuff, it's clearly not a serious article

the thing that didn't make sense to me about it was, he knew all this stuff about the game, but in one of the sentences he says Carl is not able to drink or eat..

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you guys with the "doesn't this guy know this" stuff, it's clearly not a serious article

the thing that didn't make sense to me about it was, he knew all this stuff about the game, but in one of the sentences he says Carl is not able to drink or eat..

While he's farming.

It's an inside joke you don't get.

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I just finished a mission in Las Venturas, the one where you have to go to the military building, wait for the truck to come out so you can get in, then get to the helicopter. You know the one, ya?

Well, I was really happy that I'd finished it, went into that building, gunned down everybody in there, stealthily and like a cool bitch, then fight more peeps, up thoses stairs, a few more peeps, then the minigun to take down the helicopters. Get in the heli, then pick up some van or something. Done, phew. Happy.

I was then talking to a friend about it, and said, basically, 'oh, it was easy, just jetpacked up to the helicopter and shot the people'.

I was.... wha?! That's cheating! What's the point of playing the game if you're going to skip the fun part! Ugh, he said 'it's a strategy'.... Ugh, just ugh.

I hate cheaters who then brag about how good they are. (he didn't, I'm just generalising).

Please tell me you don't use the jetpack.

Otherwise I have no idea why you bothered to buy the game.

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I accidentally cheated the first time round on Badlands.

That's the mission right after you open the second island, just after Green Sabre.

The first time I played the game, I walked into the hut, the dude was standing in the corner, I shot him once in the chest, he died, and I took a picture of him and walked out, drove back to the drop off point, finished. Sorted.

I'm playing the game for the second time, and did that mission earlier today. As soon as I got near the cabin, FBI agents were shooting at me, I had no diea what the fuck was going on, I took them all out, walked into the hut, the guy wasn't there, a message popped up on screen telling me he had escaped, and I found myself involved in a car chase.

It was wierd, it was piss easy the first time.

Anyway yeah, that's my story.

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