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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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Games ok, not great. Control of superstars seems really slow and slugglish.

GM mode isn't bad, but it is very basic. Good for what it is. Elimination Chambers are now annoying as fuck as CPU players now just climb the cage all the time, try and dive and miss, turning their bodies red, basically, they beat themselves, you just stand still, then go round pinning everyone.... Will play more later.

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Well its a challenging game, when you get used to it it should be a good game, but the first three matches I had frustrated me immensly. As to if it should be on your x-mas list...yeah go for it, it's got enough different modes to keep me interested for a while at least. Season mode looks a giggle to at the moment.

If anyones got any questions then go for it btw.

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I'll wait till I get a more indepth verdict on season mode, because I hated season mode in the first SDvsRAW, it was the one thing that actually stopped me from buying.

I would have automatically bought this if it weren't for the out of date roster and shittiness of SDvsRAW.

Hows CAW mode? That's always something that holds my attention.

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Just rung Blockbuster, they haven't got it in yet. They said either later today or sometime tomorrow, so it shouldn't be long till I get hold of this :)

Oh and what's this about HBK/Flair being able to go for the Cruiserweight title? Seems maybe a tad weird :ohwell:

Edited by Dirty Johnny
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I've done buried alive, elimination chamber. Doing a royal rumble now with my bro.

The controls are taking some getting used to. I can't believe you have to use the D-pad in this game. I thought all games were analog nowadays.


The new way of doing rumbles SUCKS. You have to knock them over the rope. Then grapple with them whilst they're on the apron and tap furiously to knock them out. It'd be good if this was one of the ways to get people out, but it's the ONLY way.

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I've done buried alive, elimination chamber. Doing a royal rumble now with my bro.

The controls are taking some getting used to. I can't believe you have to use the D-pad in this game. I thought all games were analog nowadays.


The new way of doing rumbles SUCKS. You have to knock them over the rope. Then grapple with them whilst they're on the apron and tap furiously to knock them out. It'd be good if this was one of the ways to get people out, but it's the ONLY way.

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I've done buried alive, elimination chamber. Doing a royal rumble now with my bro.

The controls are taking some getting used to. I can't believe you have to use the D-pad in this game. I thought all games were analog nowadays.

You can change the controls so you can use the analog stick to control your movement.

I'm really enjoying it so far. Graphics are awesome as is the gameplay, and season mode has been very entertaining so far for me. The new whip system took a while to get used to, but I love it.

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I've done buried alive, elimination chamber. Doing a royal rumble now with my bro.

The controls are taking some getting used to. I can't believe you have to use the D-pad in this game. I thought all games were analog nowadays.


The new way of doing rumbles SUCKS. You have to knock them over the rope. Then grapple with them whilst they're on the apron and tap furiously to knock them out. It'd be good if this was one of the ways to get people out, but it's the ONLY way.

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