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NBA Playoffs Thread


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Pistons will need Rip to cancel out Kobe every game in scoring, then try to contain Shaq, if they have any chance at winning.Shaq will still dominate inside, but Detroit need Williamson, Okur, Hunter, everyone on their bench to contribute, but the fact is, Big Ben isn't a good enough Scorer, which is the difference.

Lakers In 5....6 at the most.

I still think you are thinking the wrong way. It isn't up to the Pistons to try to match the Lakers score it is up to the Lakers to find a way to score with the defence that Detroit uses. Rip can match Kobe point for point if Kobe is only allowed 10 PPG. That's the thing, if the Pistons can find a way to contain Kobe and Shaq it could go to 6 or 7 however I think the Lakers will play Fisher a lot and Malone will find his mid range game which will spread the D. So I'm going Lakers in 5. However I would love it if the Pistons could get up.

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Detroit's defense is good, but overrated due to playing mostly bad Eastern Conference teams. Every team in the West has some who can hurt you, even the Clippers with Brand. The same can't be said about the East.

Well let's examine this shall we.

In the first round of the playoffs the Pistons defeated Michael Redd and the Milwaukee Bucks. Is Redd not someone who can hurt you?

In the second round of the playoffs the Pistons defeated Richard Jefferson and the New Jersey Nets. Now Jefferson might not be someone who'd hurt you night in and night out, but he damn sure did it to the Pistons.

And of course in the Conference Finals, the Pistons defeated Jermaine O'Neal, Ron Artest and the Indiana Pacers. Now both of those guys are legitmate threats to get 20-25 each night.

Detroit's Defense is not overrated and that is going to be proven against the Lakers. They won't win the championship, but this is going to be a good 6 game series. That is unless Kobe and Shaq both decide they want to get this over quickly, and LA sweeps Detroit. But from past experience we've witnessed how LA only plays hard on their home floor, and in desperate situations. I expect them to take the first 2 at home, get 1 in the 3 game set at Detroit and then wrap it up in 6 at home.

But people are going to realize that Detroit's D is fantastic no matter who they are playing.

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I read through the paper yesterday, and apparently back in November when the Pistons beat the Lakers in Detroit, Rick Fox told Joe Dumars "See you in the finals this year". It goes to show you that Detroit is respected, and I don't think LA will take the Pistons lightly either. I think we have as good of a chance as anybody to win a series against the Lakers. Keep in mind, we beat the Lakers before Rasheed was a part of the team. Wether he will be a factor is yet to be determined. I think one key to our success is how our bench plays. We need to get alot of production out of Mehmet Okur, Corliss Williamson, and Elden Cambell. Lindsey Hunter will hopefully continue playing his superb defense.

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Well let's examine this shall we.

In the first round of the playoffs the Pistons defeated Michael Redd and the Milwaukee Bucks. Is Redd not someone who can hurt you?

In the second round of the playoffs the Pistons defeated Richard Jefferson and the New Jersey Nets. Now Jefferson might not be someone who'd hurt you night in and night out, but he damn sure did it to the Pistons.

And of course in the Conference Finals, the Pistons defeated Jermaine O'Neal, Ron Artest and the Indiana Pacers. Now both of those guys are legitmate threats to get 20-25 each night.

Detroit's Defense is not overrated and that is going to be proven against the Lakers. They won't win the championship, but this is going to be a good 6 game series. That is unless Kobe and Shaq both decide they want to get this over quickly, and LA sweeps Detroit. But from past experience we've witnessed how LA only plays hard on their home floor, and in desperate situations. I expect them to take the first 2 at home, get 1 in the 3 game set at Detroit and then wrap it up in 6 at home.

But people are going to realize that Detroit's D is fantastic no matter who they are playing.

Redd who? Sorry, he's not a 'star', so he's not what I'm talking about. EVERYONE in the West, short of Utah, who plays a great team game has a bonafide star.

New Jersey sucks... don't try to claim otherwise. LA would have ran them out of the gym.

and Indy was overblown too. O'Neal is overrated, but Artest is good.

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Dont underestimate the Pistons...back in 89, when they won their first title, AGANIST THE LAKERS, mind you, they said the same thing....the lakers where too good, etc. Magic, Worthy, Green, Scott and the rest.

What happened? A surprise. It might happen again. Yes, the Lakers then didnt have Shaq...I think it was Michal Thompson, but it's the same thing. I know Benny can take care of Shaq....

The Pistons have a similiar lineup...I think even better than in 89, with Rasheed being the new Bill Laimbeer, Hamilton the new Joe Dumars(the way he has been playing, I think is better than Dumars), Billups the new Isiah( he is getting there), Ben the new James Edwards(or better) and off the bench, their team is rock solid, with Tayshun being the new John Salley...they just need a good scorer of the bench to be the new Vinnie Johnson and we are set.

I have high hopes for the Pistons...in terms of matchups, I think they are the best in the East to go aganist the Lakers and the only ones with hopes of containing Shaq.

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I know Benny can take care of Shaq....

Rasheed being the new Bill Laimbeer,

Hamilton the new Joe Dumars(the way he has been playing, I think is better than Dumars),

Billups the new Isiah( he is getting there)

I have high hopes for the Pistons...in terms of matchups, I think they are the best in the East to go aganist the Lakers and the only ones with hopes of containing Shaq.

Are you serious? Laimbeer & Dumars are borderline Hall of Fame talent and Isiah is one of the 50 best players ever. Rasheed, Hamilton and Billups are borderline All-Star talent IN THE EAST. None of those three would get steady consideration in the Western Conference. Damn dude, lay off of the Detroit kool-aid.

There isn't one position on the court where Detroit has a definitive advantage. During those Lakers/Pistons series of the late 80's/early 90's Detroit had one key advantage, they were MUCH stronger than LA who played a finesse game. These Lakers can mix it up and win ugly or run Detroit out of the building. Detroit can only win ugly, therefore they cannot win this series.

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Guest Hit Man 3120

Alls I heard during Round 2 is how New Jersey's running will kill the Pistons and blah blah blah. Jason Kidd is the best point guard in the NBA and the Pistons stopped him. So they can shut down Payton

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Alls I heard during Round 2 is how New Jersey's running will kill the Pistons and blah blah blah.  Jason Kidd is the best point guard in the NBA and the Pistons stopped him.  So they can shut down Payton

Since when did Payton become a key to this series? :blink:

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Guest bukkake bandit

Alls I heard during Round 2 is how New Jersey's running will kill the Pistons and blah blah blah.  Jason Kidd is the best point guard in the NBA and the Pistons stopped him.  So they can shut down Payton

Everyone said the Pistons would win until around game five.

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Guest Hit Man 3120

Since when did Payton become a key to this series? :blink:

Isnt he one of their great hall of famers and junk like that. You take the point guard out of them game and you take a team out of its offense

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Guest Hit Man 3120

Payton is always the least needed of the 'Big 4', because he dosen't fit the triangle. When D. Fish is in, we can run the triangle.

As for the first quarter, the Lakers are taking horrible shots.

Phillip dumped the triangle

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Guest Hit Man 3120

Im not saying were taking the series, but Mehmet to the world....this series is not a formality. This series is not a joke. The Pistons are not the Spike Dudley of this series. This is......a series

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Guest Hit Man 3120

Did Karl Malone and Gary Payton show up? The two guys who are "hungry" and "want it more."

Doc Rivers (who's done a great job, first with Brad Nessler during the East Finals on ESPN and now with Al Michaels on ABC) said it best. If it wasnt for 2nd chance points and Piston TO's, that game would've been a rout. Phil Jackson should be embarrased as Larry Brown coached circles around him

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