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EWB's Top 50 Women: Part III


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46. Shannon Elizabeth

Place in List II: #32

Place in List I: N/A

Well, it appears Ms. Elizabeth still has the attention of the public (or somebody on EWB, your choice). Shannon, of course, is most famous for being raped by a snowman (because webcam nude scenes are nothing compared to snowman rapeage...) in 1997's B movie classic Jack Frost. And then when that actual breakout role in American Pie happened, she started trying to cover up. And that's when those movies weren't as fun anymore. I would diss her further, but I think Thirteen Ghosts and Johnson Family Vacation speak for themselves.

My Opinion: I once had a thing for Ms. Elizabeth. But that went away, sorta like her acting career.


45. Anna Kournikova

Place in List II: #15

Place in List I: #27

Anna Kournikova has oddly not received much attention in a while. The tennis beauty has still continued on her track of endorsements and the like but she still hasn't won many matches. And with the media paying attention to tennis stars who actually won matches (Sharapova), it has affected her attention and probably her position on this list.

My Opinion: Indifferent to her. She's just there, even though I do like that look in that pic.

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44. Mila Kunis

Place in List II: N/A

Place in List I: #35

It's been a decent little while since Ms. Kunis introduced herself to the world in the series That 70s Show. And despite the exposure she has gotten thanks to being on the series, she has done little mainstream work. Her acting credits include the direct-to-video American Psycho sequel (which mostly y'know, sucked without Bale) and some other indie movie fare. But she still is hot, and that's always important...

My Opinion: No problems here. She's a good entry on this list.


43. Drea De Matteo

Place in List II: #27

Place in List I: N/A

Drea de Matteo is one of the more....ummm....hot hotties out there. After being on The Sopranos for years, she got killed on the show and went to higher pastures like...Joey. Wait, bad example. But there's gotta be some reason the kids watch the show fervently on Thursday nights. And I guess this is why. Drea has also done work in films like the Gina Gershon flick Prey for Rock and Roll.

My Opinion: I didn't like her at first, but she does have good features...yeah, she's hot.

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40. Morena Baccarin

Yep, another hot Firefly chick entry on the list. And in the case of Baccarin, it's easy to see why. She's definitely gotten a good pact of fans since Firefly's cancellation and rumors keep swirling about that Whedon could use her to be Wonder Woman in his film adaptation of the comic book. It's all going up for this dame.

My Opinion: I must say, she has shades of Bellucci here. Well, a Bellucci with bronze skin...


39. Carly Pope

Place in List II: N/A

Place in List I: N/A

I wish I knew Popular's theme song... So yeah, another entry, another cancelled TV show hottie. This time one of the hotties from Popular, a much beloved series by fans despite its sudden cancellation. Pope hasn't really been prominent in anything lately, but with that face, she could be going places.

My Opinion: Not as good as most of the entires on this list, but rather hot still.

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38. Keeley Hazell

Place in List II: N/A

Place in List I: N/A

So here goes: page 3 idol, aspiring actress, nearly 20 years old, has big breasts.

End of story.

My Opinion: My opinion is that I'd like to apologize for such a weak pic...oh, and she's okay, but I'd much rather have Charlize on the list...


37. Alyssa Milano

Place in List II: #41

Place in List I: N/A

Like the short hair she once had, Alyssa Milano seems to be growing up on the list. After no appearance in '04 and a mere #41 in last year's list, she moves up 4 spots to 37. And let's just say this Charmed girl continues to be blazing hot. Perhaps we have a Diane Lane on our hands here...

My Opinion: Still rather stunning. Just...don't cut that hair again...

Yeah, it's 12:41 AM here and I'm really phoning it in here. So, I'll call it a night, put up a few more entries tomorrow and the like. But until then, see ya.

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This list is great so far, so many hotties, and were not even through half of them. (Y)

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