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Best Shitty Movies


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D'Oh! How could i forgot the biggest of them all?The Lost World:Jurassic Park. I love people who say "It's better than the first one" :D


That doesn't qualify as a shitty movie.

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Alone in the Dark

I'm the only one who bought this movie because I end up with tears in my eyes everytime I see Stephen Dorff's "heroic" suicide charge for no reason at the end, not sad tears, tears from laughing so damn hard. I told my friend that it was Ed Wood's last movie and he believed me until the end credits. You know it's bad when that happens. I love that movie, better then any sci-fi comedy in years.

Edited by Pepsi
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D'Oh! How could i forgot the biggest of them all?The Lost World:Jurassic Park. I love people who say "It's better than the first one" :D


That doesn't qualify as a shitty movie.

It was a very shitty movie. It doesn't qualify because it wasn't a good shitty movie.

The only shitty movie I loved that hasn't been mentioned yet (I think? I can't remember >_>) was Resident Evil. The second was horrible, but I loved the first.

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Guest Crimson Nightmare

The Fast and the Furious/2 Fast 2 Furious.

I dunno why, they're just good brainless amusing movies that you can watch repeatedly. Whenever they're on a movie channel or TV, despite owning both, I'll still watch them.

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All the Nightmare on Elms Street sequals (espeacially 2)

And my personal favourite...The Wraith with Charlie Sheen.

I saw there was a shitty looking horror film on TV one friday night so I got my flatmate to watch it with me. It was sooo bad. It had about a five minute plot and the rest of it was car races, half naked women and explosions. Oh and 80s music. There was loads of 80s music (it is from the 80s to be fair) It's the perfect definition of being so bad that it's really funny. I know teenage boys like cars, women and explosions but a tiny bit of plot would help.

I love bad films, I need to buy it on DVD

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Escape From New York.

I just saw it last night, and thought by todays standards, it's a pretty shitty film, but the ending was so fucking awesome it made up for it in every way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Demolition Man! Definitely, Demolition Man. What a God awful movie it was, but I love it. I remember vividly that the sex scene in that movie was the first introduction to sex I had... and they didn't even touch each other. It was all futuristic 3D garbage. Good times, good times.

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