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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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You do know that you can change the amount of reversals by the computer?

Its a sliding bar in options

Yes, I am aware. But if at it's default setting the computer is reversing nearly all my moves, imagine what it would be like if the slider was at full.

I've had some cracker matches tho, submission match against Bret as Angle was one of the best I've ever had.

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I had an amazing Ladder match in my season with Rene Dupree when i took on Eddie, it went for 17 minutes, back and forward, he hit a Frog Splash from the ladder, no one could be beaten. Also i had a great title match with Cena with Dupree where I kicked out of his finisher, he kicked out of my DVD, i finally got the win after the Dupree Bomb. This is a great game.

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got a chans to play it today, gamplay wise it´s the best smackdown i know, still not anywear near good but byfare not as anyoing as the crap they put out before.

AI seems terrible.

GM mode is boring lame and flat. I wonder how much more people that did not have the EW games like it, but in my eyes it´s just lame.

Story Mode seems ok to a certain point, some of the storys seem better than what i remember from WWE programing wen i still watched it and hear about it nowerdays, but than again i just did not like the legends crap in the beginning of the raw storyline, hugen mages me sad all the time and the stuff that happens after the rumple (mole) seems sucky aswell, but it looks like real WWE TV so i guss it´s a plus - sacrevice for this seems to be that there are only a raw and a smackdown storyline that each are prittymuch liniar around 98% (not that the old smackdown games werrent but in them you at least had some variety wen it came to replaying the stuff...) . . . for now i don´t know if i will finish them but i am 100% shure that i´ll not do them a second time in this life.

Commenatary sucks HARD, especialy in season and gm mode, in season mode you hear the crap about your wrestler a million times per match, AND... well you tend to have your guy every match...badbadbad. On GM mode you luckily don´t have to whatch all the matches, but again, if you wahtch your mainevents you´ll hear the same storys about the same guys over and over again, and they did not chage anything on the raw and smackdown comments, so you have tazz and michael cole bitching about the guys from their own roster just ebcaus my drawft did go different wais than the one on TV........

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i don´t know, i started and it rused to royal rumble very fast, i´ed rather not coment to much on it untill i finished it

They were very 'clever' when they commented on Season mode. It's not two years, it's not even one. You can play a season on Raw, and a season on Smackdown. Thats it. And a season on one show isn't even a year because it skips the months with the rival shows PPV's.

Does anyone know how the fuck you're supposed to complete the challenge with the FYF match where you need to spank three times? It's fucking impossible to do three.

And in typical fasion I go and complete the challenge within a minute of posting that <_<

Edited by Marv
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Guest wwwrock

Just got ECW angle but rufesed offer to join so I faced RVD at WM for ECW World Title and then me (hogan) & Vince gave RVD a 3D through the table :P

the one thing I hate is you can't unlovk one person unless you have the game on PSP aswell :P

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I played the game today. A friend bought it so we gave it a whirl. I enjoyed playing the game, but I'm not rushing out to buy the game or anything. There are some nice additions / tweaks to the gameplay which at first seemed confusing (as with this series I'm not used to a dramatic change). I like the momentum bar though and how it only allows you to store one finisher at a time. That's good. I wasn't sure about the stamina bar at first because it seemed like a lot of work and I would keep forgetting about it until my character stops co-operating and I couldn't move. I thought it could perhaps be linked into the momentum meter somehow. It was cool once I got used to it and I like it now, it adds to the experience. It's something else to consider.

A few bugs that jumped out at me though and didn't ruin the experience but were very noticable. I saw it mentioned earlier in this thread (I skimmed through so apologies if the rest are mentioned in detail too) but the running / hovering thing is quite comical and it didn't hurt the gameplay because everything continued as normal, just without leg movement animations.

Something that was a problem though was during a tag HIAC, me and a friend broke out of the cage and climbed to the top. I put an opponent through the roof of the cage and we fell into the ring. My friend walked over to the hole and got stuck there, as his character started jerking about. It was odd, and he couldn't move. It seemed as though the computer thought he had fallen but the animation didn't co-operate, because the computer enemies went back on top of the cell and didn't attack him at all. I had to run over and hit his character to complete the animation of him falling through the hole.

In a ladder match I was trying to walk through/around a ladder that was being climbed so I could be on the other side. I didn't go around or through though, I was mysteriously teleported there. I was impressed that the computer could read my mind like that, but that's probably another bug.

Aaaand finally (by far the biggest of the bunch) I was playing a tag cage match and one member of each team was outside the ring (I was going to escape with my team mate, but I'm an idiot and I pressed X instead of Square, and I had to jump back into the cage). Anyway the glitch was that my opponent had knocked me out and started climbing the cage, but luckily they were sucking a cock at the speed minigame thing (which is a nice addition btw) so I had time to wake up and make the save just in the nick of time (as they were escaping over the top). So there was this dramatic thud as I pulled them from the top of the cage and we both tumbled to the canvas. ....didn't we? Somehow we were both teleported outside the ring on opposite sides. I had a wander around the ring then slid under the bottom rope to get back into the ring (because the cage is merely a hologram of some kind - I knew wrestling was fake).

Overall, good but will take some getting used to (although those changes are welcome ones). I don't think I'll buy it though. It's not a must buy in my opinion. It's fun, but it's not incredibly different or anything.

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That cage glitch you mentioned reminds me of the one from Smackdown 1 and 2, wherein if both people were on top of the cage and one performed a diving attack to the other, both would be knocked outside the ring and the only way to get back was to slide in as normal.

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I've given in and bought the game and a PS2 :( All I have to say is, wow. The game rawks, but I did notice that the camera seems very close to the action Kaney, it was a little disorientating.

So I'm not the only one. I noticed that right away as soon as I started my first match. I'd like to be able to see at least the full mat in the ring. There's no need for the camera to be so close that the wrestlers take up the full height of the screen. Makes it even worse when you can't even change it.

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Just got it from Blockbuster on the rental.

Loving it so far. It looks so much better than the last game. Just the characters and the arenas, liking it so much more. CAW wise I like it more than last time personally. I can notice some difference, enjoying it so far. CAE looks awesome, I'll work fully on my man tonight. Not tried Season mode yet, cant wait to get on that tonight.

So far I've tried out Elimination Chamber, Cage and Triple Threat Hardcore Tag (Three tag teams, hardcore match). Someone mentioned in this thread the bad point to the Chamber, the computer constantly going to the top of the Chambers which sucks at times. Not a major point, but I'd love to see that changed in the future. Hardcore match was my first with the tags, pretty hard at the start, got used to the Stamina meter and stuff within time.

Best match so far is easily the Cage. FINALLY you can escape the cage, awesome. Only via the superplex way, but I can live with that. To pull someone down from climbing the cage, is it square? Loving the cage motions too, with how you bust them into the cage. Hasn't happened yet, but can you bust them open within time?

I'll play it properly tonight, but from an hour whip around on it, awesome so far (Y)

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Man, I called the local game store and the game said that they have Smackdown versus Raw 2006 but for $24.99 (Canadian) I told him to hold it not realising what he said, but right after I hung up I realised that can't be right...

Obviously the guy thought SD versus Raw 1 right? I'm not just crazy?

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Man, I called the local game store and the game said that they have Smackdown versus Raw 2006 but for $24.99 (Canadian) I told him to hold it not realising what he said, but right after I hung up I realised that can't be right...

Obviously the guy thought SD versus Raw 1 right? I'm not just crazy?

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