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Favorite Angel/Buffy Moment?


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I have a few from Angel. I've never watched Buffy more than a few times.

- Literally the entire "I Will Remember You" episode. That's great television right there.

- Doyle's goodbye when he pushes Angel off the platform, kisses Cordelia and sacrifices himself.

- Angel's whole turning "bad"-but-not-into-Angelus shctick in Season 2. His whole "I Don't Give A Fuck" phase was awesome. Although I didn't enjoy Gunn, Cordelia and Wesley running Angel Inc. all that much.

- The episode where whenever that kid touches your skin, the guys beat on women. I love the whole Gunn/Fred/Wesley stuff and the end of the episode where Wesley breaks down because of what he's done to Fred (hit her).

- Wesley's kidnapping of Connor, and then Angel's reaction to Wesley in the hospital room. Fucking emotional.

- Wesley's withdrawl from everyone. He loses the glasses and becomes a total badass.

- Gwen in Season Four. Holy crap she's totally hot. Her character was nice too.


- Eve. Such a fucking hottie. :shifty:

- "You're Welcome", the 100th episode. Cordelia comes out of the coma, and gives Angel her visions before they call Angel and tell her she's died. That episode gets the wheels turning for the events in the series finale.

- "Not Fade Away", the series finale. I thought it had a very good message behind it.

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Finally, a thread I can jump into.

- I was a fan of Angel's "I don't give a fuck" phase as well. Very badass.

- I loved, LOVED, the "Awakening" and "Soulless" episodes in Season 4. It just blew me away, the first time I saw them... I didn't know what to think when Angel beat the Beast, then WHAM. You find out it was all a dream and he actually lost his soul. Angelous in the next episode is just so Hannibal-esque evil, I love it.

- Also in Season 4, I found the way that the big bad chick (I'm forgetting her name right now) made everyone around her happy. It was surreal.

- At the end of Season 2, when Lindsay makes his choice: he sells his soul for good (or so it seems), and stays with Wolfram & Hart.

Those are just a few of my favorites anyways. Angel in general was just such a great show. Maybe some of the swerves and stuff were predictable, but I set my mind to not think ahead... so I was shocked by pretty much all the "end of episode swerves".

I'll get into Buffy later.

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Best moment was the Season 4 finale of Angel, when Lillah handed Wolfram and Hart over to the gang. The whole "you do evil better than we do" was the ultimate insult".

As for Buffy, I'd say the end of the episode in which Spike found out he could still use violence against other demons. The way he was suddenly more excited about fighting demons than Buffy was hilarious.

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Guest Ringmaster


- When Buffy has to kill Angel at the end of season 2

- The mayor

- The season finale of season 3

- The Gift (Buffy's death)

- The episode behind the origin of William the Bloody and especially the "you're beneath me" part.

- Buffy's mom's death

- The series finale


- Doyle's death

- Angel heel turns but doesn't heel turn

- Wesley kidnapping Connor and Angel going nuts at the hospital

- The whole episode where everyone returns to their youth. I love the part where Gunn fights Wes and Angel says "I'm rooting for the slave, about time the English got what they deserved"

- Angel becomes Angelus

- Cordelia turning out to be "evil"

- Cordelia's death

- Fred turning into Illyria

- The muppet episode

- The series finale

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Oh fuck. I completely forgot about Fred becoming Illyria, and Angel turning into Angelus in Season 4. I always thought Angelus was a little corny, dialogue wise, but he is the ultimate badass in the Buffyverse, I think.

The flashbacks to pivital points in Angel's life was nice too. I like when Angel saved the little puppy dog from being hit by a car, and then Angelus' reaction. Fucking priceless. :P

Also, I liked when Wesley pretended to be Angel for an episode. Hahahaha.

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among the many ones already mentioned...

Anything Angelus just owns

On the Angelus note, Passion from season 2 of Buffy when Giles finds the little present Angelus left for him


And for that matter, Flame Thrower Fred~! :D

Angel: "One of you will betray me." <Spike raises hand> Angel:"Wesley." Spike: "Oh, can I deny you three times?"

more series finale stuff Angel: "People who don't care about anything will never understand the people who do." Hamilton: "Yeah, but we won't care." and for that matter, Hamilton's arrival and punching a hole through that guys chest

Wesley's death Illyria: "Would you like me to lie to you now?" :( such a amazing moment

back to Buffy for a moment, the entire episode of The Body, Joss doing the episode without the familiar music throughout just made it seem so much more real

Yellow crayon speech from Buffy season 6 finale

The BEAST~! nuff said :D

Lilah dressed up as a schoolgirl, Wesley:"Leave the glasses on."...as Jay would say, I think I just filled the cup.

any flashback including Darla's cleavage, it should have had it's own spot in the opening credits :D

oy, I'll stop there or I'll be ging all night...but on a different note, something we didn't get enough of, real badass evil Spike! We got a good dose in season 2 of Buffy, but then Angelus came in and took over the show. Then Spike comes back for only one episode in season 3, he comes back in season 4, he's going pretty good and then he gets the dang chip in his head and that was that :( I was so hoping when I found out Spike was gonna be in season 5 of Angel he would've came back minus the soul and back to the old ways<at least for say half the season then he could be resouled or something> but anyway, bottom line, not enough evil Spike!

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One moment that was totally awesome in Buffy was in Season 3 where Willow gets caught by the Mayor and Faith, and Buffy realises they have to trade the box they just stole from him to get her back. You have Wesley tell Buffy that she can't do that because the box is the key to the Mayor's assension. A big arguement breaks out between Giles, Wesley, Buffy and Xander and the Oz just gets up and pushes over a vase-thing. The room goes silent and they make the call for the trade. Oz rules.

God, there was not one episode I didn't like, and it's rare to say that about any TV programme. Every episode has great moments of both Buffy and Angel. The puppet episode was hilarious though.

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Caleb! Caleb was one of my favourite Little Bads on the whole show.

The Mayor was a creepy villain too. His death was bad-ass.

Willow turning completely evil and skinning Warren alive. Everything with Dark Willow was awesome. Hannigan is hot.

Der Kindestod and The Gentlemen. Scary-ass villains.

All the "concept" episodes; Hush, Once More With Feeling, Superstar etc.

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I loved the episode of Buffy where they all had to face their fears. Xander vs the Clown was just awesome.

I also liked the first episode of the season where Buffy was dead. The scooby gang slaying on their own gave me an 'x-men' vibe, with Willow giving the gang directions through her psychic power magic (or whatever it's called).

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- When Angel has to give Connor up, I just thought it was sad the last scene with him looking at Connor with his new family.

- Lorne getting the shit beat out of him by Wesley after he found out Wesley was trying to take Connor.

- Anything with Angelus, Especially when he was locked in that cage.

- The whole episode where Faith is inside Angelus' mind, And Angel saves a puppy or something and Faith laughs it.

- The whole episode with Cordelia where she dies.

- Smile time

- Connor coming out to help Angel in the final episode.


- When Giles thinks he's about to get some of Miss Calendar, But when he shows up at his house she's dead.

- Anything with Drusilla, Especially when she kills Kendra.

- Anything with Spike before he became Buffy's love slave.

- The episode where Willow causes them to lose their memories and Spike thinks he's Gile's son.

- Faith and Buffy taking shit from that store, "want, take, have"

- The Mayor, That guy was just awesome. When he freaked out at the hospital and tried to beat down Buffy was great.

- The stuff with Angelus/Spike, Especially Angelus' wheelchair jokes about Spike.

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I was just remembering how amazing the moment in "Once More With Feeling" where Buffy reveals she had been in heaven was. Add to that the first 15 minutes or so of "The Body". That was fucking awesome; the lack of a soundtrack gave it a raw feel.

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Guest Ringmaster

I think that the Buffyverse probably has the greatest character devellopments of any shows out there. Just take a look at Wesley, he starts out as this total fucking pussy and by the end of Angel, he may as well been called Wesley Wyndham-Badass.

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I think that the Buffyverse probably has the greatest character devellopments of any shows out there. Just take a look at Wesley, he starts out as this total fucking pussy and by the end of Angel, he may as well been called Wesley Wyndham-Badass.

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I think that the Buffyverse probably has the greatest character devellopments of any shows out there. Just take a look at Wesley, he starts out as this total fucking pussy and by the end of Angel, he may as well been called Wesley Wyndham-Badass.

That applies to pretty much everyone but Xander, who actually somehow managed to be less bad ass than when they started. I wish that he'd gone the route of Wesley a bit more, albeit without entirely dropping the smartass part. It just felt that the only time he'd get his just deserts towards someone who'd wronged him was when he went on some long monologue and they were too taken aback to put him in his place. Ironic, bad ass Xander would have been > *.

Bad ass Xander vampire > *

I'm in the midst of watching Buffy season 3 at the moment. It easily has the greatest character development on TV. Nothing comes close. Wesley is easily the best example of it, with Giles being damn close as well.

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I think that the Buffyverse probably has the greatest character devellopments of any shows out there. Just take a look at Wesley, he starts out as this total fucking pussy and by the end of Angel, he may as well been called Wesley Wyndham-Badass.

That applies to pretty much everyone but Xander, who actually somehow managed to be less bad ass than when they started. I wish that he'd gone the route of Wesley a bit more, albeit without entirely dropping the smartass part. It just felt that the only time he'd get his just deserts towards someone who'd wronged him was when he went on some long monologue and they were too taken aback to put him in his place. Ironic, bad ass Xander would have been > *.

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