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World Wrestling Federation '98


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For your information killakidd:

Javert originally ended this diary with Royal Rumble 1998 a while back. He then wrote a great WWF 1986 diary. After it ran for over a year(game time) he ended it and came back to this one. He also wrote a JWA diary, featuring his own created federation. I think it may have been one of the most replied-to-without-posting-one-show diaries in EWB's history.

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For your information killakidd:

Javert originally ended this diary with Royal Rumble 1998 a while back.  He then wrote a great WWF 1986 diary.  After it ran for over a year(game time) he ended it and came back to this one.  He also wrote a JWA diary, featuring his own created federation.  I think it may have been one of the most replied-to-without-posting-one-show diaries in EWB's history.

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next show will be up soon. In going through my old files, I actually found a show from PART II. Part II is of course that part of the diary that was on the EWF board that the fuckhead admin LOST. For all the longtime readers enjoy this, as it's during THE BERZERKER'S RUN as WWF Champion, and when Lawler was established as the #1 babyface of the WWF. Very interesting, here...it really upsets me that the entire part is lost, as reading this, it brings back alot of storylines that I did..that I just can't remember. :/


Channel: Santana Sport TV

Venue: Manhattan Centre

Attendance: 5003

Announcers: Joey Styles & Michael PS Hayes


               Dave Schmeltzer

The Crowd is going nuts as WWF MAAD TV, the second broadcast, is now live. It was announced that Tony Halme defeated Johnny Smith During a House show this week, to Win The WWF I-C Championship Belt. Wow, they sure didn't waist any time...Vince McMahon standing in the ring, and starts to scream like an maniac as always, in introducing The Rock, with manager Superstar Paul Bearer...

McMahon" Ladies and Gentlemen!!! Please welcome, Live on WWF MAAD TV!, Superstar Paul Bearer, and The #1 Contender for the Intercontinental Title--He is a 2 time I-C Champion, The Rock Don Muraco!! [Muraco get's a huge ovation. His pouplarity has increased to around the same level of Jeff Jarret's right now, #1 contender for the World Title]

Superstar Paul Bearer, The Legendary Don Muraco defeated 'Prodigy' Steve Corino, at last months 'Holiday Hell'95!!'. But now, in order to 3-peat, at this years Royal Rumble he's gotta defeat the newest member of THE CARTEL! The New Intercontinental Champion -- Tony 'The Viking' Halme!!!"

Bearer (Muraco is busy standing on the Turnbuckle, getting the crowd hot)" Well Vin Man!! The Fat Man sure is laughing now! (Crowd cheers). Now Tony Halme...sure YOu are strong...you are big, you are powerful...but you are NO ROCK!!! You thought that you gained one over the FAT MAN  by defeating my man, Johnny Smith!?. Well now, I've got someone bigger, and stronger, that's just waiting to Power Slam You into Defeat!!! See you at the Rumble, Halme!!!" 87%

**Muraco Poses to a loud pop, then leaves with Superstar Paul Bearer. Why is Paul Bearer wearing a shirt with flowers all over it? Ugh.**

-Mike Rotunda, Tonight's first CARTEL Casuality-

Dr. Death Steve Williams w/ Paul Heyman d. Mike Rotunda

It's interesting to see how well the WWF is educating their fans to the wrestling style of Mike Rotunda and Steve Williams. Good match here, with the crowd booing Dr. Death, and giving Rotunda a mixed reaction. At 7:11 Rotunda was about to nail Dr. Death with a somoan drop, but then Paul Heyman hopped on the apron, and starting yelling. Dark Patriot, ran down the isle with a chair and simply help it on the ring floor from outside the ring.. Dr. Death then snuck up behind Rotunda who was watching Paul Heyman and the ref fight, and nailed him with a back drop right on the chair. Dark Patriot yanked the chair back out of the ring, so that Dr. Death got the pinfall victory! They immediatley went into the double team on Rotunda. At this point, Rotunda's partner, newcomer Mike Barton, ran down the isle, but was greeted by a chair shot from Heyman, who was hiding behind the railing. Officials finally broke up the beating...after a few more minutes of double teaming.

Overall: 71

Crowd: 74

Match: 65


-Pretty Paul Roma sends a Warning to The Sandman-

Sandman d. Carl Pierre

Good strong match here. After much of the match going both ways Sandman dominated the last 5 minutes. Pretty Paul Roma came out with his manager, Tammy Sytch and starting yelling at the Sandman for 'looking' at Sytch, last week on MAAD TV.

Pretty Paul Roma" Hey Sandman! Look at this body! (Paul Poses, kisses his bicep.) And look at this Body! (Points at Tammy Sytch). You'll never expierence NEITHER, if you keep drinking all of that beer! Hahaha! Oh...And keep your eyes off of Tammy!!!"

Sandman simply turns back around and nails Pierre with his delayed Piledriver. While holding Pierre upside down, Sandman lit a ciggarette.

OVerall: 72

Crowd: 65

Match: 79

-The Sarge Meets up with THE CARTEL-

We goto the back where SGT. SLAUGHTER is standing by with 9 members of THE CARTEL. In the front is, Bruce Pritchard holding the WWF Title, with The Berzerker, James E. Cornette, with Tony Halme who is wearing the I-C title around his waist, and Paul Heyman--Sabu is not present.

Slaughter" First off all, I just want to congratulate you all on your success! I am standing in front of 3 of the greatest minds in Professional Wrestling! Tonight, Stan Hansen & Johnny Ace take Demolition, but..perhaps the biggest travesty of it all! Jerry Lawler has been reinstated thanks to this whole Ninja thing...and he challenged The Berzerker To a World Title Match Tonight!!!"

The Berzerker (In Background) " Huss! Huss!  Huss! Huss! Huss! Huss! Huss! Huss! Huss!"

Pritchard" Do you hear that, Slaughter? Those are words of an unbeatable warrior!!! The Berzerker cannot be beaten!! No one can defeat The Berzerker! Not, Lawler, not Jarrett, not Flair, not Bret--NO ONE!!!!!! HE IS UNBEATABLE!!! And tonight! Lawler! Lets up the ante! Lets make this match, A FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH!!! Welcome back, Lawler...Hahahahahaa! "

Slaughter" Hahahahaaha!"

Cornette" Hahahahaah!"

Halme" Hahahahaa!!"

Heyman" Hahahaahaha!!"

Ace, Hansen, Dark Patriot, Steve Williams" Hahahahaha!!!!"

The Berzerker" Huss! Huss! Huss! Huss! Huss! Huss! "

Slaughter" What the....."

**Suddenly Max Moon comes charging on camera and begins yelling at Paul Heyman**

-Max Moon Get's Ambushed-

Max Moon has burst onto the scene and starts yelling at Paul Heyman, for letting his man, Sabu destroy his jet pack, last week on MAAD TV. Moon has a small accent.

Max Moon" Hey man! What hell is your Arabian's pysco's problem!! I don't care if he was trained by The Original Shiek He has no business destroying my jet pack!! I need that to get to the Moon!"

***After a long pause, everyone breaks into laughter. A chair appears on Camera Thrown against Max Moon's head! Moon instantly goes down. All of the CARTEL members are rooting SABU on to continue to attack Moon, and that he does. Sabu takes everything in site and starts throwing it on Max Moon! Finally, officials break it up before any permanent damage is done. For the record, Sabu was wearing his Shiek get up Good segment here, showing Sabu's 'Homicidal' Character, unfortunately, we couldn't understand alot of what Max Moon was saying. 69%

Sabu gained overness from this segment.



--Jerry Lawler turning Face On Hulk Hogan in Nov '93, during the whole 'Management Shake Up'--

--Various Highlights from Lawler-Mountie 93-94 Main Event Feud--

--Lawler winning I-C Title--

--Lawler and Brian Christopher teaming up on Ted Dibiase in Mid '94-

--Ted Dibiase introducing Brian Christopher as 'The Million Dollar Kid'

--Lawler defeating Ted Dibiase in Main Event of Wrestlemania '94--

--Lawler Being Attacked by Antonio Inoki w/ James E. Cornette in late '94--

--Lawler Loosing to Antonio Inoki at Royal Rumble '95--

--Lawler defeating Antonio Inoki at Wrestlemania '95--

--Various Highlights from Lawler battling THE CARTEL--

--Lawler loosing the Sudden Death Tag Match At Holiday Hell '95--

--Lawler showing Bret Hart 'The Tape' Last week On Raw--

--Lawler walking BACK INTO the WWF...TONIGHT.--

Big pop for Jerry Lawler..well...his video. 100%

Jerry Lawler gained overness from this segment.


--'The Naturals' Injure Johnny Ace -

Johnny Ace & Stan Hansen w/ Paul Heyman d. Demolition (Ax and Smash) w/ Mr. Fuji

Good match. Hansen was really brutal on Smash with his Lariat. After the match was over,  Slick starting dancing in the isle...to a nice pop, followed by 'The Natural' Butch Reed, and 'The Natural' Mike Hegstrand' who went in on an attack on Ace & Hansen. Crowd popped huge as Hegstrand and Reed took out Hansen and Heyman. They then took turns gorilla slamming Johnny Ace in the ring. Tense moment came when Johnny Ace landed oddly on the side of his arm. It was revealed that Ace's Arm was broken. He will be back in 6 months. Nice. Added heat now to a Hansen - Hegstrand singles feud.

Overall: 62

Crowd: 62

Match: 63

Johnny Smith d. The Mountie

Rougeau isn't really doing a good job of getting younger talent over. But he is look upon as a top WWF wrestler.  Word is that they may turn him face, so that he can team with his brother Ray Rougeau. That would actually be very smart on the WWF's behalf, to help make thier tag team division as good as it USED to be...the last time that the Rougeau's were actually a team...


-Viking Tony Halme Makes an Open Challenge-

Viking Tony Halme d. Macho Man Randy Savage

We were set for the World Title Match, but James E. Cornette lead Tony Halme to the ring, and said that he dared anyone to face him right for the I-C Title! At that point, Savage's music hit the house system, and the roof went off the building! Word is, that as a result of Savage's peak popularity, he may be getting a bigger push than they originally had for him. Savage lost when he was going against the ropes, and was met with James Cornette literally snapping his tennis racket over the back of Savage, along for Borga to nail him with the Torture Rack Neck Drop...Loud 'Halme Sux' Chants.

Overall: 85

Crowd: 95

Match: 62

Randy Savage lost overness from this match. The WWF Intercontinental title has gained in image.


-The Macho Man comes to Lawler's Aid-

The Berzerker d. Jerry Lawler - WWF Title -Falls Count Anywhere

What a bad idea. Lawler is a brawler...and Berzerker is..uh...A Viking. Luckily, these two are two of the most over people in the company, so the fans were able to look past the sensless brawling and cheer for Lawler. The match went into the crowd...here it just turned into a two on one...Bruce Pritchard & The Berzerker vs. Jerry Lawler. Security had to stop a fan from attempting to attack Pritchard...Final moments came at just 7:44 when Lawler could take no more of the double team, and got nailed by the Shoulder Tackle, near ringside, in the crowd for the cover. Pritchard and Berzerker, continued onto the attack, until the biggest pop of the night came, when Macho Man came running down the isle to Lawler's aid! Big Savage and Lawler chant, as MAAD TV went of the air....

Overall: 76

Crowd: 89

Match: 47


-Jeff Jarret #1 Contenders, give The Other Top Contenders 'Another Chance'-

Jeff Jarret d. Ric Flair & Bret Hart - Triangle Match #1 Contenders for World Title

After one advert, MAAD TV returned on the air with Jeff Jarrett standing in the ring to a loud 'Jarrett' chant. Jarrett said that because of all the injustice that happened to Bret, he was willing to give him a shot at the #1 Contenders spot. Hart came out, and just when the two were about to wrestle, Flair came out of no where and started dancing and yelling about how he gave up his Presidentship just to fight The Berzerker, and that he should be in this match too. So they all fought. Definately one of the best television matches in a long time. Finals saw Bret have Flair in the Sharpshooter for a while...Jarrett knocked Bret off, and quickly put the finishing touches on Flair's legs with his figure four. Jarrett celebrated by jumping into the crowd and celebrating with fans. I guess Dibiase has to enter the Royal Rumble like everyone else....

Overall: 90

Crowd: 94

Match: 84

Show Quality:80

Head To Head Ratings

WCW Monday Night WAR




**Preview for Next Week's Show....RAW RETURNS...on Santana TV (Friday Night Raw Dropped. To Risque for USA***

--Raw Live From The World's Most Famous Arena, Madison Square Garden!--

*Jerry 'The King' Lawler & Randy 'Macho Man' Savage


Viking Tony Halme & WWF Champion; The Berzerker

*Drinking In Public Citation Match;

The Mountie vs. The Sandman

*WWF Tag Team Titles

Insane Clown Posse (WWF Tag Team Champions)


Million Dollar Man & Million Dollar Kid, Brian Christopher

The Return Of Hulk Hogan!!!!! What are his goals in '1996?

Edited by Inspector Javert
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  • 2 weeks later...

May 9rd, 1998

WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

Channel: FOX

Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & Michael “PS” Hayes

Attendance: 12039

In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


Dave Schmeltzer

– Ric Flair likes ‘The King Ric Flair’ -

Juvi Guerrero d. Doink The Clown

Juvi Guerrero had a nice one here, planting Doink with the Juvi/Tiger driver at 7:33. Borne actually was able to have a somewhat fast paced with Juvi. Good match. Hayes put over Juvi big time, since Mooney was just incapable of doing so properly.

Overall: 55

Crowd: 46

Match: 65

Juventud Guerrera is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.

After the match, Eric Bischoff was with Ric Flair in the back. Flair stood tall and confidently, smiling in a slick grey suit and brown shades. Bischoff mentioned that the complete KING OF THE RING, brackets will be revealed this week on Monday Night RAW. It’s also going to have some sort of modification to it to implement some sort of SUDDEN DEATH rules. I can’t see the WWF getting rid of anyone right now. The risk of loosing anyone to WCW, GCG, or even ECA could spike ratings equaling, or possibly topping the WWF’s weekly show numbers.

Flair" Bischoff, here’s what I’m sayin’ to you, tonight! It doesn’t matter who I face in this tournament, whether it be The Sandman, whether it be Steve Corino, whoever! Wooo!! Sweet Bruti, Carl Oulette, or even if it is that punk, Mr. Everything! Wooo! I’m rolling through’em, and am then not only going to be…Woooo! THE NATURE BOY! But I’m gonna also be, Wooo!! THE KING RIC FLAIR!! Wooo!! Wooo!! Wooo!"

Bischoff" Well, there you heard it right there! Could it be? The King Ric Flair? Back to you, guys."

After the interview Mooney, and Hayes pushed the singles debut of “The RazorRic Titan, against WWF veteran, Butch Reed. 94%


Rick Titan d. Butch Reed

Butch Reed, pushing 47, was able to have a really solid 10 minute match with Titan. At first, Reed pummeled Titan, and they sold it as Titan not yet being ready for the ‘big time’ yet. But he was able to eventually pull back. Reed countered the ‘Titan Edge’, which is a Razor’s Edge/Diamond Drop, using his toughness and power to flip Reed with an overhead toss. Finally Reed fell to a crushing forearm by Titan before getting dropped on his head at 9:54. Titan looked good, here. Inoki (GWF Booker) and Pritchard have done a fine job with the GWF pool.

Overall: 62

Crowd: 52

Match: 70

Butch Reed lost overness from this match. Rick Titan gained overness from this match.


The Dragon d. Curt Hennig

The Dragon has a strange posture throughout. He crouches a bit, and looks to usually be walking on his toes as well. According to several sources, Dragon has been working a lot with Inoki and Great Kabuki in mimicking the style of WCW’s Keiji Mutoh/Great Muta – who happens to be Kabuki’s son. It looks like they have elected to take away the Moonsault as his finisher since Jannetty isn’t exactly the most graceful. Instead, Dragon caught Hennig with a top rope dropkick, which Hennig sold beautifully, by ‘snapping’ his neck back due to the impact of the dropkick. They showed the replay of the dropkick and pin over and over again, until Dragon surprisingly grabbed the mic. In a dark hoarse voice, almost whispering loudly; Dragon looked to the ceiling and said,

Dragon" Sabuuuuuuuuu! Sabuuuuuuuuuuu. Sabuuuuuuuuuuu [*chant starts*] Sabuuuuuu! Sabuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Where are youuuuuuuuuuu….Where are youuuuuuu...[*crowd continues ‘Sabu’ chant]……Where are youuuuuuuuuu. Wheeeerrrrreee…."

Overall: 69

Crowd: 74

Match: 60

The Dragon gained overness from this match.


- The Brooklyn Bad Boys set their sites on the Wild Outlaws -

The Dudleys (Spike and Big Dick Dudley) d. The Eliminators (John Kronus & Phil LaFon)

Well, it looks like they’ve put LaFon back into tag competition. Not surprising that they’ve done this. The WWF recently sent Doug Furnas down to the GWF with the plans to make him a super face. In the GWF I’m sure it’ll work. It’s going to take a lot of work to make it work nationally, though. LaFon will soon be sent down to Memphis as well to do a former tag partner feud with Furnas, in what should be pretty interesting. I’m hearing that the WWF might air these parts of the GWF on RAW to give the feud importance. “Big D.” almost sent Kronus through the ring with a chokeslam at 8:11.

Overall: 60

Overal: 54

Crowd: 67

Phil LaFon lost overness from this match. Spike Dudley gained overness from this match. Big Dick Dudley gained overness from this match.

After the match they went to the back where Bischoff interviewed The Brooklyn Bad Boys. Bischoff played highlights of The Brooklyn Bad Boys doing really well in the Title shot Battle Royal on Monday Night RAW. After showing Senerca’s suplex rage they played Senerca’s elimination – blindsided by a Bobby Duncum Jr. lariat. Senerca was really good here. He ranted saying that that’s not the way he was taught to fights, growing up in Brooklyn, New York. He said that he Taz plexed everybody face to face, not by fighting them when they weren’t looking. Senerca said he and Kama were going to show Duncum & Windham what they used to do to people who attacked from behind. Senerca’s got potential. 84%

Peter Senerca gained overness from this segment.


Carl Oulette d. Chris Jericho in a King Of The Ring qualifying match

Another great Worldwide match. Jericho gave a fight, but was surprised by an Oulette butt bump at 12:02. After a big sidewalk slam, Oulette squashed Jericho, both literally and figuratively, with his top rope cannonball. I’m hearing that they’re going to announce the Oulette vs. Champion match for Survivor Series ‘98. One year after the infamous Bret Hart screw job in Montreal, I think that they will return to Canada, which would make sense, as Oulette is a huge draw there, along with Owen.

Overall: 80

Crowd: 75

Match: 86


Al Snow d. Tatsumi Fujinami

Fujinami made one of his scattered wrestling appearances, having a great match with Al Snow. Crowd popped hard for Fujinami’s figure four leg-lock. A nice ‘Let It Snow’ chant went on for most of the match, especially when Snow struggled to the ropes to get out of the figure four. At 11:21 Snow blocked, reversed and nailed a Dragon Suplex pin, winning him the match. Snow’s almost getting pops as loud as Sabu’s.

Overall: 79

Crowd: 80

Match: 80


Mike Barton d. Earthquake

Mike Barton surprised the big man with his hook at 7:33 knocking him out. After a few moments Earthquake recovered and through a fit. He attacked Barton from behind, and gave him the tremors followed by the big Earthquake splash. I’m surprised they let Earthquake do that to Barton. Crowd didn’t care much. I heard that they edited the crowd noise, due to constant loud ‘Let It Snow’ chants.

OveralL: 61

Crowd: 64

Match: 57

– The Big Bossman attacks WWF Announcer Michael PS Hayes -

Big Bossman w/ Ted Dibiase d. Barry Horowitz

Well, now it looks like Horowitz has been demoted from Monday Night Raw jobber to Worldwide Main event. This was a pure match out of WWF Superstars 10 years, ago. Except a decade later, Horowitz has been looking worse and is incredibly sloppy, just a half of year after he saved Sting, becoming one of the most popular wrestlers, to date. For years people will always talk about the day Barry Horowitz saved Sting from The Undertaker. This, also at a time when Sting was fresh…a long term NWA/WCW wrestler leaving Dusty Rhode’s powerhoused Hogan, Berzerker, Scott Hall, Stan Hansen-led WCW. This was at a time where the WWF had to come big after their biggest female star, Tammy Sytch debuted on Nitro as Brian Pillman’s valet. And now, a decade later after Horowitz steady decline, in contrast Bossman, 2 years younger than Horowitz at 36 is actually in the best shape of his career. Bossman was dressed in an all black new police suit. Perhaps it was just a year or two too late for Horowtiz’s body to be able to hold up. Anyway crowd heat was great for this. Horowitz blew up just about 5 minutes into the match. Bossman worked stiff, which kept the crowd hot. Bossman nailed Horowitz with the Bossman slam at 9:32.

Overall: 76

Crowd: 84

Match: 60

Big Bossman gained overness from this match.

After the match Ted Dibiase ran in the ring, and shouted for Bossman to handcuff Horowitz to the ropes. It should be noted here that Worldwide went of FOX right after the victory; 7:59PM. I hear this is going to be aired at the beginning of the upcoming RAW as some sort of ‘camera were still rolling’ segment. Bossman smiled and did so, followed by some nightstick shots to the ribs of Horowitz. Officials hit the ring, but Bossman just threatened them with the nightstick. Bischoff and Hayes were going nuts saying that this was ‘over the line’. After a few moments Bossman took the mic, with Dibiase laughing in the background. They replayed segments from the Brian Christopher Lawler interview on Monday Night Raw.

Coming out of the break, Joey Styles was standing in the middle of the ring, absorbing his usual ‘Oh My Gawd’ chant. Styles directed everyone’s attention to the Titan Tron where they recapped the footage from the Dibiase attack on the Lawlers. They mentioned that it was power bomb into neckbreaker tag team maneuver by Rev. Devon & The Gladiator that contributed to the neck ligaments being torn. Sandman’s cane’s shot also contributed to that and a badly lacerated head.

Styles" At this time, still recovering from that brutal attack, please welcome – Brian Christopher Lawler!"

Christopher came out to a great pop, and was sporting a BCL UNIVERSITY Tee. He came out in crutches, and had tape around his chest, and across his forehead.

Styles" Christopher…I..it’s hard to see you like this. No man deserved what Ted Dibiase orchestrated last week on Monday Night RAW."

Christopher [*pauses as “BCL” chants begin.*]" I’m lucky right now to be standin’! I lay in the hospital bed all last week, and I kept sayin’ to myself ‘I can’t miss RAW! I can’t miss RAW’ I wanted to be here, tonight, even if I had to be carried here! [*crowd cheers*] But, my Father ain’t doin’ as good.  And Dibiase, you say my Father got what he deserved? My Father has a passion for wrestling! And that is why he did what he did! But Dibiase, you’re gonna get it!"

Styles" Now while Dibiase obviously orchestrated this, with the help his hired thugs, and  Brutus Beefcake, the people that did the most damage wereThe Big Bossman & The Sandman."

Christopher" Lemme tell ya somethin’ about Big Bossman! All he is is a yes-man. A mindless henchman! When I was with him  and Dibiase, he was the one shining my shoes! [*crowd cheers*] And The Sandman! This drunk, and his sidekick, ‘The Barber’..lemme tell ya somethin’, any time anywhere, you wanna hit me with a stick…we can do it anytime one on one, punk! [*crowd cheers*]"

Styles" Now, I think this is very clear,  it seems that your Father’s biggest adversaries are out to get you"

Christopher" That’s where ya got it wrong, Styles! ‘Cause they ain’t out to get me. I’m out to get them! [*Crowd cheers*]"


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Good show Javert. I'm liking Bossman finally getting a push. But I don't know about a possible feud between him and Hayes. Sudden death, Didn't you do that kind of tournament before? Like in '94 or so? Sorry if my history is a bit shakey. Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to Monday Night Raw.

Mr. Everything for '98 KOTR (Y)

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been while...sorry for the delay, busy last couple of weeks!

Flurry of shows up this weekend.

It's the King Of The Ring period. :)

Brackets will be posted using bracketmaker.com, as always. Look for the link soon!


And to those concerned...the idea of putting Hayes in the ring had never crossed my mind. (Y)

Edited by Inspector Javert
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Ahh bracketmaker. You not only do a good diary Javert, but your also a good resource. I borrowed the idea of using bracketmaker in my WWF 93-94 game. Anyway,looking forward to getting some new shows this weekend! An excuse for me not to write my shows lol. Flair for King!

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks VDP.

Yes, when I started this thing I had loads of free time..which slowly dwindled as the years (both EWR and regular 'years') went on.

Many thanks to all who read, all who didn't, all who loved, all who despised...but all and all, all kept up with the happenings of my imagination combined with EWR. It's very much your imagination and devotion to reading the diary (or critiquing it) that made this diary the enigma of diaries it has become.

RIP WWF '92. May it stand tall in the Diary Dome HALL OF FAME.

Edited by Inspector Javert
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Well. I got the WrestleMania I wanted. Cant complain :) You know I was a fan while it lasted. I mourn for the "missing years" of the diary tho. You know the ones you wrote the background for before you began diarying shows. They sounded awesome.

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Wow, Sucks to see this go, But for as long as you kept this going, It had a good ending. Glad to see one last Wrestlemania in it. Are you going to add the stuff you put in the abridged forum to this part of the diary and then put all of it in the HOF with the other one?

Thanks for the great stuff though Javert. I enjoyed reading (Y)

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Well if what you've said is true and this is finally over for real, all I can say is that it's long overdue. Quite frankly the entire diary's been on life support since the very start of 1998, and it took you something like two years to post two more months worth of shows. I'm glad to see you've finally put it out of its misery, and I hope you just leave it be and don't try bringing it up again :P

With that out the way, I must say that this is still one of my favourite diaries of all time. There is no other diary out there that has mixed things up as much as you did. I've loved almost everything. The characters you created, the way you shaped the company and then figured that into the booking... it's got to be some of the most intelligent thinking I've seen on these forums, and I don't think any other diary has even came close to reshaping the industry like you have done.

Thank you.

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Mr. Javert, it's sad to see my favourite diary go. I've read for about 2 years now, and they were an awesome 2 years. Congratulations for making a diary that lasted 5 and a half years (or so) game time...that's no small feat. You must have one hell of an attention span. A question though: Will you be continuing writing diaries at all? I'd love to see you try a WCW diary from the mid-90s.

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Well if what you've said is true and this is finally over for real, all I can say is that it's long overdue. Quite frankly the entire diary's been on life support since the very start of 1998, and it took you something like two years to post two more months worth of shows. I'm glad to see you've finally put it out of its misery, and I hope you just leave it be and don't try bringing it up again :P

With that out the way, I must say that this is still one of my favourite diaries of all time. There is no other diary out there that has mixed things up as much as you did. I've loved almost everything. The characters you created, the way you shaped the company and then figured that into the booking... it's got to be some of the most intelligent thinking I've seen on these forums, and I don't think any other diary has even came close to reshaping the industry like you have done.

Thank you.

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Comedy/unconventional? I'd say you're testing the waters for a return of Wrestling's Finest. DISAAAAASTEEEEERRRRRRR~! ^_^ Hey, I'd be hyped if it were that.

It's a pity to see this really end, even if it's been inactive for months, and months before the most recent "re-launch" as well. I believe this was the first diary I've read, and it continued to be a favorite over the time. Top notch writing and build-up towards the important events (Shangrila/WM98 for the two most recent events). Not to mention that it's because of this diary that I'm a Tenzan mark in real life too.

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