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Never seen that many physios and players shit themselves quite like that when Smith signaled for help.

As a follower of wrestling and motorbike racing it's always a worry to see someone get REALLY hurt, like when they arn't moving, or can't get up. It was nice to see some of the Liverpool players gathering round, and the crowd at Anfield showing their support by applauding when he went off (I hope it was a sign of respect anyway, just writing that down I realised it might be misconstrued).

Anyway this is quite a blow for you guys. It's interesting how Arsenal and Man U are both being hit with injuries at the mo. And you don't quite have the same strength-in-depth that you used to.

Anyway I was sorry to see Smith get injured, it looked like a bad fall on the replays, like his foot just tucked up under him, and he looked in a lot of pain. This also puts him out of the world cup squad for certain, and he's a useful player to have, versatile, a good finisher and passionate about his game. Hope he can make a quick start to his recovery.

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That was horrible seeing Smith down hurt like that. You know that when he stays down that there's something seriously wrong.

I think that Alan Smith is a class player aswell. I seen him play a pre season game for United against Clyde and that was that first time I'd seen him play central midfield and he was immense.

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Awesome game.

End to end stuff, even better than I first thought it'd be. Just felt United were simply too good for Wigan today. Wes Brown was awesome, I still believe he deserves a chance in the England squad. It'll be hard for the guy with Cambell, Terry and Ferdinand all being rated above him, so I really would love to see Brown and even Carragher(sp?) get the chance to be in that back four for England. Rooney was Rooney, just as always, brilliant performance. Ronaldo continues to shine, he's still showing that he's got a lot to prove and he really is doing great.

Wigan IMO were great today. Not at their full best, but they worked their asses off. That's something I love about them too. They NEVER give up. I'd say they're one of the hardest working teams in the Premiership as well. It's harsh for them to lose by such a big margin, but that's football. Either way, they've got my respect, brilliant hard working team.

Overall, brilliant game. It really was a must win for United and they stormed it.

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Carragher outperforms pretty much every centre back every week. Wes Brown will not go ahead of him, I hope.

And I thought Ronaldo was bollocks, he really flatters to decieve - some tricks and his goal, which he couldn't really miss, covered the fact that his end product was non-existant.

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I'd love for Carra and Terry to start against Uraguay, but it won't happen because Sven has a major chubby for Rio. I know people sit there and say that you need at least one "pacey" defender, but Hyypia and Carragher aren't exactly fast and yet we've got the second best defensive record in the Premiership.

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Hmm looks like Ballack wont be signing for us. Dont know why he would want to join Chelsea though as he's not going to get into the team of Frank Lampard and wont be a key member of the team like he would here at United.

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But he'll win stuff at Chelsea. There isn't much chance of doing that at other clubs at the moment. He has the chance to win the Champions League with Chelsea. The way Man Utd have been in Europe recently, they won't do it.

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He might, technically, win stuff at Chelsea, but the real questions are, will he get enough EPL games to get a medal? Will he feature in the FA Cup? Will he be a CL mainstay? I mean, Ballack is a class player, but you cant drop your main players for a new guy instantly, and as much as I hate to admit it, Lampard is all kinds of brilliant, the way that Scholes was when he was one of the worlds' best. And why swap that for an ageing star? In my opinion, Chelsea is a stupid move by Ballack, and reeks of nothing more then greed, not ambition.

Should Chelsea win the CL next year, I have no doubt it will be because of any other midfielder than Ballack, and this will ruin any chance he has of playing into his mid 30's for his country at least, as he will never get a game at Chelsea thanks to a younger and more talented, and most importantly, domestic, talents in Lampard.

Still, I am glad a mercenary like that has not come to Man Utd, and from what I heard, he would not be a positive dressing room influence. As a Cork man I idolised Roy Keane, but even I knew when he was getting too big for his boots in the dressing room, and Ballack would not be any different.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Long time no post. Anyone think ManU still have a chance of winning the league? 9 points behind and they still have to play Chelsea at Stamford Bridge. I don't think it's likely, but possible. Utd have won the last 7 games in a row and if they continue winning it's just down to Chelsea slipping up.

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Guest Xtian

Since Chelski dropped a couple more points today, if we can beat Bolton that would put us 7 points behind them. We've still gotta play them so that could be cut down to 4 points so anything can happen. Chelski still have a big advantage but it isn't over yet.

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I've got to agree with that. I never thought I'd want Man United to win anything......

But I hate Chelsea so much more.

It's kinda nice how the hating of Chelsea can even bring even sworn enemies Arsenal and Utd fans together.

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