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Nascar: Whats the appeal?

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Ok I like to think of myself as open minded. I am willing to give anything a chance, but I don't get the appeal here. I just got done watching a movie and this Daytona 500 was on when I was done. I have watched it for almost 15 minutes now and I don't get it. Any racing fans on the board please explain to me the appeal of your sport.

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How can you not "get" Nascar?

A load of guys in cars chase each other around a track. A lot of times :shifty: Meanwhile, two of America's most uncharismatic people drivel on about what's happening (namely; fuck all). Occasionally, they crash (the cars, not the commentators), and everyone wakes up and cheers for a while, before falling asleep for the next 100 laps (including the drivers, hence the crashes :shifty:) Repeat until someone wins. Then everyone goes home/changes the channel. :P

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I don't understand its appeal either, my entire family loves it though. Whoopie, a bunch of mid 20-to-early-50's guys driving in circles.

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To me, NASCAR is a lot like Football. Nothing important happens except that twice in a hour someone takes a shot at the net.

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The commercials. The commercials are the same or better than the ones during the Super Bowl.

But seriously, I guess it just gets intense at times, and is a fun thing to watch. Although IMO, nothing beats live racing at the local track.

No gay rules + Guys with names like "Chicken Man" + more charsmatic announcer + the junkyard warriors division (take a $500 junker, take out all the extra stuff, paint, add number, race) = Fun.

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Guest Bluesman

I think a large part of it has to do with your personal interests. I, for example, don't know much about cars, nor do I care. However, if you enjoy cars, work on cars, (race, do demos, etc.) I can see why you would find it interesting and enjoyable. Right now I'm watching what could be argued as the bost boring thing on television, a debate between Howard Dean and Richard Perle. The reason why I'm watching and interested is because of the things at hand, the issues, people, etc.

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Meh, I'm English, thus I prefer Indycar because they go faster...

But I like oval racing like Nascar because all the guys are battling out to be the winner over many laps. The strategy also proves intresting as well. Like the others its kinda hard to explain it just all works together to create the package.

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I see nothing really exciting about NASCAR at all......the only reason I could even think of to watch it is to see the car crashes....but then again, sometimes they don't happen....

It's times like this that I think of this one caller on GTA: SA to the sports show...

"Yeehaw! There's nothing I like more than gettin' shitfaced and goin' deaf in a hundred degree heat!"

It's just something I can't get in to....

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