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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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Just posting this so I don't lose it.

It's Gangrel


Overall: 75

Strength: 7

Submission: 6.5

Durability: 7

Technique: 7

Speed: 6.5

Charisma: 7.5

Hardcore: 6

Stamina: 6


Ring In: Normal

Ring Out: Normal


- Cut Throat

- Undertaker 3

- Cut Throat

- Undertaker 3

Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1

Strike Attacks:

- Dropkick 2

- Toe Kick 1

- Snap Jab

- Double Axe Handle 2

- Shuffle Side Kick 1

- Body Punch

Grapple Moves:


- Arm Drag 8

- DDT 14

- Gutbuster 2

- Neckbreaker 15

- Snapmare 2


- Eye Rake 1

- Low Blow 5

- Eye Poke 2

- Reverse Atomic Drop

- Forehead Bite 1


- Hammer Lock

- Snapmare & Neck Lock 2

- Headlock 4

- Abdominal Stretch 3

- Arm Wrench 1

Category 1 Speed

- Scoop Slam 1

- DDT 5

- Kitchen Sink 2

- Dragon Screw

- Jawbreaker 1

Category 2 Technical

- Northern Lights Suplex 3

- Complete Shot

- Jumping Armbreaker

- Double Arm Suplex 2

- Gutwrench Suplex

Category 3 Old School

- Russian Leg Sweep 1

- Piledriver 2

- Suplex 11

- Knee Breaker 1

- Headlock 1

Grapple Attack

- Grapple Punch 1

- Grapple Body Attack 1

- Grapple Elbow Strike 1

Grapple From Behind

- Bulldog 2

- Backbreaker 6

- Sidewalk Slam 3

- Sleeper Hold 4

- Beckbreaker 4

- Atomic Drop

- Pumphandle Drop

- Belly To Back 2

- DDT 17

- Russian Leg Sweep 2


Strike Attacks

- Angry Stomp

- Elbow Drop 1

- Double Knee Drop

Grapple Moves

- Knee Drop 5

- Elbow Drop 11

- Dragon Sleeper 3

- Toss 2

- Knee to Groin

- Boston Crab


Strike Attacks

- Turnbuckle Clothesline 1

- Clothesline & Bulldog

- Knee Attack 1

Grapple Moves

- Corner Choke

- Mudhole Stomping 1

- Knee Strike 3

- Superplex 1

- Shoulder Thrust 2

- Mudhole Stomping 2

Grapple From Behind

- Tie to Tree of Woe

- Illegal Pin

- Lucha DDT

- Super Back Suplex

- Turnbuckle Smash


Groggy on Ropes

- Throw to the Rope

Rebound Attack

- Kitchen Sink 1

- Elbow Drop 5

- Vaulting Body Press 2

Diving Out

- Baseball Slide 1



- Flying Clothesline 2

- Double Axe Handle 3


- Diving Elbow Drop

- Near Leg Drop

- Knee Drop 1


Running Strikes

- Dash Elbow

- Clothesline 14

Running Grapple

- Neckbreaker 1

- Neckbreaker Drop

Rear Techniques

- Bulldog 2

- Chop Block

Running Ground Attack

- Double Axe Handle 5

- Elbow Drop 5

Counter Attack

- Hip Toss 4

- Back Body Drop 1

- Powerslam 1

Tag Team:


- Bonsoir

- Dropkick & Rolling Cluth

- Double Suplex

- Double Clothesline

- Double Dropkick


- Kick to Gut 1

- Whip & Lay Down

- Double Stomping

- Double Arm Whip

- Body Splash & Whip



- DDT 16

- Edgecution

Signature Moves

- Double Arm Suplex 2

- DDT 17

- Elbow Drop 11


- DDT 23

- DDT 23

Combination Attack

- Back Chop 4

- Snap Jab

- Clothesline 1



Motion: Undertaker

Fireworks: Stage Pyro 10

Screen Effect: None

Room Lighting: Red 01

Name Plate: Off

Motion: Superstar 04

Fireworks: None

Screen Effect: None

Room Lighting: Red 01

Name Plate: On

Motion: Superstar 02

Fireworks: None

Screen Effect: None

Room Lighting: Red 01

Name Plate: Off

Motion: Superstar 04

Fireworks: None

Screen Effect: None

Room Lighting: Red 01

Name Plate: Off

Movie: Logo

Music: Tazz

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Can anyone point me in the direction of an Arn Anderson moveset/entrance?

EDIT: Also, I can't seem to find any Kenta Kobashi, Jun Akiyama, Toshiaki Kawada, Mitsuharu Misawa, etc. CAWs. I want puro, goddamnit!

Edited by TheMystikFool
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Thank you. <3

I created a Jushin Thunder Liger last night. I kicked Spike's ass in 1:30. It was awesome. I just need to unlock all the moves since I can't get Liger's DDT. :(

If I win 10 matches with a CAW, I'll unlock all moves, right?

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I think we need to edit in the best CAW sites in the first post or something. I don't want to go through all these pages to find the links. And I hate finding a good CM Punk CAW, but it needs a hair hack. Fucknut.

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Made Kid Kash, and had him win the Cruiser Championship off Nunzio. Im gonna have a series of matches over the belt.

I love doing 5/6 man battle royals for the Cruiserbelt, and just doing other cruiser matches. I must have defended every championship no more than 7/8 times combined, but must have about 20+ Cruiserweight title matches.

I'm looking for Funaki to add to my division, and any classic Cruiserweights (like Liger, Malenko, TAKA would be cool etc) I can think off

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Suggestion for the next game...

More freedom in match types.

I liked it in No Mercy, where you could do a royal rumble, and turn ring outs off and pinfalls/submission/TKO's on.

That was quality.

Even better I would like to be able to do a royal rumble, where I can turn ringouts off, pinfalls on, and I define the number of people allowed in the ring at a time. (Between two and six)

Either that, or put a proper guantlet match in. Slobberknocker mode sucks. I want a real guantlet.



This funaki is quality.

His moveset is in the game as well. I forget which one it is. Sometimes it's marked up as Rick Steiner, but it's not.

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I liked it in No Mercy, where you could do a royal rumble, and turn ring outs off and pinfalls/submission/TKO's on.

I've been begging for that for years. There was nothing cooler than doing a 40 man Royal Rumble that ends up in the bar.

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