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I'm not exactly in favour of this but I am willing to give him a chance as long as he sticks with Fergie and most of the players.

However I don't agree with the fact that he is borrowing £500m. How the fuck is he going to get that sort of money back?

Also is there any Buckeneer fans here? If so what is your opinion of Glazier?

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Guest Wrestling_Man

Hey, I've started to have an interest in soccer for 3 years, first with the 2002 World Cup, then Iraq's incredible run in the summer olympics, but even I, an american, who won't even know 3/4 of the team, don't agree with this. It's like if a Japanese guy bought the Dallas Cowboys. IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE!

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From my understanding, the Owners in England play a much larger role than in the NFL correct?

Anyways, Glazer as an owner for the team is reasonable good. He does whatever it takes to win. And will most likely go after the latest fads of your free agent market. In 2001 he traded a large amount of our draft picks over the next two years(2 being first rounders) and a large amount of cash, I think 8 million, for our current Head Coach Jon Gruden. Jon won us the Super Bowl the next year, but we've went down pretty fast. Point is, he get what he wants, no matter what he has to give up.

Although, all things mentioned in what naiwf posted is sadly true.

Edited by Javs
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This has to be the worst thing to happen to MUFC in a long time, however it might be just as bad for the rest of the Premiership, the smaller clubs infact. The rumour that is going arouns is that Glazer will negotiate MUFC's TV rights on thier own as appost to a Group of all the teams, so this means if MUFC get mroe money for their games from sky, then there will be less money for the smaller clubs because its a fact the more people want to see MUFC play than say Fulham (no offense to Fulham fans, just needed an example). So therefore the gap between MUFC, Arsenal & Chelsea and the rest of the Division is going to grow even wider.

As a MUFC fan, I am sickened by what has happened, this isnt a football club anymore its just Glazers way of making money, and he has borrowed 500m so he has to at least make that back somehow.

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MUFC? They dropped the Football Club bit years ago.

There's no point in United fans complaining now. Where were they when the club was made into a PLC? This is just the inevitable consequence of selling your soul to the highest bidder.

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I'm afraid to say guys there is only one way your club can head now, and that's down. Glazier will need to find money from somewhere to pay off the debt and there just isn't currently that much profit from the club to do this.

Glazier in reality is a fucking idoit for thinking he can make a massive profit out of Manchester United. Sure he can increase the money they are currently making but football generally isn't that much of a money maker anymore.

Not to mention he thinks the club is set in London >_>

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Well, just a question for Man Utd fans, if (and it's a big if) you guys win the Premiership and/or CL next year, will you still hate Glazer? I don't suppose so, he might even become a hero.

And Sir Alex Ferguson will be given a £20m-£25m transfer budget each season. That is not a lot for a club like Man Utd. I mean, look at how much you guys paid for Wayne Rooney.

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I dont think Glazer will instantly become liked just because Man Utd win the Premiership or CL. The fact will still remain that we will be in an obscene amount of debt, and the club will be in the hands of an unwanted foreigner. Winning a competition next year is not going to instantly eleviate those concerns.

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Why do Man Utd fans insist the club isn't for sale, when I could go buy some stocks in it tomorrow morning if I wanted to? As far as I'm concerned, they wanted the money being a PLC would bring, and it's bit them in the ass.

Saying that, I hope things pan out - as it would be a shame to see them go the way of Leeds, you never know, Glazer might actually be worthwhile.

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I wish people would stop making such a huge deal over this. Utd fans are just making themselves look bad by continually griping about how Glazer's going to destroy the club. OF COURSE the club is for sale, it was for sale the moment it became a PLC as was mentioned earlier. To be honest, I am not behind this deal at all but I'm willing to give the guy a chance. Yes, we're going to be in debt but let's remember that Glazer is a businessman, he has to have some kind of plan to turn a profit. Whether it works or not is another thing. All i'm saying is no one can possibly know how this will turn out, Glazer hasn't even revealed his plans yet.

Some Utd fans have made themselves look pathetic this week, firstly when they booed Chelsea while they were coming out and then left in their thousands before the end. Now with all the protesting we're just going to look worse as a club. I just hope the minority don't ruin the FA Cup final next week. I, for one, am hugely looking forward to it and I hope it'll be as entertaining as Utd-Arsenal games usually are. Thing is, if we go out next season and win the league or champions league everyone will be hailing Glazer as some kind of hero. And I can guarentee that many of the supporters who may end up changing their tune will be the same part-time fans who left the ground last week. Get over it already and let's see where it goes.

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I dont feel good about the Glazer take over. However, I still want to give him a chance, in hope that he wont screw everything up at the club. However, saying that if Man Utd win something next year, Glazer will be a hero is rediculous. The only one who will become a hero out of any success next year is Fergie, if he is still the manager, or whoever takes his place. Like I stated earlier, Glazer will still have been villainised not only in the eyes of Man Utd supporters, but football supporters everywhere.

Firstly, if history is to be repeated, we are in for huge price hikes in merchandise in years to come. His plans to negotiate a seperate deal for Utd's TV rights will alienate the club, and villainise him in the eyes of the premiere league, and Utd as a club.

Glazers only hope for becoming a hero to us fans is to adopt an almost Laissez Faire approach to the on field affairs of the club. If he lets the club continue the same way it always has, which has brought us to be one of the richest clubs in the world, without tampering with anythiung too drastically, eventually he will be warmed up to and liked. Winning a trophy next year wont do it, because we will still have the problems of massive debt, and uncertainty as to Glazers overall plans for the club.

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Guest Small Blue

Personally, being a Man Utd fan I don't see what the big deal is. My parents have been saying "Why aren't you angry about the move?" I'm not angry because he's only conducting a bit of business which any other person could have done if they had the money.

Glazer's arrival is a fucking godsend for Man Utd as it tells Alex Ferguson and every player that their position on the team is not to be taken for granted. When a team is successful, they get complacent and they stop trying. Now Glazer is here, he could say "Okay, fuck off Rio, you're costing too much and playing shite so we'll sell you." He's going to conduct bits of business like that which will shape the Man Utd team back into the force we were back in 1999/2000. We have a good squad of players but they all think they're better than they are.

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I just don't want him as an owner. He's a businessman, so surely his sole aim is to make money. He won't care about the fans, the team, the other teams in the league or anything, just himself. He's shit, basically. I can't see how even people who aren't Utd fans would back this.

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If the clubs a PLC, you can't pick and choose who gets to buy it. If the fans were so concerned, why weren't there these protests when it became a PLC? That was a move made purely to make money (which you seemingly hate Glazer for), and now its come and bitten the club in the ass.

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I just don't want him as an owner. He's a businessman, so surely his sole aim is to make money. He won't care about the fans, the team, the other teams in the league or anything, just himself. He's shit, basically. I can't see how even people who aren't Utd fans would back this.

You're absolutely right. He probably doesn't care about the fans, or other teams or whatever and his sole purpose for buying the club is to make money. Point is, he IS a businessman. Therefore he isn't knowingly going to do anything that would lose him money. So he HAS to look after the team because if he doesn't he is the one that ultimately loses. Let's be fair, the guy isn't an idiot.

As far as rising ticket prices etc go, they more than likely will be put up. I'm not saying I agree with this but I believe that our prices are currently below a lot of top clubs, specifically Chelsea and Arsenal. I could be wrong on that, i'm not 100% sure. The fans can say they wont pay it all they want. It wont do any good. There are so many Utd fans that there is always going to be someone who will pay it. It doesn't make it right but it's only good business sense to raise prices when you know people will still pay them.

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