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Overrated/Underrated: Film Edition


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So yeah, I stole an idea from Benji/Zero and decided to see what you think is underrated and overrated in the film world.

First, time for overrated.

Overrated (though, not bad at all): Batman Begins. The first half hour was rather boring to me, barring the sword stuff, Katie Holmes sucked, and Bale wasn't so good at the Batman parts of the film. So flame me...

Same with Shaun of the Dead. It's very funny at points and something I'd definitely watch again, but I felt it got too intense at moments, especially for a movie eyeing to be so many different things: rom-com/horror flick/homage etc. I don't think it deserves the top 10 film of all time marks it gets.

One more, only this time I actually hated the movie. Corpse Bride is damn overrated. No real direction of plot and weak musical numbers and just not enough interesting things happening.

Underrated: The Rules Of Attraction. Nuff said.

Edited by Veut baiser d'Eva Green.
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Overrated: The Aviator - I don't get how this was such a critical darling. For starters, it was 30 minutes too long. The performances were passable, but nothing out of the ordinary. Most importantly, it tells a sympathetic story, but the narrative is so poorly structured that it's hard to tell where the high moments are, if there are any. I gave it a 6/10, which is a marginal pass, much lower than the literary fellatio the critical community gave it.

Underrated: What Dreams May Come - I never saw Robin Williams in a role this captivating, and I've hardly ever seen visuals this intriguing. It's beautiful abstract cinematography and sympathetic storyline are enough to make it a must watch for those who are yet to see it. I can't remember what I gave it, but I think it was in the 8-9/10 range.

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Overrated: Serenity. Yeah, I said it. I liked it but it wasn't OMG SCI-FI JESUS like a lot of people (including the majority of my friends) think.

Underrated: The Punisher was actually pretty fun. Nothing great but it was true to the source material.

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Guest Ringo Masterson

Overated: Lord of The Rings, the whole fucking lot of them. Nice visuals and decent direction do not make up for a token average story, shit acting (bar Ian McKellen and Christopher Lee) and dragging a story to death and beating it with a stick until it dies.

Underated: Almost Famous. It was great all around.

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Overrated: Scarface. Seriously, this film bored me and my friend so much we were literally checking the time every 10 minutes. We watched the whole thing, expecting something interesting to happen, but nothing, nothing at all happened. Oh, and Al Pacino was crap in it.

Underrated: ...can't think of any at the moment, but I'll edit it in later

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Overrated - Mullholland Drive. When this movie came out so many people were jizzing over it and called David Lynch a directorial master, but the movie just plain pissed me off. The second time watching everything fell into place and I knew what was happening, but it was still shit.

Underrated - The Dukes of Hazzard. Everyone seemed to shit all over this movie, I actually enjoyed it. I knew there wasn't going to be mind blowing Marlon Brando performances and I knew it wasn't exactly going to hang up there was the movies like Shawshank Redemption, but I really enjoyed this movie, saw it twice in a week at the cinema in fact.

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Overrated: Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas. Seriously, the amount of flailing that goes on in homage to this film... I wasn't particularly thrilled when I first saw it in the cinema, and I'm downright sick of it now. I also blame it for all the Corpse Bride-induced flailing I'm currently having to suffer.

I can't think of an underrated one at the moment...

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Constantine: I still think this was a brilliant film, those who moaned that it didn't follow the comic shouldn't have cared, it was a brilliant film by itself. After seeing this can you honestly say you didn't get really into 'that mood' after seeing it? If you can say that then you obviously suck and should not watch films.

Without a Paddle: The feel good movie of the summer, funny and endearing, I found it to be a quality watch, anytime I feel bored I can pop it on and laugh all over again.

Underworld: This was the next Matrix if only the hype machine had of got behind it, I'm desperately waiting upon the sequel.


Godfather Trilogy: I accept they are great films, I have them on DVD myself, but honestly? I find them to drag on, the real mafia movie is Goodfellas, compared to that this is just another series of films to me.

Titanic: Honestly, two hours of Leo DiCaprio moping around in love? Who hasn't seen that a million times since? It was an okay watch the first time if only for Kate Winslet naked, after and before that it becomes the billion dollar turd.

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Lost In Translation

Hated it. Humour was ropey at best, the 'love story' about near adultery was trashy and the feel was wrong. Not good at all.



Critics raved about it, but about seven people went to see this magnificent Korean flick in the cinemas.

Dog Soldiers

One of the best and down to earth gritty werewolf films ever made. And British.

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Constantine: I still think this was a brilliant film, those who moaned that it didn't follow the comic shouldn't have cared, it was a brilliant film by itself. After seeing this can you honestly say you didn't get really into 'that mood' after seeing it? If you can say that then you obviously suck and should not watch films.

I can honestly say that...I mean jesus, how many times does the same old Lance of Longinus (or the crappy name the film gives it, 'Spear of Destiny') plot device have to be used before they actually push themselves to come up with some original ideas? Plus of course, Keanu acting, noooo...

Oh, and Porco Rosso is an underrated film. If only because everyone's going "Spirited Away! Spirited Away! *GUSH*", and probably haven't even heard of it. :shifty:

Edited by stokeriño
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The Saint: starring Val Kilmer and Elisabeth Shue. So many people don't even remember that this movie exists. It's not the greatest movie ever... it's not the most plausible movie ever... but it's better than many of the Bond flicks in recent years, and 10x better than MI:2.

If that was the film based off of the TV show which starred Roger Moore, it was good, but not as good as the series.

Edited by Benjirino~!
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Guest Small Red


* Lord Of The Rings Trilogy - The biggest waste of about thirty-nine hours ever. The special effects are good, but it's so fucking long and drawn out.

* Bruce Almighty - It's funny but it's not like the funniest thing ever, as quite a lot of people try to make out.


* The Goonies - One of the best kid's films I have ever seen, and can watch it thousands of times without ever getting bored of it.

* 101 Reykjavik - An Icelandic comedy about someone falling in love with their lesbian mother's flamenco teacher slash girlfriend. It's hilarious.

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Overrated: Scarface. Seriously, this film bored me and my friend so much we were literally checking the time every 10 minutes. We watched the whole thing, expecting something interesting to happen, but nothing, nothing at all happened. Oh, and Al Pacino was crap in it.

I'm sort of the same. I enjoyed the film, I thought it was great stuff, but I was always expecting a huge massive climax, and nothing happened until the last five minutes of the film. I enjoyed Carlito's Way much more.

I also think Spiderman 2 was pretty lacklustre compared to the first, same goes with X-Men 2. I can't understand why people think they're better than the originals.

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Overrated: Scarface. Seriously, this film bored me and my friend so much we were literally checking the time every 10 minutes. We watched the whole thing, expecting something interesting to happen, but nothing, nothing at all happened. Oh, and Al Pacino was crap in it.

I'm sort of the same. I enjoyed the film, I thought it was great stuff, but I was always expecting a huge massive climax, and nothing happened until the last five minutes of the film. I enjoyed Carlito's Way much more.

I also think Spiderman 2 was pretty lacklustre compared to the first, same goes with X-Men 2. I can't understand why people think they're better than the originals.

To be fair, I didn't think much of the original X-Men, it was good, but not what the hype machine made it. Agreed on Spidey though.

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Scream: Was just 'meh'. Everyone raves about it but all I saw was another teen horror movie with shit acting


Super Troopers: Still think it's one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Doesn't get the wraps it deserves.

The Punisher: Was nowhere near as bad as flops like Daredevil. No idea why it gets absolutely no credit.

Edited by chriswalkerbush....walkerbush
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To be fair, I didn't think much of the original X-Men, it was good, but not what the hype machine made it. Agreed on Spidey though.

Well, thats not to say the first X-Men was awesome, but it was better than the second in my mind.

I agree with the Punisher too, with the exception of the cheesy flaming skull near the end it was awesome.

Edited by Kaneanite™
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* 101 Reykjavik - An Icelandic comedy about someone falling in love with their lesbian mother's flamenco teacher slash girlfriend. It's hilarious.

Bang on. The fact that the main guy in it reminded me so much of a mate of mine made it just that bit better.

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To be fair, I didn't think much of the original X-Men, it was good, but not what the hype machine made it. Agreed on Spidey though.

Well, thats not to say the first X-Men was awesome, but it was better than the second in my mind.

Agreed, speaking of a group with super hero powers, I sure do hope Sky High lives up to my expectations.

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