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Don't Believe The Truth

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What I mean is that Oasis, like the Stones, found a formula that worked and stuck to it, so every album sounds pretty much the same, because they've realised that that's what people want to hear. Blur on the other hand, like the Beatles, diversified away from their original sound and matured greatly.

Wow...just wow. Your telling me that a band that was heavily influenced by many different genres, went many different directions (even so far as disco), yet every record sounds pretty much the same? Not only that, but the band has managed to put out studio work over over 3 decades, despite it all really pretty much being the same? Your statement defies both conventional logic, as well as actual logic about the band's work.

As I said, it's a stretched analogy, but the Stones haven't diversified nearly as much as The Beatles did, generally falling back on a reliable formula, whereas the Beatles changed more, and were much more experimental. It's more a way of looking at the Blur/Oasis "feud" alongside the Stones/Beatles one, not an exact analogy or anything.

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I'm pretty sure Oasis have influenced a lot of bands, The Killers are one band who are quite open to admitting Oasis influenced their approach to music. Just because you don't seem to like a band it doesn't mean they have nothing to offer. Also, while there are some Beatles influences in the music there aren't that many more than some other bands like T-Rex. I can see why people dislike that in a band, personally I enjoy seeing them bring together a lot of good aspects from other bands.

I do like Oasis, they are a good group, and all, but I don't like it when they say they are legends.

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In the UK Oasis caused a huge 'boom', both musically and culturally. They're British legends at least, all these fucking crappy bands (see Keane, Kasabian etc) are clearly influenced by Oasis. Bands like Oasis, Blur and Radiohead are going to be remembered for years, you can count on that.

Quoted for emphasis.

Oasis are legendary in a niched kinda way. They affected the UK both culturally and musically, and frankly, I've never seen where they are trying to be like the Beatles. Most of thier music is gritty anthems, not exactly a sound I associate with the Beatles.

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I'll buy the album when it comes out and listen to singles/songs on the radio as they come, because I'm not some prick out to fuck the music industry over. Ahem.

Lyla is a very 'Oasisy' sounding song, and that's exactly what the album will be. Everything they do sounds like them, to some greater or lesser extent, because they have their own distinctive style much beyond most other bands.

They're a very culturally-relevant band for the 1990s, seeing as that whole "Cool Brittania" and Britpop thing was their/Blur's scene (Blur were better, mind you) and they were responsible for kick-starting a lot of the bands on TODAY'S scene. To the guy who said they weren't responsible for anything - Coldplay, Keane, Travis, etc, as well as The Killers and a few other new-wave bands, all inspired by Oasis. Most of it is music I don't like, which is their lasting legacy, but they inspired it nonetheless.

Thing is - Oasis, and I'm aware I'll get flamed for this, have never done anything as good as Definitely Maybe and they never will. Morning Glory was alright, Be Here Now was their second best record (ironic, as everybody seems to hate it yet it's fucking beautiful), SOTSOG was pedestrian, and Heathen Chemistry was alright at best. Lyla sounds a bit like Britpop-by-numbers, so jury's out on the album until I've listened to it a few times.

I like Oasis for their earlier stuff, and I'll buy this album out of hope, but as their 2-part interview in the NME shows, they're still labouring under the delusion that they're a culturally relevant band here and now, and that they are still in a position where they have a right to criticise bands like Bloc Party, Kaiser Chiefs, Franz Ferdinand, etc. Those bands are the here and now, Oasis belong filling up stadiums every couple of years and desperately trying to recreate their past 'laddish idealism' stuff when they're pushing 40 and have kids and stuff.

Don't believe the truth, they say. It's viewed as "truth" in most of Britain that they're our best band. Don't believe it.

PS: Although I will be forever grateful for their two-fingers-up attitude to breaking America, which let's face it doesn't hold a candle to our music scene anyways. Breaking America is a pipe dream for losers and ass-kissers, I'd rather stay in Britain if I were a 'professional' musician (which I hope to be) 'cos the Yanks tend not to know good music, rather than what is overplayed on all of their radio stations and conditioned into them. And yes, I say that having been to America several times.


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I've heard the whole album too and I'm very impressed. The best album since Morning Glory. The two standout songs for me at the moment are 'The Importance of Being Able' and 'Part of the Queue'. If I got time then I might do a full review later. On first instincts I'll give it a 9/10.

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they've produced some influential music

???? To who? They aren't innovative, because they try to immitate The Beatles waaaaay too much. In any case, The beatles made influential music, Oasis hasn't. They aren't a bad group, but I doubt they will be remembered by many people 10 years from now.

Get your facts straight.

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