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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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Create-A-Belt is MUCH better! The belts are cheaper to make, and you can defend them in any kind of match as opposed to one-on-one.

There's a whole new option in Exhibition called Title Match, where you can set up matches for both tag belts, both World titles, US, IC, Cruiser and Womens. You can also defend your home-made belts like that as well!

A BIIIG improvement!

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Guest Dakendo

Just bought the game a few minutes ago, along with a brand new silver PS2 (the old one's laser packed in, and was knackered as a whole). I'm getting it either for my birthday or Chrimbo, which are fairly close anyway, but from what I saw of it in the store, it looks awesome. And I won't lie, at first I thought that Eugene was Paul Burchill, :shifty:. I'm also gonna try and pick up a network adaptor for a tenner so I can play online, as Paul London, no less.

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one thing i don't like is how easy you get DQ'd like Christian was in the corner, the referee was stanmding next top christian, i elbow dropped christian, caught the referee's foot and i got DQ'd

Thats weird, I've accidentally kicked the ref dozens of times, and not been DQ'd :\

I'm in debt, is it worth going into more debt to get this game or is it basically just like the other games?

I wouldn't go into debt for it, but it's a step above the other ones, yeah.

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I hate six man tags. When they were first brought into the series way back they were the most fun match type, now they've had the fun sucked out of them with the CPU's partners coming in to break EVERY move, and dumb AI on yourside, also the CPU legal man randomly goes to the outside and your partners brawl with them and they stay on the outside for hours. You have to go in and out of the ring to break the count. Basically, they used to be great, now they're shit.

Thats my only gripe for today though. Had some fun earlier, playing as Paul London in a 5 way elimination match (with Chavo, Spike, Davari and Scotty).

Still enjoying this one. Mostly. Not touched season mode or GM Mode for ages, meaning exhibition matches are holding out!

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"Various Arenas

You have to get to them in season mode

Unlockable How to Unlock

ECW One Night Stand Win at the ECW One Night Stand Event

Wrestlemania 21 Stage Win at Wrestlemania 21"

Edited by Turbonizzle
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sad.gif I'm sorry


Playing through season with a CAW is fucking hard. When you win you can usually get enough exp points to jump up a few levels, but getting the win is a bitch. The Bashams beat me by countout because I was too tired to get back in the ring in time :(

And does anyone have a clue how to work the sleeper system? I pressed X when it was in the blue 'reverse' part of the meter, but it did fuck all :\

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I have a couple of silly questions:

1) How do you steal a finisher in this game? It used to be L1+L2 but that does a face/heel finisher instead. I thought I read to hold L2, then press L1, but that seems to do the same

2) When you buy items in Shopzone, where do they actually go? For instance, I brought Carlito's apples, and nWo poster and Undertakers Cycle, and I've looked round the locker-room, but can't see them.


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1) How do you steal a finisher in this game? It used to be L1+L2 but that does a face/heel finisher instead. I thought I read to hold L2, then press L1, but that seems to do the same

I thought it was L2 and tap L1 too. Thats weird, cos I've already done the steal finisher challenge :\

Isn't the clean finisher stealing it, and the heel is a low blow?

2) When you buy items in Shopzone, where do they actually go? For instance, I brought Carlito's apples, and nWo poster and Undertakers Cycle, and I've looked round the locker-room, but can't see them.

Press the start button to go to the locker menu, then choose 'customise locker room'. You'll get a bunch of options such as the walls, then you get to choose a position on the walls to hang something, or whatever. For Carlitos apples, I guess it'd be in the collectables then you just choose a place for it.

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Create-A-Belt is MUCH better! The belts are cheaper to make, and you can defend them in any kind of match as opposed to one-on-one.

There's a whole new option in Exhibition called Title Match, where you can set up matches for both tag belts, both World titles, US, IC, Cruiser and Womens. You can also defend your home-made belts like that as well!

A BIIIG improvement!

Will the game keep track of who holds the Pre-Exsisting WWE titles if they change hands in Exibition?

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  • Admin

Cole - Exhibition tracks title changes in Title match mode. Season ignores it.

Craig - You get the WMXXI arena by completing the Amateur challenges.

Sorry, you said IX didn't you. You get that by completing either the Superstar or Legend challenges I believe

Edited by Rabid Wolverine
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