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Best Episodes?


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I was wondering what you found some of the best episodes to be of your favorite TV series. Whether it be Family Guy, Chappelle Show, 24, CSI, whatever. I'm just looking for stuff to watch and some suggestions would be cool. (Y)

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A couple examples off the top of my head:

- "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" has a ton of really good self-contained episodes that can be enjoyed by non-fans. "Once More With Feeling" is sort of a satire of the musical films of the 50's and 60's, "The Body" is a perfect example of toned down film making to hammer home a point, and "Hush" is amazing if only for how much they were able to do without the aid of verbal communication.

- "Scrubs" has "My Screwup", which is perhaps the best example I've ever seen of a comedy series combining the usual comedic hijinks with gutting drama.

- "The O.C." has "The Rainy Day Women", which is proof that really intriguing TV can be done on networks and still be aimed at teenagers.

- "Lost's" "Walkabout" is about as gutwrenching as television gets, and made Locke an instant favorite (not to mention probably warranting his Emmy nomination this past September).

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A couple examples off the top of my head:

- "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" has a ton of really good self-contained episodes that can be enjoyed by non-fans. "Once More With Feeling" is sort of a satire of the musical films of the 50's and 60's, "The Body" is a perfect example of toned down film making to hammer home a point, and "Hush" is amazing if only for how much they were able to do without the aid of verbal communication.

I agree with all three of those (although was the vampire really necessary in "The Body"?)... Also I love "Band Candy" from season three just for the pure comic value.

Futurama: Roswell That Ends Well..... The episode is the eptimy of what Futurama was, a highly quotable science-fiction show that got a bit controversial at times considering how (especially here in England) it is marketed more towards children. In this episode, Fry has sex with his own Grandmother and becomes his own Grandfather. This episode also rules because it features heavy doses of Dr Zoidberg. And we all know Dr Zoidberg equals ratings.

Family Guy: I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar..... I think this episode got even funnier after a year of feminist texts in English Literature ground my mind down into a pool of hatred for women's want of superiority. There were some hilarious skits like Peter in the girl's locker rooms and the classic line of: "Holy crap! Dad's a chick!"

Spaced: Mettle...... "The first rule of Robot Club is: you do not talk about robot club. The second rule is, you do not talk... Oh wait, hang on a minute... The second rule is: NO SMOKING!"

Hex: Episode titles? Ha! :P...... Hex is probably the best British show out there at the moment. After a slow and boring series 1, things have kicked off to a level beyond original expectancy. Thanks to how things are acted out, you legitimately care for Ella. The episode I'm referring to is the last one that has aired at the moment here in England. I was grinding all episode for Ella to escape! Shows rarely do that.

Boston Legal: "Danny Crane, Trix are for kids." Just thought I'd get the random quote in there too. :D:P

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This topic seems kind of vague in that you can talk about any series...I mean, I could run through why I like episode 23 of Azumanga Daioh, or why episodes 6 and 7 of Full Metal Panic!: The Second Raid are genius incarnate, but barely anyone would understand. >_>

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The New Years Dream Special of Azumanga is terrific, adding to what Stokerino said.

19? Eh, it's alright...actually it's pretty damn good considering it's the only episode in the series that isn't taken from the manga.

But come on, episode 23...the knife. THE KNIFE!

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I think that's episode 13. I only have the first 13 episodes and the New Year's Dream Special is in it.. unless there's more than one

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Family Guy - I find it difficult to pick out a favourite episode, because they're all damn good. In a pinch, I'd go for 'Road to Rhode Island', as it's the closest FG ever gets to being serious. However, honourable mentions must go to both the Kool-Aid Man scene and Ollie Williams' 'ISS GON' RAIN!'

Red Dwarf - Gunmen of the Apocalypse. No question.

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Family Guy: Probably "E Peterbus Unum" (well, it's something like that). The one where Peter declares his house an independent country. Some great moments in it. Honourable mention goes to "Da Boom", which was a great way to start off Season 2.

24: Season 3, I think it was 7-8am. The one where Jack has to kill Chappelle to prevent the virus being released. Pretty gut-wrenching stuff; I almost cried like a little girl.

Only Fools and Horses: The episode where they go to Mallorca and Rodney has to pretend to be 14. Comic genius.

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So many episodes of Friends it's disgusting, but if I had to pick 10 I'd go with

In no particular order...

The One With the Football (from season 3)

The One With The Prom Video (season 2)

The One Where Ross Got High (season 6)

The One With A Cop (season 5, better known was the one where Ross tries to get his new couch up the stairs)

The One With Holiday Armadillo (season 7)

The One With the Embryos (season 4)

The One With Unagi (season 6)

The One With Frank Jr. (season 3)

The One With The Videotape (season 8)

The One Where Underdog Gets Away (season 1)

And those are just off the top of my head. I got easily drop another 20 favorites with out even thinking about it. My favorite show of all time and only a few more week until season 10 comes out so I've been watching a lot lately.

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Angel - I Will Remember You, Heroes, The Ring, Five By Five, Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been, Birthday, Spin The Bottle, Orpheus, Home, Life of the Party, Lineage, Damage, You're Welcome, Smile Time, A Hole In The World, Origin, The Girl In Question, Power Play, Not Fade Away

I swear I have a life.

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Family Guy: E. Peterbus Unum

The pool party, Geneva Convention ('The'), political satirism at its best, I'll never think of Bill Clinton with clothes on again, somehow that's a good thing.

Futurama: The Sting

THIS should have been the ending of the series, instead we got that lame holophoner episode. "Don't Worry... Bee Happy", oh the jokes. It was one of few episodes to mix in humour with a genuinely touching story and it was done perfectly.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Once More With Feeling

'Nuff said, musical episodes just rock.

Friends: The One With Holiday Armadillo

Joey in a Superman suit? Hell yeah. I can't stand Ben, but even he was tolerable in this episode thanks to "Santa, The Armadillo and I are going to talk in the kitchen..."

Scrubs: His Story

I love the regular episodes, but this was just too funny, a whole episode centred around the best character in the entire show. Playing off of his equally derranged shrink, thinking up girls names for JD and not counting to 10. To see it is to love it, and Johnny C even more.

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Not sure on the names of the episodes, But my two favorites are the one where Xander tries a love spell and it makes every girl fall in love with him except for Cordelia. And the episode where Angel kills Miss Calendar.

Angel: Well, I'm sure Tristy might have mentioned it, If not, The one where Connor comes back in season five. And the end of season four are my favorites along with the ones with Faith from season four.

Third Watch: "The Self Importance Of Being Carlos". This episode is so funny, Just awesome stuff. But the best part is Carlos' line about the old couple who died in the beginning of the episode. "The woman wanted to go with the man. They went together. It's tv-movie-of-the-week sad. The only thing missing is the bulimic and the cancer kid." I love most of the episodes from Third Watch, But this one is probably my favorite.

The Simpsons: The one where Bart sells his soul and the one with Homer's mom. I always liked the ending to both those episodes.

Futurama: The one with Fry's dog and the seven leaf clover.

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Futurama: The Sting

THIS should have been the ending of the series, instead we got that lame holophoner episode. "Don't Worry... Bee Happy", oh the jokes. It was one of few episodes to mix in humour with a genuinely touching story and it was done perfectly.

Was the holophoner episode the one with Fry's worms? If so, then NO NO, NO NO! That rocked compared to the Sting - it was sappy, yes, but I liked it.

No it wasn't, the holophoner was THE END of the series. And that worm one still wasn't as good as The Sting.

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Only Fools and Horses: The episode where they go to Mallorca and Rodney has to pretend to be 14. Comic genius.

Bwahahaha. That almost outdoes the hilarity of seeing Rodney and Delboy run through the streets dressed as Batman and Robin. My favourite though is the one where Damian is born. The whole devil-link thing going on in Rodney's head is genius.

"It's a boy!"

"Does he have three numbers on the back of his head?"

"This isn't the bloody lottery Rodney!"

Other than OFAH, you have Father Ted. All of the episodes. Absolute genuis, not one failed to crack me up. The one in Season one where Father Jack died was the absolute best though.

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So many episodes of Friends it's disgusting, but if I had to pick 10 I'd go with

In no particular order...

The One With the Football (from season 3)

The One With The Prom Video (season 2)

The One Where Ross Got High (season 6)

The One With A Cop (season 5, better known was the one where Ross tries to get his new couch up the stairs)

The One With Holiday Armadillo (season 7)

The One With the Embryos (season 4)

The One With Unagi (season 6)

The One With Frank Jr. (season 3)

The One With The Videotape (season 8)

The One Where Underdog Gets Away (season 1)

And those are just off the top of my head. I got easily drop another 20 favorites with out even thinking about it. My favorite show of all time and only a few more week until season 10 comes out so I've been watching a lot lately.

What about the episode (forget the title) where they're all getting ready to go out?


That's gold, I haven't seen that one in ages. All the ones you listed are great too.

Father Ted

The episode with the sheep, and the monster. Legendary.

Dougal: Because of the beast. They say it's as big as four cats, and it's got a retractable leg so as it can leap up at you better and you know what Ted, it lights up at night, and it's got four ears. Two of them are for listening and the other two are kind of back-up ears, and it's claws are as big as cups and for some reason it's got a tremendous fear of stamps and Mrs. Doyle was tellin' me that it's got magnets on it's tail so as if you're made out of metal it can attatch itself to you, and instead of a mouth it's got four arses.

Much funnier when heard rather than read.

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Father Ted

The episode with the sheep, and the monster. Legendary.

Dougal: Because of the beast. They say it's as big as four cats, and it's got a retractable leg so as it can leap up at you better and you know what Ted, it lights up at night, and it's got four ears. Two of them are for listening and the other two are kind of back-up ears, and it's claws are as big as cups and for some reason it's got a tremendous fear of stamps and Mrs. Doyle was tellin' me that it's got magnets on it's tail so as if you're made out of metal it can attatch itself to you, and instead of a mouth it's got four arses.

Much funnier when heard rather than read.


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