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"Git R Done!"

Guest ch1ppy08

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Guest ch1ppy08

Are there any Larry the Cable Guy fans here at the EWB?

I just saw him live last night. He so freaking hilarious. I reccomend him to any comedy-lover. See him live and you won't regret it.


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Ron White is really the only good one of the bunch. Larry is decent, when he actually makes something smart (a.k.a. his comment about Playstations), other than that, he sucks.

Then again, I did like both BCCT movies...but the show sucks.

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Of all of the guys on BCCT, I hate Larry the Cable Guy the most and I find the phrase Git R Done to be extremely annoying, especially when all the people in my town like to say it because they think they're rednecks.

Ron White is easily my favorite, while I've always enjoyed the Here's Your Sign gimmick of Bill Engvil more than the You Might Be a Redneck one from Jeff Foxworthy.

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Trying hearing 'Git R Done" by actual rednecks all the time. It's far more annoying.

I hated Larry from the minute I saw him. I only laughed at a few of his jokes, but the one I enjoy the most, like mostly everyone I guess, is Ron White.

And yes, the show is quite bad in it's own right.

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I like the BCCT, mainly because I am a redneck. But, I greatly dislike Larry The Cable Guy, as I personally feel like he is just helping the sterotype that we get here in the south. I can't stand Larry's "Git R' Done" saying, it annoys the hell out of me. But as for the rest of the BCCT, I think they are all great. I don't think they are the best comedians in the world, but think they are pretty good.

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laryy the Cable Guy is awesome I own both Blue Collar Comedy Tour DVDs and larry's dvd title "Git 'R'Done"

All the BCCT comedians are great to me

but I love larry's Christmas Carols

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Trying hearing 'Git R Done" by actual rednecks all the time. It's far more annoying.

Pain. Shared. I hear "Git 'r done!" nearly every day. It's either that or equally annoying Napoleon Dynamite quotes.

And for the record, I don't care for any of the BCCT crew. Foxworthy's autobiography was mildly funny, but his actual stage show isn't. The other guys...bleh. Don't like them either. And again, for the record, the BCC TV show sucks. I've seen one good skit on it before and I can't even recall all of it :/

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Larry's the only poor comedian of the four, in my opinion. His jokes are subpar, and that stupid, phony accent, and the character he does altogether, fucking blows. As was already mentioned, he's accomplished nothing with it but further stereotyping southern people. Foxworthy is decent but far too popular (at least where I come from), while I've always equally enjoyed White and Engval. Both of the movies were moderately entertaining, in my opinion.

But yeah, none of these guys are anything special, on any given Friday night you can find better stand up on Comedy Central.

EDIT - While I admit that Larry is the worst, I do think that the funniest quote of the BCCT series was his doing.

Larry: "Hey, tell 'em about that thing that ya did that time in the place." (or something like that)

White: "He just ended a sentence with 9 prepositions."

Foxworthy (or was it Engval?): "Yeah, he's an over-achiever."

Larry: "Well, I dunno about any of that, but..."

Edited by veg
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Wow, I'm shocked that so many people hate the BCCT. I absolutely dispise them, and always have. I find absolutely none of their stuff funny at all either. Maybe its cause I'm not close to being a redneck so I have nothing in common with them.

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I'm in the same boat as Tristy. I'm in redneck country too and around here I literally hear "GIT-R-DONE" at least five times a day. What makes it even worse is there is some guy around here with an old, rusty, spray painted truck with a lift kit that sits about 4 feet off the ground that has GIT-R-Done spray painted all over it. I hate West Virginia. I must move far, far away from here.

Anyway Ron White is decent, easily the funniest of the Blue Collar guys. He really needs to get some new material though. I've seen both of his Blue Collar shows and a couple of his others and it's always the same jokes with a few small changes

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