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(OOC: Trying a little something different with the results this week, if you guys like them I will probably stick to this style for the weekly shows, and save the completely in depth matches for the PPVs)



Marine Midland Arena, Buffalo, New York

results by Wrestleboy8601

This weeks UNleashed comes to us live at the Marine Midland Arena, Buffalo New York

Before the opening video, we get a recap of the shocking ending to Sunday's Slamboree Pay Per View Event, where Val Venis shocked the world alligning with Team Canada to defeat Booker T for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. I have to admit I was dreading that WCW would actually go through with putting the title on Venis, but after their match on Sunday Venis made me a believer. The opening video finally plays, then Scott Hudson and Arn Anderson do their usual welcoming routine, same ol' same ol'

The show gets off to an impactful start as the new WCW Champion comes out to new entrance music and an accompanying video to boot. Venis isn't dressed for action right now, he's clad in slacks and a purple dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and the WCW Title over his shoulder. MAJOR HEAT for Venis on his way to the ring. Val tries to talk but is cut off each time by "Venis Sucks" chants. He finally starts talking, and does the whole "I came, I saw, I conquered routine," yep all hail ladies and gentlemen, it's Julius Caesar in the flesh standing before us." Val talks about how Booker T "wasn't in the same league as the Big Valbowski." Venis finishes up his berating by introducing his "new colleagues," Team Canada, Lance Storm, Elix Skipper and their valet Major Gunns. (85)

The threesome come out to yet more HUGE heat. When in the ring Storm takes the mic after shaking Val's hand. He does a run down about Canadians being the superior athletes, and that Canadians stick together. This being the reason Venis and Team Canada are now alligned. (whatever happened to Val being from Las Vegas Nevada?) Storm berates Mike Awesome for a while, then moves onto Rob Van Dam bringing up some dirt from their ECW days. OOh I smell a tag match coming on anytime now. Storm finishes off his promo with his usual "Don't Blame Canada, Blame Yourself!" line. (75)

That's when "The Money" plays over the speakers, man oh man here comes the tag match, here it comes. Shane's head is bandaged from the attack by Team Canada during the Main Event, the WCW owner is livid and bitter, and announces that Val had better get into his ring gear because tonight he and Storm will face Booker T and new WCW Superstar, Rob Van Dam! I knew it! (75)

Venis looks displeased having to actually COMPETE here tonight, but Storm reassures him that he has nothing to worry about as the show goes to a commercial break.

Unleashed comes back from commercial break and we are treated to a video package hyping the WCW Tag Team Champions, Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo. WCW looks to be hyping these two up as THEE team in the company, so far they have been nothing but impressive. (Excluding their horrid confrontation with Kronik at Slamboree) (70)

Billy Kidman is backstage talking to partner Rey Misterio after the video package ends, something doesn't quite seem right between the two FORMER Cruiserweight Tag Champions.

BILLY KIDMAN: "Rey, it really bugs me that we lost the Titles last Sunday, but tonight we both have a chance to do something even bigger, if one of us wins the Four Way, I mean we're that much closer to a shot at the US Title."

REY MISTERIO: "Yeah, it's just too bad you're not gonna be the one advancin' bro, it's gonna be me."

BILLY KIDMAN: "Huh, ha, I guess we'll see about that."

They shake hands, all is well for the Filthy Animals, or so it appears, something tells me one of these two aren't going to be so happy with the other before the night is over. (50)

Back in the Arena, "Do it now, do it, do it, do it now," is heard, man could Shawn Stasiak have any cheesier of an entrance theme? the good news is that Stasiak is accompanied by the beautiful Stacy and man she looks good tonight. Shawn grabs a microphone and he looks like he's going to speak.

SHAWN STASIAK: "Shut up! Look! and LISTEN! Last week at Slamboree, Buff Bagwell stole my United States Championship, and this week the Mecca of Manliness will stop at nothing until I am the number one contender for that title, so Morrus, Crowbar and Page march your asses to the ring, but I assure you this won't take long... Stacy doesn't like to wait."


"Mecca" Shawn Stasiak vs Crowbar vs Hugh Morrus Vs Diamond Dallas Page

WCW is giving Stasiak mic time, oh boy. Page fresh off of his head shaving of Jeff Jarrett looks to be the crowd favorite in this one, and the former three time, three time, THREE TIME World Heavyweight Champion gets things started off with the Mecca. Stasiak seems a little overmatched with the veteran but holds his own. After doing some punishment Page tags out to Hugh Morrus, for some reason these Four Way matches tonight will be fought under four corners rules, with two men in the ring at a time. Morrus uses his power to toss around Stasiak like a rag doll, forcing Shawn to tag out to Crowbar. Morrus and Crowbar give the fans some exciting exchanges, the action eventually spills out to the outside, with all hell breaking loose.

THE FINISH: BALD ALERT! BALD ALERT! DDP finds himself alone in the ring, Jeff Jarrett, freshly shaved, and may I add, quite bizare looking comes running down the ramp, Jarrett busts his six string over the head of an unsuspecting Page, Stasiak finds his way back into the ring, drops the knee and covers for the three count.

WINNER: Shawn Stasiak @ 7:23

NOTES: The match started off good, but really didn't have much time to gel and seemed rushed. WCW looks to be going full force with the Page/ Jarrett feud, and Stasiak looks to be one of the next breakout stars for the company, I hope there are better matches than this if he is going to the top. A win over Page either way is big for anyone's career.

RATING: *1/4 (61)


Rey Misterio vs Chris Kanyon vs Billy Kidman vs Ernest "the Cat" Miller

Just last Sunday Kidman and Misterio were defending their World Cruiserweight Tag Team Titles, this week they both look to gain a shot at Buff Bagwell's United States Championship. Kanyon gets under the crowds skin asking "Who Betta?" Miller thinks he is and the Cat lands one of his martial arts kicks that sends him rocking into the ropes, they go all out and the Innovator of Offense grounds the former WCW commisioner with a modified piledriver. Tag to Kidman, he propels Miller off of the ropes and takes him down with a dropkick. Battle back and fourth, after a tilt a whirl back breaker the Cat is grounded and in position for the shooting star press. Rey reaches in and tags himself into the match, Kidman comes off the top rope and lands the Shooting Star Press on Miller, Misterio quickly comes in and rolls Kidman up, but only gets a two. Kidman looks shocked that his partner and friend would try such a thing, Rey reminds him he's in it for himself. DUH? The action gets really hot with the Cruiserweights in the ring and the crowd is getting behind both men.

THE FINISH: Kanyon spouts off at the Cat who doesn't take kindly to the words and knocks him off of the apron, Rey jr. leaps off of the top rope for a flying Hurricanranna, Kidman catches him and attempts a BK Bomb, but Rey rolls up and over for a Sunset Flip, it gets blocked by Kidman and Rey's shoulders are down earning Kidman the three count! Good match!

WINNER: @ 10:22 Billy Kidman!

NOTES: The match really picked up when Rey jr. and Kidman went at it. This match was worth the watch, but nothing too amazing.


After some commercials from Marvel Comics, and Playstation the show is back, and my heart skips a beat as the SMOKING HOT Leia Meow is shown backstage with the Jung Dragons. Leia, with whip in hand tells the two that if they do not win tonight, they won't like the consequences, Yang mutters something and the Dominatrix like beauty twists his ear, and he winces in pain. Back in the arena Hudson and Anderson hyper tonight's main event. (51)


Shannon Moore & Evan Karagias Vs Kaz Hyashi & Yang w/ Leia Meow

The new Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions come to the ring with belts around their waists, the Dragons, Yang and Hyashi don't wait for Moore and Karagias to take their titles off immeadiatly come in with fists a flying. The brawl tones down eventually as Moore and Yang take their corners. Solid action in the ring between Moore and Karagias, kudos to the old WCW writing team that though up the Cruiserweight Tag Team Division. I try to keep an eye on the action in the ring but it becomes increasingly difficult with Leia on the outside shouting commands that I couldn't risk not doing for her with that leather whip in her hand. Tag to Moore, and Yang. More high flying action keeps the fans on the edge of their seats.

THE FINISH: All four men are in the ring battling it out, Karagias and Hyashi go over the top rope and to the outside with a clothesline. Moore is up top and looks to have the match finished off, but someone jumps on the apron and pushes him off the turnbuckle. If my memory serves me right, that's Air Paris, and AJ Styles is at ringside laughing at the site of Moore's body hitting the canvas. Yang climbs to the top and hits the Yang Time making the cover and gaining the victory. The Air Raid have made their return to WCW Television, and what an impact they've made!

WINNERS: @ 7:34 Kaz Hyashi & Yang, the Jung Dragons!

NOTES: It was rumored all week on the internet that WCW would be debuting a new tag team tonight, it looks as if it was more of a redebut. AJ Styles had been recieving Rave reviews in Level One Wrestling while Air Paris' attitude hadn't been winning him fans. By the looks of things WCW has plans for the both of them.

RATING: *** rating. (75)


"Mecca" Shawn Stasiak w/ Stacy Keibler vs Billy Kidman

Here it is, the match to decide the number one contender for the WCW United States Title. I didn't really like the way they did this mini tournament, I would have rather saw a traditional tournament with Kidman and Misterio meeting in the semis. My heart hopes that Kidman will take this one, but more Stasiak means more Stacy so it's an even trade off. Stasiak thinks it is a joke that Kidman is up against him, and uses his size advantage in the early going, Kidman however utilizes his speed advantage to take the "Mecca" down with a flying head scissors. Kidman leads the match with an offensive flurry that gets stopped by a Stasiak Powerslam out of virtually no where. Stasiak makes the cover but Kidman wants his shot at the title too much. Stacy trips Kidman, allowing for Stasiak to get the surprise roll up but still no three count. Rey Misterio comes down to ringside to even the odds.

THE FINISH: Stasiak lands a hard back elbow to Kidman's face, and Misterio has seen enough. He gets on the aprn motioning for Stasiak's attention and when he turns around, Misterio springboards off of the rope for a missile dropkick, Stasiak rolls out of the way however, and Kidman who was getting to his feet gets nailed with the move instead! Stasiak grabs Rey and tosses him over the ropes, then lifts Kidman up and nails his Rick Rude like Reverse Neck Breaker making the cover and earning himself a United States Title shot! Stacy is happy jumping up and down as Stasiak has his hand raised and for that I am happy. Kidman looks digusted as Mysterio tugs at the Devil Horns glued on his head.

WINNER: @ 12:11 Shawn Stasiak!

NOTES: This match was much better than both of the Four Way Matches, WCW is picking up steam direction wise and could afford a smaller show to develop lesser storylines. Stasiak looked good in this match, I wonder is a Kidman/ Misterio feud is in the works?

RATING: **1/2 rating. (66)

I had to run to the bathroom and grab another soda as the Main event was the one match I didn't want to miss. Van Dam is making his in ring debut, and will be wrestling on the national scene for the first time since ECW folded.


Booker T and Rob Van Dam vs Val Venis and Lance Storm w/ Major Gunns

I popped the top of the can just in time for RVD and Booker T to make their entrance. Booker looks hell bent on getting at Val Venis, as would anyone who had just been shafted out of the World Heavyweight title. "RVD!RVD!RVD!" Van Dam has alot of fanfare as he and Storm lock up to start things off. Van Dam headbutts RVD, and applies an arm wringer. He trades submission holds that he learned in Stu Hart's Dungeon to work over RVD but the crowd gets behind Van Dam and he is able to battle out of it. Storm goes for the Maple leaf but RVD regains his balance, hops up to one foot and smashes the Canadian villian with a reverse enziguri. Rolling Thunder connects but Val Venis breaks up the count and is reprimanded by the referee. RVD tags in Booker and the former World Champion begins to stomp some mud holes in the former US Champion. after a few exchanges Booker has Storm set up for his Ghetto Blaster Scissors Kick, but Storm drops to the mat and tags in Venis. Booker is ready however when Venis charges into the ring, and slams him down to the canvas with a spine buster. He lifts him up, Venis clotheslines Booker and he goes over the top rope. they battle on the outside, and Venis sends Booker into the Steel steps. Val shouts at the crowd who boo the Heavyweight Champ, then he goes to ram Booker's head off the ring post, it's blocked and He gets his head smashed!

THE FINISH: Booker fights out of the Cobra Clutch from Venis, and nails Venis with a kick to the Gut, he goes to bounce off the ropes, but out of no where, Elix Skipper smacks Booker in the back of the head with the Canadian Flag! The referee calls for the Bell as all hell begins to break loose. The heels are in the ring, and after some initial resistance the numbers game enables them to overcome RVD and Booker. Val rolls to the outside of the ring and grabs the WCW Title and rolls into the ring. It looks as if he's going to smash the title over Booker's head when the lights go out, and chills run down my spine with the sound of "THAAAAAAAT's AWWWWWWESSSSSSSSSOME!" is heard, the lights come back on, and the big man is in the ring with a steel chair! Each Canadian gets a good shot to the skull with the chair, as Awesome clears house! He throws the Chair down and lifts Booker T and RVD to their feet. Val Venis & Team Canada regroup on the outside as the show leaves the air.

WINNERS: Match thrown out

NOTES: I'm loving this buildup we have going here, very new and nicely built. I'm smelling a six man tag, is anyone else?

RATING: ***1\4 rating. (80)

Overall Show Rating: 66%

Overall Show Rating: 5.04

Attendance: 3501

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the Hottest Rumors on the net!

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Inside sources within World Championship Wrestling are reporting that after a  few meetings with Shane McMahon and company, Debra McMichael has been  offered a spot within the company. Debra had been feeling as though she  wasn't involved enough in her current role with the WWF, and so wanted out.  The current thought is that she will be repartnered with Jeff Jarrett, as the  two were a red hot pair in the WWF a few years ago, more on this as it  comes.


WCW.com had the following posted on their webpage earlier today:

Last week Mike Awesome made his impactful return after being cheated out of  his match at Slamboree with Lance Storm. The big man laid out the World  Heavyweight Champion Val Venis, and Team Canada with a steel chair, this  week expect Awesome to be looking to do damage as he goes one on one  with the man that aided in his Ambulance Match loss, 'Prime Time' Elix Skipper.

The Air Raid, Air Paris and AJ Styles made their surprise return to World  Championship Wrestling last week costing the World Cruiserweight Tag Team  Champions Evan Karagias and shannon Moore a non title match against the  Jung Dragons. This week they will be doing commentary for the much  anticipated title rematch between the Filthy Animals, Kidman and Misterio and  the Champions themselves Moore and Karagias.

Kidman and Mistero don't seem to be on the same page lately, can they pull it  together and become two time Cruiserweight Tag Champions? What role will  Styles and Paris have in this one?

the "Mecca of Manliness" Shawn Stasiak had a career night last Saturday as  he was able to survive a Fatal Four Way encounter picking up an upset  victory over Diamond Dallas Page, and defeating Billy Kidman in singles  competition to earn himself a shot at Buff Bagwell's United States Title. This  week Shawn Stasiak and the lovely Stacy have a "special Treat" in store for  everyone as the first episode of "the Shawn & Stacy Show" hits the air.

Plus the World Heavyweight Champion Val Venis will be in the house, and Rob  Van Dam will be in action as well as he goes one on one with the Innovator of Offense, Chris Kanyon. This week Unleashed will most definatly be a must see event!

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results sent in by Wrestleboy8601

The soda and popcorn are ready, and so am I for another late Saturday evening at home watching WCW. (sad me) Anyway the opening video to Unleashed plays, ending with a picture of Shane McMahon, that's new. The pyros go off on stage, and according to Arn Anderson who is talking extremely loud due to some early technical problems, we are live from the Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri. Woo hoo! Anderson and Hudson talk about Mike Awesome's surprise appearance as the Main Event busted down last week and we are informed that Mike Awesome will go head to head with Elix Skipper to start things off tonight!


Mike Awesome vs Elix Skipper w/ Major Gunns

Skipper is the first to the ring and is accompanied as always by the beautiful and busty, yes I mean BUSTY Major Gunns. She is in a hot bikini baring the Maple leafs, I don't give a damn if she isn't truly Canadian she looks freakin HOT in that outfit. Mike Awesome comes out to his rad new video and entrance, in case you want some background info Skipper is the reason Lance Storm was able to defeat Mike Awesome in the Ambulance Match back at Slamboree, so you know damn well Awesome is going to be hell bent in this one. Awesome recieves a good pop from the crowd, and when he gets in the ring it's almost ridiculous how much of a size advantage he actually has on Skipper. The referee calls for the bell and Awesome spreads his arms apart baring his body open asking for Primetime to take his best shot. Skipper comes in like a ball of fire with fists to the midsection, Awesome shoves Skipper and he literally FLIES across the ring and into the ropes. HUGE clothesline, I was actually SHOCKED that Primetimes head didn't fly off after that one. Awesome plays to the crowd who is totally behind him, and goes to lift up Skipper. Major Gunns decides to use her 'assets' in the match, and jumps up on the apron in an attempt to distract the big man. It works and Awesome stares at the blonde bombshell as she tugs at the straps of her bikini top, Awesome must have telepathy because he moves out of the way in the knick of time and Skipper knocks his valet off of the apron with a dropkick! Total surprise sets up Skipper for his downfall as Awesome spins him around, and delivers the running AWESOME BOMB!

THE FINISH: Awesome decides that one Awesome Bomb isn't enough for the man that cost him one of the most highly publicized matches of his career and he wakes him up to deliver another devistating Awesome Bomb! Mike places one foot on the chest of Skipper and the three count is academic.

WINNER: @ 5:23 Mike Awesome!

NOTES: I'm bewildered as to just where in the hell Lance Storm was during this match, Skipper has tried to help him in everyone of his battles. Is the Team Canada leader AFRAID of Awesome? The match it's self was pretty much a squash match with Skipper making Awesome look like a monster, but it gelled together.

RATING: **3\4 (67, 54, 80)

When we come back from commercial break, 'Primetime' Elix Skipper is in the locker room sitting on a bench and Major Gunns is holding an ice pack to his head. Lance Storm is in there as well, and when 'Primetime' asks him why he didn't help him out. Storm insists that he had just arrived to the building but if he would have been here Awesome would have been sorry. Something tells me Storm is fibbing.

From there we go to Pamela Paulshock (yes that's her, and she does still have a job after all.) Next to the big chested blonde stands one of the Cruiserweight Division's fastest rising stars, Jamie Noble. Here's what came about in this one.

PAMELA PAULSHOCK: "Ladies and gentlemen I'm standing by with the man that put on a splendid performance at Slamboree in the Cruiserweight Open Invitation Gauntlet, the man who won it in fact Jamie Noble. Jamie in that match you outlasted wrestling legend Jushin Liger, and former Cruiserweight Champion Juventud Guerrera to win that Gauntlet. What plans do you have next?"

JAMIE NOBLE: "Ha, ha ha! You see Pamela at Slamboree I made a name for myself in this here Cruiserweight division when I won that little gauntlet match, and beat these fools' hero Juvi Guerrera. You see it's time that Jamie Noble made his impact in the Dubbya See Dubbya, and much sooner than later that Cruiserweight title will be comin' home with me!"

Noble walked off after speaking his peace and the ditzy blonde sent things back to Arn and Scott in the ring. (63)


Shane Helms and Lash Leroux vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Jamie Noble

The April 14 edition of Nitro saw this very same match, and the roles of the men participating in it are about the same, that with the exception of Jamie Noble's star being on the rise and the gut instinct that tells me he will take the Cruiserweight title off of Helms before his partner of the night, Chavo Guerrero does. The heels are in the ring first, marking the entrance of Lash Leroux. It's a sad thing that Shane O' Mac and company haven't put much effort into this guy. He has a unique look, funky accent and is damn fine in the ring. The Cruiserweight champion is next, minus the 'Sugar Babies' tonight, maybe he plans on things getting a little ugly on the outside, although I've never seen them actually stay at ringside in a match. Perhaps Helms' unique entrance is getting downgraded due to time constraints, it's too bad 'cause it really sets the Champion apart from the others. All four men are in the ring and after some talking on both sides I guess we're going to see Noble and Leroux starting things off. It's probably good to mention that Noble has new tights with some sort of medieval weaponry on the side, and 'swingblade' written on the back. Is that all WCW can come up with, come on Shane your dad is supposed to be this guy that loves weird and creative characters, didn't any of that rub off? Noble points his finger at Leroux and shouts 'come 'ere boy!' Leroux comes alright with a shot square to Noble's jaw that sends the Gauntlet winner against the ropes. Some pepper shots from the Crazy Cajun and he sends his opponent into the ropes, Noble however comes storming back like a freight train and plows Lash down to the mat with a hard shoulder tackle! Noble seems to be having the time of his life as he displays his technical wizardy tying up Leroux with various submission holds. After a good beat down Noble decides to let Chavo have his fair share of the fun and tags him in. Chavo could really use a new hairstyle, I mean he has so much gel in it I'd bet it's bullet proof. Chavo stands in front of Lash, and the Cajun Sensation grabs at Chavo's tights for leverage to pull himself up. Chavo just knees him in the midsection and delivers his Gory Special, Helms breaks up the count before it even begins, and Chavo's temper flares. Noble and Guerrero share some quick tags in and out making sure to keep Leroux grounded. Chavo and Lash share an exchange of right hands in the corner, Chavo sits on the top rope and has Leroux hooked up for his old pet finisher, the Tornado ddt, but Leroux counters with a release Northern Lights! WOW! Now is his chance to make the tag, as Chavo appears to be out of it. Crawling slowly to make the cover Lash is a foot away, Shane Helms is stomping up and down on the mat to get the crowd behind him. Chavo has regained his senses and is about to tag Noble, he does and Noble charges into the ring to grab Leroux, but the hot tag is made and Shane Helms comes running into the ring, down goes Noble with a leaping forearm to the face! Chavo is up, and Helms takes him down as well with the Sugar Smack! Arn and Scott tell us not to go away, as the show goes to a commercial break! DAMN IT!


The show returns and Helms and Guerrero are going at it. Arn Anderson tells us that it has been all Helms since we went to commercial break, and that the men we see in the ring are the legal ones.

THE FINISH: Jamie Noble knocks Leroux off of the apron, and smashes him into the steel ringsteps. The referee hops to the outside to check on the condition of Leroux who is grabbing his knee in pain, the exchange was quite nasty. Noble goes to the announce table and grabs the Cruiserweight Title. Inside of the ring, Helms counters the Gory Special, and hooks up the Vertibreaker. However, before he can hit it, Noble storms into the ring and blasts the Champion with the title! Helms goes down in a heap, and Noble lifts him back up. While in holding shane in the air in vertical suplex position, Noble adjusts his body and releases him, slamming him down into a reverse ddt position (the way Christian does the reverse ddt) THAT WAS AWESOME! Noble makes the pin, not even being the legal man and Charles Robinson decides now is the time to look in the ring, rolling in and making the count!

WINNERS: @ 13:12 Jamie Noble & Chavo Guerrero jr!

NOTES: This was an incredibly long match considering that these were four Cruiserweights in the ring, but for some reason WCW let them go with it. All four men played their roles way, and mark my words, Jamie Noble is on the rise!

RATING: ****1\2 (77, 62, 92)

Before we head to another commercial Booker T is shown walking down the hallway and Scott Hudson being the genius that he is tells us that Booker T is heading towards Shane McMahon's office! He doesn't look to be in a pleasant mood, the show goes to commercial (75)

I needed that last commercial break in order to slow my heart down, god damn that was a good match, Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio are shown in the lockerroom and it appears that there is still trouble in paradise for these two.

BILLY KIDMAN: "Look Rey, you can say you're sorry all you want, but the fact of the matter is that I didn't need your help out there, in fact I told you I didn't WANT your help. But whatever, that's in the past. Now instead of fighting for the US Title, Shane McMahon has decided to have us use our rematch stip to challenge for the Cruiserweight Tag Titles again tonight."

REY MISTERIO: "You act like that's a bad thing, like you don't want to get those titles back! Look Billy I said I was sorry, and IT WAS an accident!"

BILLY KIDMAN: "Yeah, an accident.....right. All I know is instead of fighting Bagwell for the US Title, we're facing Karagias and Moore again. Try not to blow THIS Rey."

Ouch, some harsh words from Kidman and Misterio looks a little hurt by his best bud's comments. awe. Kidman leaves the locker room and after seeing Rey's face for a good five seconds the cameras finally change back into the arena. (56)

We go back to the arena and the sound of a loud syren is heard, on the WCW Jumbo tron some fighter jets are shown in the sky. The music switches from the syren to a more modern rock beat, and the Air Raid logo comes on the screen with some of the highlights of Styles and Air Paris's brief run in WCW before McMahon got ahold of it. Both come out in matching Adidas Jump Suits and backwards caps, Styles if I'm correct is the one in the black while Paris is in White. If you guys don't have a clue who in the hell these guys are, you're not the only ones.

The two men that cost Moore and Karagias a non title bout with the Jung Dragons here last week take a seat alongside Hudson and Anderson at the announce table. Alright, great job WCW.... you're just now debuting these guys, they haven't had a match on WCW TV in how long and you're giving them open access to live mic? O....K...


Rey Misterio & Billy Kidman vs Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore©

Three Count is out first and once they're in the center of the ring they have some fine choice in words for the two men doing impromptu commentary. Styles and Paris haven't said much of anything in importance, leaving me asking why in the hell have them out here? Kidman and Misterio are out next, Kidman being way ahead of Misterio on the way out, what in the hell is Kidman so bitter about, Rey did appologise and it sure as hell looked like an accident last week? Kidman and Misterio have absolutely no interaction before the bell, Kidman just gets in the ring to start things off with.... I guess Shannon Moore will step up. Collar and elbow to get things started off, then it's the good ol' sequence every wrestler beats to death these days. Kidman is shrugged off and pushed into the ropes, Moore is taken down with a shoulder block and Kidman hurdles him on his way back, but doesn't expect the sweet kick to the face that Shannon delivers. Wow that was indeed an awesome move, and Kidman sold perfectly, Moore with the cover but Kidman kicks out at two. Tag to Karagias, Moore has on an arm wringer and Evan does a little hip gyrating to get all the hot bloodied ladies in the crowd cheering, then plants an elbow into Kidman's shoulder. These two go through some HOT exchanges, and I can't even keep up, Kidman takes Karagias down with a tilt a whirl back breaker then reluctantly makes the tag to Misterio. Kidman drags Karagias into an upright seated position in the corner, then the master of the Shooting Star Press gets on his hands and knees in front of him. Rey is jumping up and down like the jackass he is trying to get the crowd to pop for the Bronco Buster, he sets off and bounces off Kidman for extra height, smashing the Bronco Buster perfectly and playing to the crowd some more. The ref sends Kidman to his corner, and Moore takes offense to the ass kicking that Evan is recieving. He enters the ring and charges but Rey sides steps and tosses him over the top rope. Tag to Kidman, and they do a little double teaming, Kidman is waiting and Rey goes to whip Evan at him full speed they ive each other the nod and Rey goes for the whip, Kidman sets off however Evan counters and whips Rey! Kidman clotheslines Misterio! The ref is down as well! Evan with a running Enziguri... connects as Kidman is off guard after clubbering his partner! Evan calls for the 460 or whatever the hell he does off the top rope, and goes to climb

THE FINISH: Air Raid, who have added absolutely nothing to this match with their almost silent color commentary leave the announce position. AJ Styles jumps up on the apron and pushes Karagias off the top rope and into the ring. Air Paris slams Shannon Moore into the steps on the outside! (Moore was out their for an awful long time after being simply thrown over the top rope.) Styles climbs into the ring and nails a weird move that started out like a piledriver but turned into a face buster with his feet hooking Evan's arms. Air Raid then leaves, and Rey Misterio comes back in after having been knocked senseless with that clothesline~OF DOOM. Misterio drops the dime with the Guillotine Leg drop on Kargaias and gets the pinfall!

WINNERS: @ 8:21 and NEW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions, the Filthy Animals!

NOTES: What do you know we have new CW Tag champs. As much as I hate seeing quick title changes, I have to agree with this one. We haven't even seen Air Raid in the ring yet, throwing them into a Tag Title feud with Three Count just wouldn't have been right. Now the feud can happen without the titles involved, and it adds a new dimension to the thing between Misterio and Kidman now that they are CW Tag Champs once again.

RATING: **3\4 rating (66, 53, 79)

Made it back just in time as a pre packaged video clip began to air, cool breeze, a beautiful blue sky, and babes at the beach are shown. Hey I don't know what I'm seeing but I like it, ah that's why. WCW World Tag Team Champions Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo are shown lazing about on beach chairs. They have Hawaiin styles shirts on and sun glasses, their tag titles are also with them here's what they had to say:

SEAN O'HAIRE: "WCW.... long time no see. Not since Slamboree have the World Tag Team Champions been seen on television and for good reason, isn't that right Chuck?"

CHUCK PALUMBO: "That's damn right Sean. See we've defeated all of the competition that WCW has to offer, Team Canada, the Mamalukes, and even the almighty KRONIK, we've beaten them all so we decided that since we worked so hard we deserved a little break."

SEAN O'HAIRE: "Damn right Chuck, and there's nothing more rewarding than chilling out at the beach and being surrounded by beautiful women. But WCW don't fret, the Tag Team Champions will return to Television soon enough, and with our return we want some fresh competition!"

CHUCK PALUMBO: "Next week marks the return of Palumbo and O'Haire and with it we want a NEW Tag Team to face. We're not talking about the Mamalukes, Kronik or any of those feather weight pairings, oh no. A totally new tag team. Take this as an open challenge, mark this as your big break, but know that this is your only warning. One week, one new team."

Not too bad if I do say so myself boys, that gets the question of where in the hell have these two been off my mind. Plus now I'm left to wonder who WCW has in store for these two? This clip ends and WCW goes to the final commercial break of the first action packed hour of Unleashed. (62)

Little did I know that before I returned to the Palumbo and O'Haire segement I missed one with Booker T and Shane McMahon!!! Damn it! My friend called me asking what I thought of it, and at first I thought he was joking, but he wasn't. Damn bathroom breaks! Anyway hat segement saw Booker T go into Shane McMahon's office, and after some negotiating Shane allowed Booker T to use his rematch clause here tonight! That's right folks we'll see it here in tonight's Main Event, Booker T one on one with Val Venis for the World Heavyweight title!

After the same damn Snickers commercial ends after being played three time in a row the show returns and the ring is decked out with pink carpet. In the center is a blue love seat, and two stools next to it. A mini television screen hangs in the backdrop and large stage props proclaiming "the Shawn & Stacy Show" are in the ring. Shawn Stasiak is standing in the set (in blue jeans and his new t-shirt I might add) with a microphone in hand, next to him is the lovely looking (smoking hot) Stacy Keibler.

SHAWN STASIAK: "Shut up! Listen a........ I mean welcome everyone to the Shawn"....



Stasiak has a smile on his face after that cheesy exchange, and I have to laugh at how poorly they did that crap.

SHAWN STASIAK: "Ladies and gentlemen you are tuning into the most influential, the most informative, and yes entertaining talk show in professional wrestling history, the Shawn and Stacy show."

STACY KEIBLER: "That's right, and not only is this the most informative, in depth and entertaining show in history it's also the....SEXIEST!"

Stacy and Shawn look each other up and down with smiles on their faces, man if Stacy wasn't so hot I'd want to gag right now, but I'm still interested in who in the hell will be their guest tonight.

SHAWN STASIAK: "That's right Stacy, but let's not leave our viewers waiting, they want to know who our first guest will be, how about a little clue."

STACY KEIBLER: "Alright, he's from Atlanta Georgia...... and is a former World Tag Team Champion."

SHAWN STASIAK: "In fact Stacy he is the CURRENT United States Champion"......


Oh my, this could get interesting, as Bagwell is the man Stasiak won a shot at here last week on Unleashed. Bagwell comes out to his entrance music, and does the usual routine, the fans have actually been cheering for Bagwell at houseshows and live events lately leaviing me to believe that WCW will listen up and turn him face. makes sense as Stasiak is playing heel and they're about to feud.

SHAWN STASIAK: "Buff, welcome to the show, please have a seat."

Stasiak points to the stools as he and Stacy sit in the love seat, Stacy has her hand on Shawn's leg, awe...

STACY: "Welcome to the show."

BAGWELL: (sounding a little confused) "ugh... alright."

SHAWN STASIAK: "Well Buff to get things going, allow me to congratulate you on your United States Title victory at Slamboree, I mean you did a great job in the Six Pack Match."

Bagwell is still looking confused, is Stasiak genuine or just pulling his chain? Ah, Stasiak is a heel remember, and heel's are always pricks.

SHAWN STASIAK: "A great job of cheating me out of that title that is."

Now Bagwell sees right through Stasiak's plan, and he stands up before ripping his silver shades off from his face. Stasiak holds up his hand motioning for him to sit back down.

SHAWN STASIAK: "Maybe you need a refresher Buff, please roll the footage."

On the little screen inside of the ring footage is shown of Slamboree where Bagwell blind tagged himself into the match without Stasiak knowing it, and went on to win the title.

BUFF BAGWELL: "Alrighty, let me get this straight. You're saying to me, and all these people here tonight in KAAAAAAAAANSAAAAASSSSS CIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTY (points around and recieves the cheap pop) that Buff Daddy doesn't deserve this here strap because I tagged myself into the match? Well Shawn, how about a little reality check for ya, it was perfectly legal..... and in case ya didn't know, this here US Title is on my shoulder, not yours!"

Ooh it's getting heated now, Stasiak gets up from his seat and into the face of Bagwell. Stacy stands up as well beside her man.

SHAWN STASIAK: "Well Buff, hold that title real close, because when I do claim my shot at it everyone will know who the TRUE United States Champion is, and it's not some hick from Atlanta Georgia, it's the Mecca of Manliness himself, Shawn Stasiak!"

Bagwell is pissed, you can pick on a man all you want, but diss his hometown and you've crossed the line.

BUFF BAGWELL: "Alright Sta-si-ak, if you deserve this title so much, how 'bout 'tch prove it right here......right......NOW."

Ooh the crowd likes the sound of that, but Stasiak being the damned coward he is looks like he's going to talk his way out of things.

SHAWN STASIAK: "You know Buff, I would but I'm not ready for action tonight... as a matter of fact"......

BAM! Stasiak throws the punch, but Buff was waiting for it. Bagwell comes back with huge rights and lefts, and the fans love it! Bagwell pushes Stasiak against the ropes and comes running, Stasiak pulls Stacy in the way, and Bagwell nearly runs into her! He put on the breaks though. Stasiak has picked up the United States Title in the ring, and when Bagwell turns around he gets BLASTED! Stasiak picks Bagwell up and nails the Rude Awakening! The number one contender to the US Title, and his lovely (evil) manager (girlfriend) pose in the center of the ring, Stasiak holds the United States Title over Buff Bagwell! (67)

I must say, Stasiak is really improving on the microphone, and for the first time in his career he has direction. Plus he has Stacy, and his feud with Bagwell now has me interested. As much as I hate to say it, I liked the Shawn and Stacy show.

Oh, just as I thought we were going to commercial break we get a surprise, or I should say Shane McMahon gets one. The door of his office budges open and the World Heavyweight champion barges in! It's Val Venis and he isn't happy about the news that tonight he must defend the World Title against Booker T!

VAL VENIS: "What in the hell is going on here Shane, a TITLE MATCH TONIGHT!? You know damn well you're crossing legal lines, where in my contract does it say that I must defend a WORLD title on FREE TELEVISION, much less in a scum pit like KANSAS CITY? (Crowd jeers)"

SHANE MCMAHON: "Actually Val, it's legal lines that led us to this match here tonight, that being Booker T's legal right to a rematch within thrity days after a loss of the World Heavyweight title. Now Val, after that stunt you and Team Canada pulled on me at Slamboree you're even lucky I allow you to compete in WCW anymore. Oh and Val, just because you made this little "trip to my office" and refreshed my memory, tonight if anyone in Team Canada gets involved you WILL Forfeit the Title to Booker T!"

Val Venis looks like he's going to shit a brick then storms out of the office, wow! If anyone in Team Canada tries to help Val tonight he forfeits the title! I MUST see the Main event! But wait, RVD is up next, RVD Vs Kanyon NEXT!

When the show returns from commercial I am shocked as well as the fans in attendance to when the cameras are in the backstage area, someone is unconscious, and men are surrounding him. The camera inches closer, and it's ROB VAN DAM! Mike Awesome is checking on him as are the EMT's and Road Agents. Awesome storms off in a bloody rage looking for the attacker(s) as Scott Hudson points out. (74)

Damn, I'm feeling a little shafted after that one. RVD and Kanyon could have put on a good match here tonight, but I guess it was a good way of furthering storylines, if indeed it was Team Canada, or Val Venis that did it. Plus this is free television and we've already saw some PPV quality stuff here tonight. Back in the arena it's the Kid Rock "Cowboy" sound filling up the arena, marking the entrance of Jeff Jarrett.

It's funny every time Jeff Jarrett loses a hair Vs Hair match he really doesn't get much taken off. Sure he's pretty much bald but in actuallity his hair is a bit shorter now than the flat top he wore in the WWF. Of course this is a couple weeks after he lost the match to Page, and Jarrett appears to be growing his hair back out. I don't blame him one bit. Ummm... yeah back to the show. Jarrett is in the ring with his good ol' accoustic equalizer, and a microphone. Here's what he had to say:

JEFF JARRETT: "Listen Up slapnuts, the Chosen One is out here and I've got somethin' to say! Last week here on this very show I cost that ol' bag of bones Dallas Page his little Four Way Match, and he's at home this week nursin' his wounds. Page it's a shame, a cryin' damn shame that I didn't put you away at Slamboree, but I'll tell you what ol' man you're day is comin' and it's a comin' soon enough."

As Jarrett paces the ring the crowd begins a "You got shaved" chant that sets Double J off.

JEFF JARRETT: "But the Chosen One isn't out here tonight to talk about Dallas Page's old increpit ass, oh no. You see tonight Jarrett Enterprises sees a reunion, the return of an old partnership so to speak. Tonight the man with all the stroke around here debuts his new business partner, and from here on out we take WCW into our own hands. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, I introduce to you, making he return to the company........ The QUEEN of Dubbya See Dubbya...... DEBRA!"

GULP! Did he just say Debra!? Yes he did, and the georgous real life wife of Steve Austin makes her way out from the back. The men in the audience are certainly pleased to see here, and the 'chosen one' is applauding her entrance. Man Debra is hot, and I heard that the WWF released her a couple weeks ago, but I never expected this. Debra gets into the ring to some cat calls, and Jarrett shows off his new/ old partner as Unleashed goes to its final commercial break. (63)

Main Event: WCW World Heavyweight title Match

Booker T vs Val Venis©

The show comes back from commercial and Val Venis is handing the referee the title for what could be the last time if Booker T has his way. Bell rings and Booker immeadiatly goes on the offensive with brutal shots and chops. They tie up and the former Champion knees Venis in the gue before whipping him into the ropes and following it up with a back elbow. the cover, and Booker only gets a two count. Venis rolls to the outside, the Champion looking for a breather but the challenger will have nothing of it. Booker t follows in persuit, but Venis playing the classic heel is hiding something. When Booker spins him around, Val throws white powder into his eyes! The challenger is blinded, and Val Venis makes the most of it whipping him hard into the ring steps. Venis rolls in and then out to break up the count. The Champion does some more damage to the blinded challenger on the outside before rolling him back into the ring. Once inside Venis stalks Booker T like a predator stalks it's prey. (cheesy line I know) Once Booker is up he gets hooked up for Venis' Cobra Clutch Slam, and it's hit! Venis gets up and does his grind then points to the sky. The fans boo knowing what's coming next, and Venis climbs to the top. He does some more grinding, and probably takes too long... leaps off for the money shot and.... MISSES! Booker T Rolled out of the way in the knick of time, and Spinaroonies back to a standing position! Venis is up holding his ribs, and a blinded Booker whips him into the corner, but Venis counters and whips Booker. The Champion charges like a madman into the coner, Booker counters with the Briscoe roll up! 1, 2,.......2.99999999999999! Venis kicks out! Man the crowd was ecstatic and really into it, now Venis is being hated on the most of anyone tonight. Venistries hooking Booker for the Cobra clutch but he counters, and hooks the Book End, no Booker counters and nails a kick to the gut! He calls for the Ghetto Blaster and this could be it!!

THE FINISH: Booker has Venis bent over, and he bounces off the ropes, GHETTO BLASTER!!!!! NO!! Venis dropped down and rolled out of the ring before the move connected. The Champion makes a pass with his arm as to say that he has had enough, and begins to walk up the entrance ramp! The referee makes the count, and when he's at eight Venis disappears behind the curtain, at ten the bell rings and the former Champion gets the win, but not the title tonight! Booker T grabs the World Title and poses saying that some day soon he will have it.

WINNER: @ 8:21 as result of a countout, Booker T!

NOTES: Just when you think they have the odds stacked against him the bastard comes back and finds a way to keep the belt. Due to earlier events they didn't have much time but did a damn good job with the time that they had.

RATING: ***1\4 rating. (84, 86, 81)

Overall Show Rating: 69%

Overall Show Rating: 5.22

Attendance: 3505

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the Hottest Rumors on the net!


Some good news came rolling on the desk of Shane McMahon this morning as  the ratings analysis for last nights awesome Unleashed came in. Unleashed  was said to have scored a 5.22 in the ratings. WWF Raw recieved a 7.11, and  WW Smackdown recieved a 5.84. While still below the ratings that the WWF  recieves this is good news for Shane McMahon and company as the WCW  roster consists of many new faces and stars still trying to get established.

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WOW! Awesome Great American Bash Poster has been released on WCW.com/  The poster has the backside of Major Gunns and the Great american Bash logo. the poster reads "A Three Hour Epic PPV Event from Toronto and  Albany." WCW plans on having the show run at two venues much like the  WWF did for Wrestlemania a long while back. With the current Team Canada  storyline getting hot, the Great american Bash should see some hot action in  two different countries!

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Guest MrBenjamin

Very good shows dude!!...I think you should just let Venis hold the title for a while...I mean he has talent and charisma....And try to steal someone from the WWF lol...

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Good couple of shows there. I think you should merge your two writing styles together; well just the opening. I like how Anderson and Hudson read out whatever at the start of the show. Seemed to add to it, IMO. But I really like the inclusion of the *star ratings.

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the hottest rumors on the net!


"Some good news as we approach the end of May, World Championship  Wrestling when first relaunched began trading at a National Level at 80%. As  of right now WCW is said to be financially healthy and while still trading at a  National Level they are at an outstanding 94%! That's a 14% jump since the  relaunch of the company! Many insiders in the company are saying that  Morale is high in the locker room, and everyone is trying their best to do their  part in helping the company reclaim the top spot in wrestling."

-Wrestling Insider.com

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the hottest rumors on the net!

WCW.com had the following on their site earlier today:


This week the Empire State hosts WCW Unleashed as we come live from the  Carousel Center, Syracuse New York. This week the World Tag Team  Champions, Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire make their return to Unleashed  and with it they have set out an open challenge, to any tag team that has  not faced them before. That means that teams like the Mamalukes and Kronik  will not be eligable to accept the challenge. This leaves the question who will  the Champions face?

Last week Rob Van Dam was uncerimoniously taken out of his match up  against Chris Kanyon when he was attacked in the backstage area before the  contest even began! Mike Awesome was in hot persuit of the attackers last  week, something tells us that Team Canada had something to do with it.

After costing Three Count the World Cruiserweight Tag Team Titles, AJ Styles  of Air Raid will see his first match since WCW's return as he goes one on one  with Lash Leroux! Air Paris will be in his corner, and you know Three Count will  have an eye on this one!

After walking out in his Main event Match last week on Unleashed the World  Heavyweight champion, Val Venis will be in the house. The show's Main event  will see Buff Bagwell teaming up with Diamond Dallas Page to take on Shawn  Stasiak and Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett will have his new business partner Debra at  ringside, and Stasiak will have the beautiful Stacy. The numbers aren't in  favor for Page and Bagwell.

All of this and much, much more on another edition of WCW Unleashed.


*AJ Styles Vs Lash Leroux

*Chuck Palumbo & Sean O'Haire Vs *A team they haven't faced before

*DDP & Buff Bagwell Vs Jaff Jarrett w/ Debra & Shawn Stasiak w/ Stacy  Keibler

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A WrestleCircle.com Exclusive

An in depth look at World Championship Wrestling's official developmental league, Level One Wrestling and their roster of stars. Who they are, and where their trainers think that they're heading.

(under each name is their stats: Over|Brawl|Speed|Technical|Charisma)

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This charismatic Thirty One year old veteran on the independant scene could  very well be the next name called up to the fulltime roster. Daniels made a  few appearances on Nitro in the old WCW most notably in a singles match  against fellow LOW alumni Michael Modest. When Shane McMahon took  control of the company Daniels was offered a trial contract and told to report  to Level One. Larry Sharpe, head trainer of LOW has nothing but great things  to say about Daniels. "Chris is a technical wrestling marvel and knows this  business inside and out. If he doesn't join the active roster within the next  few months I'd be quite surprised. I have a feeling that when Chris does get  that call up to the full time roster he is going to do big things."

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Originally a part of the old WCW as the sidekick of David Flair and Crowbar,  Daffney's contract was bought out from AOL Time Warner when Shane  McMahon purchased World Championship Wrestling. Sent to LOW to further  her skills, Daffney has been focusing on her in ring work. "She's really working  hard down here, and busting her but," states Sharpe. "Shannon is really  starting to realize the importance of ring presence and character  development, when she returns she'll be completely different than the last  time fans saw her."

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The 22 year old son of the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, David's contract was yet  another one that was bought out with the sale of the company. Instead of  feeling slighted when he was asked to join Level One Wrestling, Flair had the  total opposite reaction. "Alot of people thought that I'd be pissed off about  going into the developmental system, and alot of people made the claim that I  had everything handed to me when I was with the company last time around.  Well I'm going to prove those people wrong, I'm dedicated to this business  and being the best that I can be." Flair's claims so far have been accurate, in  fact Sharpe says that Flair is one of the most studious workers in Level One  at the moment. "I think he has some mighty shoes to fill being the son of a  legend like Ric Flair, but David is a hard worker and if he keeps it up and keeps  improving he has the potential to be every bit as good as his father."

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Smith is the 18 year old son of 'the British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith, and the  youngest worker in the company at the moment. Smith is under open  contract, making appeances in Canada in between his training in Level One  Wrestling. "The thing I like most about Harry is that he's young, and has a  truck load of potential" claims Sharpe. "He has a big build just like his father  had at his age, and the boy is a quick learner. With a little seasoning and  direction, Harry is going to be a huge star."

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The former EZ Money of ECW fame took part in the original Cruiserweight Tag  Team title tournament, and was another one whose contract was picked up.  Like Christopher Daniels, Sharpe has been amazingly impressed with the work  of the young man. "Jason can really go in the ring, and he's skilled both on  the mat and in the air. He and Daniels really perform alot alike, and they've  done wonders as a Tag Team down here. I know within good time Jason will  be on the Active Roster, and making waves in the Cruiserweight Division."

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This 22 year old was making waves on the independant scene when he  caught the eye of Shane McMahon and was offered a developmental  contract, one that still allows him to compete in such Indi promotions as the  ECWA. "Jayson is solid in the ring, and that Reign Drop move he does is quite  the treat for the eye." While he doesn't have much size to his frame, Reign  anticipates that his abilty in the ring will be enough to allow him to make a  name for himself if and when he gets the call up to join the active roster.  Reign has been in Level One for one month now.

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Like fellow LOW worker Jayson Reign this 22 year old caught the eye of Shane  McMahon when his agent sent in a promotional video tape. "I'm really excited  about this opporotunity, WCW has really been giving the smaller guys a  chance to shine with the Cruiserweight and Cruiserweight Tag team Division.  I'm trying not to get too caught up on the hype, and stay focused on using  this as a learning experience. Larry Sharpe has high hopes for Rave before the  end of 2001.

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To Michael Modest, being in Level One Wrestling is a slap in the face. "I was  already in WCW making a name for myself a while back, then Shane McMahon  buys it up, and I get demoted to some 'farm system.' I gave up alot of money  when I stopped touring Japan, too much money if shane McMahon never  decides to give me the call up." The main reason Modest is in LOW right now  is because Creative feels that he needs to learn how to utilize a character, or  persona. Modest would prefer a no nonsense type character, and with six  months left of his contract is he doesn't get the nod to join the main roster  it's likely he won't resign a new contract.

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The charismatic 23 year old cousin of the WWF's "Heart Break Kid" Shawn  Michaels joined Level One Wrestling a little less than a month ago. He was  originally trained by Michaels himself in the Shawn Michaels Wrestling  Academy, Shane McMahon has been said to be very fond of his work.

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24 year old Nick Dinsmore recently was dropped from a developmental deal  from the WWF for "cost cutting measures." Shane McMahon however during  his time in the WWF was impressed by Dinsmore's work and offered him and  other WWF cuttee Rob Conway WCW developmental deals. "Nick is a wrestling  Machine!" stated Sharpe. "I've never seen a guy more focused on mastering  his craft, Nick's attitude and work ethic will get him to the top of the sport  someday, I'll guarantee it." Dinsmore is on a written two year deal with WCW.

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Paisley worked in the old WCW as a valet for both the Artist and Kwee Wee,  and because of her natural charisma Shane McMahon decided to pick up her  contract with hopes she'll eventually work into a role as a valet once again.  Not any slouch athletically, Sharmelle has improved leaps and bounds inside of  the ring as well. Sharpe tells us not to be surprised if Paisley shows up once  again on WCW television sometime soon.

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23 year old Paul London is another talented worker to graduate from the  Shawn Michaels Wrestling Alliance who along with Michael Shane and Spanky  have found their way into developmental deals. While training with Michaels  and Lathero the lightweight worker mastered the art of high flying. Because  London has only been in LOW for a month Sharpe chooses to wait until a later  date to give his opinion on his latest student.

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This former Natural Born Thriller and Amateur wrestling stand out was first  overlooked by McMahon when many of the contracts were finalized. But upon  a second look hane offered the Italian American a developmental deal to  further his technical ability as well as further character development. Though  he has come a way since reporting to LOW, Reno has been noted as one of  the camps slowest developers.

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The former NCAA Basketball standout was released from his WWF  developmental contract earlier this year due to cost cuts, but found a new  home in WCW's newest training grounds. "Rob has natural ability on the  microphone" says Sharpe. "This guy could work a freakin plumber gimmick and  still get it over." Maybe just a little over exaggeration but Conway is certainly  one of the bright stars in the camp. He and Nick dinsmore have formed quite a  good tag team that could make its impact very soon in WCW.

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37 year old toughman and former UFC competitor Ron Waterman is the oldest  to find himself in LOW, but according to him good things happen to those that  wait. Waterman, like Conway, Dinsmore and Seven was released from his  WWF developmental deal earlier this year. "At first it was a big let down, but  not long after and Shane told me he'd like to meet." They feathered out a  new deal, and since then Waterman has been winning the crowds over with  his no nonsense submission based attack. "I'm going to break bones and take  names, WCW as a whole will soon feel my wrath." If age is any indication,  WCW had better call Waterman up soon or they will miss out on this worker in  his prime.

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This big man has seen his share of action in many of the WWF's farm grounds  including Memphis Championship Wrestling. The WWF's termination of his  developmental deal lead him to LOW last month, Larry Sharpe is impressed  with Seven's size and marketable look. "I can see this guy going places if he's  willing to work for it, and here in LOW we'll surely see if he's ready to work for  it."

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Another graduate of the Shawn Michaels Wrestling Academy, Spanky has  done quite the job winning over many of the ladies in the crowds at live LOW  shows. "He's one with the ladies, I can tell you that." Sharpe said. Spanky's  Sliced Bread Number 2 has won him quite a few matches on the independant  scene, most notably a well recieved match with friend and rival Paul London.  "These guys can really go, that's what I've seen so far. We'll see how far as  time progresses."

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That's right you read the last name correctly, HART. Teddy is the nephew of  Bret Hart, cousin of LOW worker Harry mith and a member of the famous Hart  clan. "What impresses me most about Teddy is his amazing agility," claims  Larry sharpe. "I watched the kid perform the most beautiful moonsault  recently, I mean it was picture perfect." Of course being a Hart, Teddy also  has a first hand knowledge of mat wrestling, a tool he will need to use as the  Cruiserweights of todays WCW are as good in the air as they are on the  ground.

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The former bodyguard of Alex Wright, and member of the Misfits in Action as  Sargeant AWOL, the WALL reported to Level One Wrestling in hopes of  achieving the best shape of his life, and has he ever. "No one is going to  recognize this guy when he returns to television," states Larry Sharpe. "He's  got his hair grown out, and he's a solid two hundred and seventy pounds of  muscle these days, he has improved on the mat as well. This guy is  dangerous, more now than ever." the WALL is the reigning LOW Heavyweight  Champion, but many believe that he will get the nod to rejoin the active  roster soon.

For those of you wondering Level One Wrestling has delivered one event so far, but are persuing a television deal with a local network in hopes of mapping out a weekly show. Here are the results to their first event:

LOW Future Now Event

Sunday May 13, 2003

*Spanky defeated Paul London in a well recieved contest.

* Ron Waterman and Seven fought to a no contest, Seven was accompanied  to the ring by Daffney

*Michael Shane & Jimmy Rave w/ Paisley defeated Jayson Reign & Jason Jett

*Nick Dinsmore & Rob Conway defeated Teddy Hart & Harry Smith for the  LOW Tag Titles.

* the WALL defeated Christopher Daniels, Michael Modest and Reno in a Four  Corners Match for the LOW Heavyweight Title.

Things are certainly looking bright for the future stars of WCW, we here at WrestleCircle.com think so atleast.

(OOC: I'm using EWR for this diary so I had to use a little imagination with those matches, I had to use a regular match for the ambulance match, and a battle royal for the Gauntlet, that kinda sucks but it's all in good fun lol.)

Edited by Idolized
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This has been very nice, good job man. I like Venis in WCW but RVD is always brought in to too many diaries. Oh well, I like the fact that you are keeping us up to date on the development fed too.

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results sent in by Wrestleboy8601

It's saturday Night once again, and for all of the fans of World Championship wrestling, tonight is WRESTLING night! Oh man the goosebumps are high when the opening video to Unleashed plays. We are live from the Carrousel Center in Syracuse New York, which is essentially a huge shopping mall. Mall or not the set up WCW has for this one looks cool as hell. The pyros go off on stage and the shows commentators Scott Hudson and Arn Anderson begin their usual line of talking. I got a death threat earlier this week in my email from an enraged fan wanting to know what the announcers say each week. I guess he doesn't have access to cable television so in order to save my own ass here's what Anderson and Hudson had to say;

SCOTT HUDSON: "Kicking off in an unusual, but explosive setting here in Syracuse New York. Hello everyone and welcome to the most explosive two hours in Sports entertainment Today, I'm Scott Hudson being joined as always by the Enforcer arn Anderson and this is WCW Unleashed!"

ARN ANDERSON: "Fans we have one heck of a show lined up for all of you tonight as the WCW Cruiserweight Champion Shane Helms squares off against Jamie Noble in a non title contest."

SCOTT HUDSON: "That's going to be a heck of a show down Arn, but how about tonight's Main Event? the Chosen One Jeff Jarrett teams up with Shawn Stasiak to take on the team of Diamond Dallas Page and the WCW United States Champion, Buff Bagwell."

ARN ANDERSON: "I can't wait for that one, especially since you know Stasiak won't be without Stacy, and Double J will be with his new "business partner," Debra."

The music of the WCW World Tag Team Champions cuts off the interaction between anderson and Hudson, thank god. The Champions look to have gotten a tan during their little vacation, nevertheless they're here tonight and ready for action. Palumbo takes a microphone when he gets in the ring, and it looks like we're going to here some words from our Tag Team Champions!

CHUCK PALUMBO: "Cut the music!"

Sure enough being the little b-otches that they are the guys in the truck cut off the theme song.

CHUCK PALUMBO: "Now last week we sent a message to any Tag Team that we haven't faced before to step it up and come face the greatest Tag Team in the company today in a non title match, well here we are!"

O'Haire takes the mic from Palumbo, wow we're going to hear from BOTH of the Champions!

SEAN O'HAIRE: "What has it come to when we've gotta resort to finding competition now that we have crushed all that this company has to offer? The Mamalukes and Kronik will NEVER get the opprotunity to step into the ring with the likes of Sean O'Haire and the Main event Chuck Palumbo because they're not good enough. The question is who thinks that they are..... good enough?" (59)

O'Haire hands the ring announcer the microphone back, and new hard rock sounding music plays on the Jumbo Tron. There is no entrance video and when two guys step out from behind the curtain I ask myself who in the hell are these guys? Arn Anderson, the bearer of great wisdom that he is clears it up when he says that this is Rob Conway and Nick Dinsmore, two young men that have been training hard in Level One Wrestling, WCW's official training grounds. It looks like these two are siezing opprotunity here tonight, Palumbo and O'Haire however seem to be taking the two men lightly as they point and laugh.


Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo (WCW World Tag Team Champions) vs Rob Conway and Nick Dinsmore

O'Haire looks to kick things off for the Tag Team Champions, and the blonde dude with the long tights kicks it off for his team, Arn says that it is rob conway so now we have things straight. They lock up and O'Haire uses his power advantage to lift Conway up and toss him backward into the ropes, Conway doesn't take kindly to O'Haire taking him lightly and fires off the ropes with a hard right hand to the chops! The smile has been whiped clean off of O'Haire's face now and the Tag Team Champion throws a hay maker in an attempt to take this young man's head off. Conway is one step ahead once again; he ducks the blow, and when O'Haire turns to face he recieves a kick to the gut and a brutal DDT! Wow that looked totally legit as skull met canvas, now Conway tags in Nick Dinsmore. Dinsmore climbs up the turnbuckle and Conway picks O'Haire back up to his feet, holding his arms. Dinsmore flies off the top and connects with an axe handel smash that drops O'Haire to his knees, and then to the mat. Referee Billy Silverman tells Conway to take his corner and Dinsmore makes the cover. 1...2... Palumbo makes the save for his team with a hard kick to Dinsmore's skull! Dinsmore and Palumbo attempt to go at it, but the referee instructs Chuck to go to his corner. This has been a good distraction as O'Haire seems to have caught his breath and when Dinsmore turns around he is met with an elbow to the face, and a Spine buster. O'Haire lies on the mat to catch his breath once again and Dinsmore holds his back in pain, this is when WCW decides to take their first commercial break.

~Commercial Break

We return to see Dinsmore being worked over in the enemy's corner. Palumbo is holding his arms back entrapping him in the corner while O'Haire applies a choke hold. Rob Conway is pleading with the referee to try to get in and break it up, but the referee is too busy trying to keep him out of the ring. Anderson informs us that during the commercial break it has been the Tag Champs in total control. Finally Conway says that he's had enough of the Tag Team Champion' cheating tactics. He hops off of the apron and runs to their side of the ring, grabbing Palumbo's ankle and pulling him off the ring apron! Palumbo's face smashed off of the side of the ring. O'Haire didn't like that one bit and now he's talking trash to Conway on the outside. After a few seconds Nick Dinsmore rolls him up with a school boy! 1, 2,.......2.9999999! Wow that was freakin close! Conway scrambles back to his corner and extends his arm for the tag. Dinsmore crawls to the corner and just as he is inches away O'Haire grabs his leg! Dinsmore gets onto one foot and hops about, then delivers an enziguri! Tag to Conway and he comes in like a freight train!

THE FINISH: Right hand to Palumbo who comes running in and gets dropped, O'Haire is up and he gets a right hand as well for good measure. Palumbo is back up with his back against the ropes, Conway comes chargin and Palumbo spills to the outside with the clothesline! The fans are getting behind this guy, and I think he may be on the verge of victory! Conway is kissing his fist and telling O'Haire to get up, he does and Conway goes for the knockout blow, O'Haire counters and hooks him up delivering a Fisherman Suplex! What the hell? Palumbo is holding onto the leg of Conway, out of the referee's view making it impossible for Rob to kick out, 1......2......3!! The Tag Team Champions have stolen one!

WINNERS: @ 5:21 Chuck Palumbo & Sean O'Haire!

NOTES: Very good match, especially for Dinsmore and Conway's television debut, the Tag Team Champions almost bit off a little more than they could chew in this one.

RATING: ***1\4 (71, 54, 88)

When we return from commercial break, Pamela Paulshock, the sexiest of all backstage interviewers in the business today graces the screen. Man what I wouldn't give for just one hour........ back on track.

PAMELA PAULSHOCK: "Hello everyone, Pamela Paulshock here, and I am standing by with the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Val Venis, and Team Canada."

Sure enough with some handy little camera work the Heavyweight Champion and his entourage are shown, Skipper, Storm and Major Gunns are standing behind Val. Elix has the Canadian Flag that he has used as a weapon more than once.

PAMELA PAULSHOCK: "Val, last week here on Unleashed in a World Heavyweight Title Match with Booker T we saw you walk away from the match entirely giving Booker T the win by count out. Now Val, alot of people have been talking and the question is, are you afraid of Booker T?"

Ooh, that one seems to have hit Val at home, the smug smile that was on his face has just turned into a defensive look.

VAL VENIS: "Woah, woah, woah. Just who in the hell do you think you are asking the Big Valbowski.... THEE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION if he is afraid of Booker T!? Let me make this clear to you, Booker T can't hold my jock! Did you not see what went down at Slamboree Pamela, when the Big Valbowski pinned Booker's shoulders to the mat? I am the WORLD CHAMPION Pamela, and the greatest professional athlete on the face of the planet today, I am not afraid of Booker T, He's not even in my league!"

LANCE STORM: "You know what Val it's just like a typical American to ask such an arbitrary question. Booker T is just an average, unmotivated, lazy American. Pamela don't you realize that without the world class Canadian performers that this company has, WCW would be just another"...........

Woah, Storm stops talking as Mike Awesome comes into the interview position totally interrupting Storm's rant on America. Awesome looks pissed and he takes the microphone out of Pamela's hand. (83)

LANCE STORM: "Just who in the hell do you think you are?"

MIKE AWESOME: "Shut the hell up Lance, all I wanna know is which one of you bastards attacked Rob last week?"

The evil Canadians have smiles on their faces

LANCE STORM: "Mike, ha, ha, I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."

MIKE AWESOME: "Oh bullshit, you know damn well what I'm talking about, just before his match I find Rob Van Dam laying unconscious in the back, and NO ONE is in sight. Now this week he's in the hospital recovering from a concussion, well how 'bout I give you guys some concussions!"

Wow, a brawl ensues and Awesome first gets an upperhand smashing Skipper, Venis and Storm with right hands, but the numbers overcome him, and Team Canada begin stomping away! Awesome is getting an ass whooping of a lifetime, but BOOKER T IS HERE FOR THE SAVE! The former Heavyweight Champion has a steel chair in his hand, and Venis and Company run for the hills! Booker T checks on Awesome as the show goes back into the arena. (58)

The Air Raid siren is going off marking the entrance of AJ Styles and Air Paris. Styles is dressed for in ring action in a blue vest and matching short tights with "AJ" on them. Paris is wearing the same Adidas jumpsuit as last week, looks like Paris will be playing the role of cheerleader tonight as Styles gets set to face Lash Leroux.


AJ Styles w/Air Paris vs Lash Leroux

Leroux runs to the ring, good job of WCW not to put any thought into Leroux's character. Still saddens me that he's seemingly directionless. A collar and elbow to start things off and Styles puts Leroux into a side headlock. Seconds Later Leroux shrugs him off and whips him into the reopes. Shoulder block by Styles and Leroux goes down, AJ continues into the ropes and hurdles over Lash.... rebound off and Styles nails him with a flipping clothesline much like Xpac made famous. He goes for the cover but only gets two. Styles applies a leg lace on Leroux looking for a submission but Lash refuses to give up. Styles extends his hand to Paris who grabs it and wrenches applying pressureonto the submission hold, Leroux screames out in pain and but makes it to the ropes. Styles tries to hold his lead with some punches but Lash catches him with a sloppy firemans slam.

THE FINISH: Leroux goes to climb to the top rope looking for the flying headbutt. Air Paris grabs his leg allowing Styles to get to his feet. Styles runs upthe turnbuckle and hits a frankensteiner off of the top rope! AJ leaps back onto the top, and connects with an impressive Pheonix Splash and covers for the Three Count!

WINNER: @ 4:11, AJ Styles!

NOTES: This was pretty much a squash match to put Styles over and introduce Air Raid into competition, Leroux hit like two moves, but the whole purpose of the match was so that we can see what Moore and Karagias will be up against, I think so atleast.

RATING: *** rating. (67, 52, 82)

Styles and Paris are celebrating in the ring, but they cut it short and decide to put the boots to Leroux to further the damage. But this new victory celebration is cut short when Karagias and Moore themselves hit the ring and get them some of Air Raid, Styles and Air Paris get just a little taste before running for the hills as the show goes to commercial. I hope it's not that damn Snickers commercials.

When we come back from commercial break we get treated to a pre packaged video from Diamond Dallas Page.

DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE: "Jeff Jarrett, you know somethin'.... I thought I ended this thing between you and I at Slamboree when I SHAVED YO' HEAD BALD! But hey, you wanna keep this thing goin' then I'm down wit' that. But Jeff I hope you're ready for tonight, 'cause you're gonna FEEL THE BANG!"

Short simple and to the point from Page, something tells me Jarrett has a plan in store for ol' DDP tonight though. (69)


'Sugar' Shane Helms (WCW Cruiserweight Champion) vs Jamie Noble

It's my favorite time of the night, time for the fastest rising star in all of the Cruiserweight Division, JAMIE NOBLE!! Helms is immensly popular right now, and there is talk that he will drop the Cruiserweight title soon for a run at the US strap. Both Men are in the ring, and get things started with a collar and elbow tie up. Arm wringer by the Cruiserweight Champion, now Noble counters with a front flip then the sweep of the legs and Helms is down. But he quickly kips up to his feet. Tie up once again and they exchange another series of holds, this action is fast paced, but Noble slows it down with a brutal Kidney shot and subsequesnt back suplex. Noble gets up and continues to smack the back of "Sugar" Shane's head. Helms charges with a double leg takedown and pummels the face of Jamie Noble before lifting him back up to his feet and whipping him into the ropes. Tilt a whirl back breaker by Helms but he only gets a two count. Back up and the champion has his opponent against the ropes, a little change up and he clotheslines Noble over the top rope and out to the floor. When Noble gets to his feet, Helms charges and uses the top rope to springboard to the outside and take Noble down with a plancha! HOLY SHIT!! HE HAD AIR! Both men aren't the same after that one and need to take a breather. After a while Helms rolls Noble back into the ring and makes the cover but at the last second he kicks out once again! Noble gets up to his feet and leans in the corner Helms comes at him with some wild chops and the fans "Wooo!" with each one.

THE FINISH: a quick kick to the gut and Noble goes to lift him up for the Tiger Bomb, Helms counters falling back to his feet, a knee to the midesction and he goes for the Vertibreaker! Noble falls off the back and quickly rolls the Champion up in the school boy cradle! Noble has the ropes for extra leverage, and he get the pin!!!

WINNER: @ 10:21 Jamie Noble!

NOTES: Oh my freakin' god that was one of the best matches I have ever seen, quite possibly THEE match of the year! Helms put Noble over, my god Jamie Noble is the man!

RATING: ***** rating for a great match. (85, 71, 100)

When we come back from commercial Hudson and Anderson tell us that Shane McMahon will be here live next week with a very important announcement regauring the Great American Bash! Oh boy, I'm DYING with anticipation.(76)


Rey Misterio jr and Billy Kidman (WCW Cruiserweight Tag Champions) vs Big Vito and Johnny the Bull

The running storyline here is that Kidman seems like he doesn't want to be a part of the Championship Tag Team that he has with Rey, still bitter over his loss to Stasiak after Rey said he was SORRY for ruining the match. Obviously the Cruiserweight Tag Titles are not on the line in this one since Vito and the Bull are way out over the 230 weight limit. Rey and the Bull start things off, Johnny uses his brute strength to throw Rey around like a rag doll, but Rey counters with a springboard dropkick that knocks the taste out of the Italian's mouth. Tag to Kidman and he goes at it with Johnny. Vito comes in after a blind tag and grounds Kidman. He brawls with the CW Tag Champ, but evntually Kidman does make the tag to Rey.

THE FINISH: Kidman gets knocked off of the apron when Rey tried throws the Bull over the top rope, it just happened to be where Kidman was standing and they both go to the floor. Rey counters Vito's powerbomb with a face buster and follows it up with a Guillotine leg drop from the top rope for the 1, 2, 3. Rey's hand is raised, and Johnny the Bull comes running into the ring bitter over the loss. He charges rey down to the mat, and he and Vito do a number on Rey. Kidman sees it going down in the ring but doesn't help his partner, instead he heads to the back, that Son of a Gun!

WINNERS: @ 4:21 Rey Misterio & Billy Kidman

NOTES: wasn't really a focus on the match, more the aftermath. The match served its purpose to further the Kidman/ rey storyline.

RATING: **1\4 rating, (74, 62, 87)

Before the show goes to commercial we see two HUGE Breats in a black brawk extremely close to the screen, it was just the camera man's handy work focussing on Debra's chest. (I love that camera guy) Debra yells into the locker room to see if Jarrett's ready, he comes out wearing a bandana, and has his guitar. He takes his "business partner" by the hand and they head to the ring as Hudson states. (69)


Shawn Stasiak w/ Stacy Keibler and Jeff Jarrett w/ Debra vs Buff Bagwell and Diamond Dallas Page

WCW must have paid a little extra for going over air time last week, the Main event has already begun when we come back from commercial. Stasiak has Page with his throat against the second rope, using his knee in the back of Page's neck, while holding the top rope to choke him out. Stasiak releases at four and shoves the referee. Page tags in Bagwell and Stasiak is about to crap his pants, he runs to tag Jeff Jarrett but Buff knocks him down before he can. Buff is like a loose cannon throwing some stiff punches that redden the face and chest of the Mecca. Stasiak blocks a back body drop attempt with a high knee and clothesline to boot. Tag to Jarrett and Double J comes in like a shark tasting blood in the water stomping on Bagwell's leg and looking for the figure four. Bagwell counters with a small package for two. After the final commercial break of the night we come back to DDP and Jarrett in the ring going at it. Stasiak and Bagwell have been going at it in the crowd, Jarrett rolls out of the ring and Page follows. They fight on top of the ramp, Jarrett smashes Page back first against the big screen.

THE FINISH: Stasiak misses a flying elbow from the top rope, and writhes in pain. Buff tosses him out of the ring, Jarrett runs back into the ring and dropkicks him from behind. Jarrett and Bagwell trade blows, but Jeff whips him into the corner turnbuckle smashing Bagwell's shoulder then tossing him through the ropes and to the outside. Jarrett taunts the fans totally oblivious to the fact that Page is flashing the Diamond Cutter sign behind him. Jarrett turns around, DIAMOND CUTTER! 1, 2, 3!

WINNERS: @ 12:21 Diamond Dallas Page & Buff Bagwell!

NOTES: The match its self wasn't the greatest or smoothest, but was still enjoyable. Nice interaction between Stasiak and Bagwell. Jarrett and Page definatly carried the match, a bit dissappointed that Debra or Stacy didn't stay at ringside.

RATING: **1\2 rating. (69, 70, 68)

Page rolls out of the ring and the referee raises his arm. DDP flashes an irate Jeff Jarrett the Diamond Cutter hand sign as Unleashed leaves the air.

Overall show Rating: 70

Television Rating: 5.21

Attendance: 3505

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I tried sending the files with emaiil and the YOUsendit service, but neither would let me. I'm hoping to get someone to host the two files on a site, then I will happily let you get the scenario and pic pack... blasted servers :@

EDIT: Good news, finally got both hosted on an old site I had, just follow the instructions in my sig to download the game and picture pack. Have fun man.

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6/2/01 WCW Unleashed Preview

The major news surrounding Unleashed this week is that WCW owner shane McMahon has stated he will be on hand to make a major announcement concerning the Great American Bash. We are not certain if this regards the Main Event, or the Event its self but when Shane O'Mac says MAJOR you know it is going to be huge.

After suffering defeat at the hands of DDP last week in a Tag Team Match, the Chosen One Jeff Jarrett will be out for blood, this week he goes one on one with the dangerous Hugh Morrus. Plus the number one contender to the WCW United States Championship, Shawn Stasiak is in action. Val Venis and Team Canada are expected to be on hand giving you all the reason not to miss this explosive edition of WCW Unleashed.


*Jeff Jarrett Vs Hugh Morrus

*Shawn Stasiak Vs Mike Sanders

Edited by Idolized
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results sent in by Wrestleboy8601

The clock strikes Seven and it's time once again for some WCW action! Sure enough the WCW logo comes on the screen and then the opening video to Unleashed plays. We are live from the First Star Center in Cincinatti, Ohio. The pyros go off on stage and the cameras pan around the arena, you can tell fans are really starting to get behind World Championship Wrestling once again as each week the arena is fuller and fuller. The shows commentators Scott Hudson and Arn Anderson welcome the fans at home;

SCOTT HUDSON: "Shane McMahon has promised a major announcement regaurding the Great American Bash here tonight and we sit in anticipation, hello everyone and welcome to the most explosive two hours in Sports entertainment Today, I'm Scott Hudson being joined as always by the Enforcer arn Anderson and this is WCW Unleashed!"

ARN ANDERSON: "That's right Scott McMahon has promised a major announcement reguarding the next WCW Pay Per View, and knowing shane McMahon this is going to be huge."

OH BOY! The "Here comes the money.... ca ching!" phrase comes over the speakers, that's Shane McMahon's music and it looks like we won't have to wait long to here his announcement."

SCOTT HUDSON: "Well he said he'd have an announcement tonight, I didn't know he'd be kicking off the show, this just goes to show you can always expect the unexpected here in the new WCW!"

McMahon FINALLY gets in the ring and the crowd gives him love. "Shane O' Mac" "Shane O'Mac!" gosh, you'd think Jesus Christ himself is in the ring before us.

SHANE MCMAHON: "What's up Cinnnnnnnnnncinnnnnattiiiiiiiiiiiiii!?"

I hope Buff Bagwell isn't on the show tonight, 'cause Shane McMahon just used up the United States Champion's cheap pop routine.

SHANE MCMAHON: "Oh, much love for Shane O'Mac here tonight! Well, last week I sent the little memo out to Scott and Arn there at ringside letting all of you WCW fans know that tonight I would have a major announcement reguarding WCW's next Pay Per View, the Great American Bash. Well, actually I lied."

What the hell? He lied about having a major announcement? Alright....

SHANE MCMAHON: "You see actually I have a couple announcements reguarding the Great American Bash, you see and the first one is as follows; for the first time in history this year's Great American Bash will not only come from one location, nor one country but two! That's right this years event will be a dual hosted two nation extravaganza. Half of the card will be held in Albany, New York at the Pepsi Center, and the other half will air from Toronto's Skydome; the viewing audience live on Pay Per View will witness the second simulcast in the history of World Championship Wrestling."

A two nation event pay per view event? Sounds cool, although I guess the people in Toronto won't be able to see the superstars the compete in Albany live and vice versa. But those who buy the PPV, this should be pretty cool I think.

SHANE MCMAHON: "But that's not the only announcement I have regarding the Great American Bash, nope. As I said, I had a couple announcements and here is the second. For those who live in Toronto they'll be happy to see Canada's own World Heavyweight Champion Val Venis in action in the Toronto cards Main Event when"...........(86)

"Dummmmm Dunnnn!" That's Team Canada's music and sure enough that's who is making their way out to the ring now. Val Venis with the world Heavyweight title over his shoulder, leads the group of Lance Storm, Elix Skipper (waving that damned Canadian Flag) and Major Gunns down the ramp and into the ring, Shane doesn't look happy about this interuption. Venis is handed a microphone from the ring crew member, and the World Heavyweight champion who recently rediscovered his Canadian roots has something to say.

VAL VENIS: "Woah, woah, woah! Now Shane before you go any further allow me to remind you of a little fact. As THEE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION I am obligated to ONE title defense every thirty days, huh huh ha! Shane, in case you didn't realise it, just two weeks ago I fulfilled that obligation so before you go about naming off this Main Event you had better make sure that the Big Valbowski isn't defending this here Heavyweight strap!"

Venis projects that damn cocky smile and the crowd lets him have it. Shane doesn't seem impressed by Val's contract revisal.

SHANE MCMAHON: "Wow Val, you do certainly follow the contracts don't you. (Venis smiles and shakes his head, he's seemed to have pulled one over on the WCW owner.) Damn that totally blows my Main event Match that I had planned."

Venis laughs and says it's a legallity, and not HIS fault. the crowd booes.

SHANE MCMAHON: "Actually I should have said that it WOULD have ruined my Main Event, because you see Val the Main event I have signed does not involve you defending the World Heavyweight Title, but it does involve you, (points to Val) you, (now Storm) and you (Skipper is pointed at now.) You see Team Canada, in your little home coming to the Great White North I've booked you against a guy that has been waiting a long time to get his hands on all of you."

Team canada laugh and Storm takes the microphone.

LANCE STORM: "ONE guy, ha ha you've booked Team Canada, the greatest pure athletes in wrestling today against ONE guy in a handicap match, good god McMahon we're shaking!"

SHANE MCMAHON: "Did I say ONE, silly me I should have said THREE. Because at the Great American Bash it will be Team Canada's Val Venis, Lance Storm and Elix Skipper against BOOKER T, ROB-VAN-DAM, and MIKE AWESOME in a Six Man Tag Team Elimination Match!"

OOh boy, Team Canada didn't want to here that. The heels are pleading their cases with shane O'Mac but he isn't open for discussion.

SHANE MCMAHON: "And Val yes, you are THEE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION and since you love legallities so much allow me to inform you of one in this match. Should you get pinned or submit at the Great American Bash the man who pins you WILL recieve a World Heavyweight title shot sometime in the future following the Great American Bash."

VAL VENIS: "WHAT! You can't do that, this is ludirous!"

SHANE MCMAHON: "Oh but I can Val, and I just did. And another thing champ, I don't like to be interrupted, and since you lead your little squad to the ring on MY time in tonight's Main event you're going to see yourself in a unique little situation."

VAL VENIS: (fuming) "What the hell are you talking about Shane!"

SHANE MCMAHON: "In a preview, a scenario if you will of what could happen at the Pay Per View should your buddies in the ring be eliminated from the match you will be in a a two on one handicapped match when THEE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION Val Venis steps onto the ring with MIKE AWESOME and BOOKER T! And Champ if either Lance Storm or or Elix Skipper interfere in this matchup you will find yourself in a THREE on one handicap match NEXT week on Unleashed. Have a nice night!"

McMahon's music plays and Team Canada does not look happy in the ring, what an announcement and what a Main Event for the GAB! (79)

When Unleashed returns from commercial break the cameras are in the locker room area where we find Chavo Guerrero Junior and Jamie Knoble hanging out. Jamie Knoble is the man who pinned Shane Helms last week in non title action for all of those who missed it, and chances are that Noble will be the one who takes the title off of Helms before Chavo.

JAMIE KNOBLE: "Ha, ha guess what, son!? I just came from Shane McMahon's office and he gave me some good news, ya' here me, at the Great American Bash it's gonna be a Triple Threat, us against that sideshow freak Shane Helms for the Dubbya See Dubbya Cruiserweight Title!"

CHAVO GUERRERO JR: "Hey, hey holmes that's awesome! You and me both in the same bout Essa, that's like double our chances of taking the title!"

JAMIE KNOBLE: "Damn right son, I say you and me take that boy out first thing, and then its down to you and me!"

CHAVO GUERRERO JR: "Yeah man, I'm down wit' that!"

They shake hands and it looks like we have a little alliance against Shane Helms heading into the Great American Bash this isn't good news for the WCW Cruiserweight Champion. (66)


Chavo Guerrero Jr. w/ Jamie Knoble vs Crowbar

After Hudson and Anderson continue to hype the news that they've heard regarding the Great american Bash it's time for Chavito to see some in ring action. It looks like he and Knoble are taking their alliance seriously as Knoble follows him to the ring. Crowbar looks lost in the ring lately, another WCW wrestler without direction. Wonder where his good friend Daffney is these days? The action starts out strong and quick, Crowbar comes at the former Cruiserweight Champion like a mad man knocking him down with a double leg sweep and pounding rageful fists into his face. The referee pulls Crowbar off of Chavo, but he's a man posessed. Crowbar whips Chavo into the ropes and swings, chavo baseball slides between the legs, Crowbar turns around and Chavo wrings the arm, flip into a counter by Crowbar... great exchange. Crowbar drops the legs across Chavo's neck but only gets a two count. It was really close there, Chavo is back up and drop kicks the knee of Crowbar. He grabs it in pain and rolls to the outside. Chavo distracts the referee and Jamie Knoble is taking care of business on the outside. He slams Crowbar into the steel steps and then rolls him back into the ring.

THE FINISH: Chavo taunts the crowd and they boo the fiery Cruiserweight. He stalks Crowbar and when he gets to his feet Chavo delivers the Gory Bomb Speacial! 1, 2, 3 this one is history! Knoble and Guerrero join hands in the center of the ring

WINNER(S): @ 8:45 Chavo Guerrero Junior!

NOTES: Some very intense and entertaining spots, Chavo and Noble look strong heading into the GAB.

RATING: **** (79, 62, 97)

When the show returns once again we are treated to one of the video team's masterpieces. This one focuses on the Tag Team Champions that have been red hot as of late, Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire. It shows their path of destruction including Kronik and Team Canada. The video ends with their tainted victory over Conway and Dinsmore last week leaving me to wonder if they will continue this thing between the two teams. (65)


Jeff Jarrett w/Debra vs Hugh Morrus

It's time for the Chosen One to see some in ring action, myself I'd much rather see the beautiful Debra in action not in ring but we won't go there. Just what Debra's job is as Jarrett's "business partner" I do not know, and I wonder if her husband Steve Austin likes it. Hugh Morrus' momentum has stalled lately telling me that I should expect nothing but a squash match here. the match starts off with some brawling tactics from the artist formerly known as General Rection, knocking the Chosen One into the corner, Morrus runs in for a huge avalanch, but misses. that's about all the offense that Morrus gets in this one.

THE FINISH: Jerratt counters Morrus' gut wrench attempt and Nails the Stroke! It doesn't look like he thinks that it's enough to finish the big man and picks him up, One more stroke later and Double J picks up the victory, Debra is happy jumping up and down and after seeing that I'm happy once again.

WINNER(S): @ 6:21 Jeff Jarrett!

NOTES: Not too good of a match, but Jarrett looks strong as he continues to berate Diamond Dallas Page

RATING: **1\2 (68, 65, 72)

After Jarrett is done celebrating in the ring Scott and Arn turn us to the backstage area where Pamela Paulshock is standing by with Air Raid's AJ Styles and Air Paris.

PAMELA PAULSHOCK: "Thank you Scott and Arn, fans I am standing by with the newest acquisition to the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team division, AJ Styles and Air Paris. Now guys everyone is wondering what is the deal between the two of you and Three Count.

AIR PARIS: "Pamela, you want to know what our beef is with those two little sissy's Evan Karagias and Shannon Moore is, well it's plain and simple. Those boys are wanna be's."

AJ STYLES: "That's right they wanna be as cool as Air Raid, but they ain't!"

AIR PARIS: "They ain't gots 'da custom throwback Adidas jumpsuit like we've gots. They ain't got 'da looks, and lady killa' status that Air Raid has, and hell thanks ta us, they aint gots 'da Cruiserweight Tag team titles. Ha, ha ha!"

AJ STYLES: "You know Pamela it's time that all of the Cruiserweight Tag teams in WCW start to take notice, Air Raid ain't here to play. And Pam it all starts with the Three Count!"

AIR PARIS: "Dat's our beef, chickey!"

Wow, not only does air Paris have the dumbest name in the entire WCW he also has the worst grammar. Did anyone esle have a hard time understanding that one? (53)

YES! Shawn Stasiak's music is playing when we go back to the arena, I'm not cheering to see the "Star" in action, I'm cheering because STACY KEIBLER is coming out with him. They get into the ring and Shawn grabs a microphone, oh boy;

SHAWN STASIAK: "Shut up... Listen and learn! Buff Bagwell last week you found yourself on lady lucks good side, but the "Star" assures you that come the Great American Bash lady luck will be the BITCH that she is, and she'll bite you in the ass! Take your United States Title, and hold it tight because the "Mecca of Manliness" will have it soon enough!"

Well atleast we didn't have to put up with the Shawn and Stacy show again, time to see the "Star" in action.


Shawn Stasiak w/ Stacy Keibler vs Mike Sanders

MIKE SANDERS IS ALIVE! Good god, WCW hasn't used him since he jobbed out of the Cruiserweight Gauntlet invitational at Slamboree, considering that he's up against the WCW US Title's number one contender I assure you he will job again tonight. It's funny Sanders was an integral part of WCW before Shane took it over, now he's a faceless act. The two former Natural Born thriller members lock up and Stasiak immeadiatly relies on his strength advantage to give him the first offensive maneuver, a headlock! The most over used spot ensues with the puch into the ropes, shoulder block, hurdle and clothesline. Mike Sanders hits a few moves in this one, someone press record!

THE FINISH: Well it didn't last long, stasiak nails a thunderous DDT leaving his opponent lifeless on the mat. The Mecca walks over to the ropes and pokes his head out long enough to recieve a kiss from Stacy (lucky bastard!) He lifts Sanders up and hits the Rude Awakening style neck breaker putting Sanders away for good.

WINNER(S): @ 5:32 Shawn Stasiak!

NOTES: Squash match as squash matches go.

RATING: *1\2 (51, 38, 64)

Before we go to commercial we are taken to the locker room where Misterio and Kidman are having a heart to heart.

REY MISTERIO JR: "What was that last week man, you stood there and watched me get beat down by Vito and the Bull, dawg?"

BILLY KIDMAN: "Look Rey I had my own ass to watch out for, you know we do need to try and keep the Cruiserweight Tag Team titles, or do you want to mess that up to? Look stop worrying about me and start worrying about yourself we have a match coming up next!"

Something tells me these two are heading for splitsville, and doing well over the speed limit. With that the show goes to commercial break.


Rey Misterio jr. & Billy Kidman (WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions) vs Kaz Hayashi & Yang w/ Leia Meow

We come back and the action has already gotten started in the ring, all four men are in the squared circle battling it out. Yang takes Kidman down with a flying head scissors, and the master of the shooting star press rolls to the outside, Yang follows up by bouncing off the top rope and flying outside onto Kidman with a plancha! Awesome spot! Rey Junior and Kaz Hayashi are battling it out in the center of the ring, Rey leap frogs over Hayashi and rebounds off the ropes with a flying clothesline! Hayashi goes down. The camera man does a great job of getting a shot of Leia Meow's leather clad behind, damn I love that camera guy. Hayashi gets one over on Misterio and tags out to Yang. Yang and Hayashi use quick tags to keep misterio grounded. That is until he finally gets the tag to Billy Kidman!

THE FINISH: Rey Jr. holds Kaz Hayashi in place. Billy Kidman charges...but Kaz ducks, and the clothesline floors Rey Jr. Kaz Hayashi moves in for the kill, Kaz Driver. 1....2...3, it's finished. Kidman and Misterio argue about the defeat, then Kidman walks off without saying anything, much to the disgust of Rey Jr.

WINNER(S): @ 6:11 the Jung Dragons!

NOTES: Hell of a match, even if it was a spotfest, the ongoing saga between Kidman and Misterio continues.

RATING: **** (73, 51, 96)

Booker T is backstage warming up before the show goes to its last commercial break, Mike Awesome comes in and shakes Booker's hand saying "lets do this" wonder if the faces can actually get it done here tonight.(74)


Val Venis w/ Major Gunns vs Booker T and Mike Awesome

Shane McMahon informed the WCW Heavyweight Champion that if Elix Skipper or Lance Storm got involved in tonight's match then Venis would be in another handicap match next week, only a three on one. shane McMahon however said nothing about Major Gunns and the curvacious blonde accompanies the Champion to the ring for tonight's contest. Awesome recieves a huge pop from the crowd but it's nothing compared to the ovation Booker t recieves. Mike Awesome and Val Venis start things off and the big man immeadiatly delivers a kick to the gut and clubbing blows to the back of the WCW Champion. Whip into the ropes, and Awesome scoops him up and onto his shoulders, Venis counters and shoves Awesome face first into the corner turnbuckle pad, spinning sit out suplex but it only gets a two count. Venis works over the legs of the big man utilizing the full 4 count on the ropes when Awesome grabs them. The Champion taunts Booker T and the crowd gets on his ass. Booker eventually gets tagged in and Venis tries to run away but Booker T is a man possesed Hard chops to the chest again and again, then the kick to the gut and Booker fires off the ropes for the Ghetto Blaster.... nope Venis hooks up the Cobra Clutch and delivers the slam! He runs to the corner and knocks Awesome off of the apron, then climbs to the top, MONEY SHOT!!!! NO!!!! Booker Rolls out of the way! Both men lie on the apron, then Booker T spineroonies back to a standing base! The crowd is going nuts.

THE FINISH: Major Gunns has climbed up onto the apron! Booker turns...and falls for the distraction! Val Venis runs at Booker from behind...but misses! Val Venis collides with Major Gunns! Booker T moves in for the kill. Book End! 1....2....3. The crowd loves it, FINALLY Booker T has been able to pin the WCW Champion, Awesome and Booker T celebrate, then the former WCW Heavyweight champion calls for the microphone.

WINNER(S): @ 14:32 Booker T and Mike Awesome

NOTES: Finally the faces look to have an advantage in the ongoing war, not the best match WCW has put on, but considering that it was a handicap match it was very good.

RATING: *** (77, 74, 81)

Booker T stands in the center of the ring, the WCW Champion rolls to the outside and Major Gunns is checking on him Booker T holds the microphone to his mouth.

BOOKER T: "Yo, Val you wanna talk about how much better of an athlete you are than me, well I just pinned yo' ass to the mat for the 1, 2, 3! NAH CAN YOU DIG THAT, SUCKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!?"

With that, WCW Unleashed goes off the air, pretty damn good show tonight. Remeber to log onto Wrestling-Heat.com for all things Pro Wrestling, and join me next week for Wrestling-Heat.com exclusive Unleashed results!

Overall Show Rating: 70%

Television Rating: 5.30!

Attendance: 3508

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A WrestleCircle.com Exclusive: WCW signs two new divas-We at WrestleCircle.com have recieved word that WCW have signed two new Divas to Developmental Deals.

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This former ECW scarlette served as the valet for the Odd Couple and hot commodity, she has also done numerous shoots with Playboy magazine. Most likely she will be used as a glamorous arm piece for one of WCW's developmental workers when they make their debut.

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The former Ryan Shamrock of the WWF and Symphony of the old WCW looks alot different from her former stints with big promotions. She is very charismatic and could be the new WCW's dominant female manager, which big WCW star will she accompany is the question.

Edited by Idolized
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