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Guest clintcasey

What I suggest you start doing is saving up your gold. Once you hit 40 in about 10 levels you'll have plenty of gold to buy full plate as soon as its available. Don't spend any gold on new gear. if you want new gear either get a black smith to make you some gear for free, or run threw Scarlet Monestary a few times.

Also, this is just a personal thing, but there is some good PVP Plate gear that you can pick up for level 40. I suggest you run Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch a whole lot before hitting level 40 so you can pick up the PVP rewards which comes out to some really nice blues and Purples. It'll also save you some gold when you purchase your plate gear.

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Robotron 3000 > *

I just did the quest where you have to use the Robotron 3000 to collect moonwell water. Fun stuff

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If things go according to plan (and my computer is good enough), I'll be playing World of Warcraft by tomorrow.

My friend who owns it gave me the 10 Day free trial.

Currently Disc 4 is installing.

I'm really curious, to see what all the excitement is about.


Apparently an error is occurring. Won't let me past the key activation phase. I got it in right, and they code is real and hasn't been used.

It says try back later. Though my friend can get on now.

Edited by Rashid
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  • 2 weeks later...

Geeeez people on PvE servers are tits.

PvE - Playing the game as is intended. That's why PvE servers are labeled as "Normal".

PvP - Playing the game with multitudes of 70's ganking you every step you take. People who level on a PvP server think they're the big cheese because they were one-shotted every day.

Talk about overexaggeration. The only areas I ever have problems with ganking in are STV and Hillsbrad, and even then, if you're really having that much of a problem you just get some friends to come help you out. Simple as.

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So I finally got around to trying out the 14 day trial I bought for $1 in December. So far it is pretty fun. I think I might like it better than Guild Wars. One thing I noticed that it doesn't lag as much as Guild Wars but maybe that is because Guild Wars requires a more powerful machine. I don't know really.

Anyways what server does everyone play on? Is there a EWB clan? Is this game actually worth the monthly payment?

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PvE - Playing the game as is intended. That's why PvE servers are labeled as "Normal".

Yeah, they didn't intend for people to play on PvP servers. Their creation was just one big accident :rolleyes:. Running around in STV /spitting at and /poking the enemy, then laughing and running away. That's how Blizzard intended the game to be played ¬_¬

People who play on Normal or RP servers are fags :P

RPPVP is where it's at.

Hell yeah.

And yeah, that always annoys me. I have a druid on a PvE server and in ALL the contested territories you're constantly being /poked and /spit on and /taunted until you're badgered into attacking. A lot more annoying that getting ganked and going on your way.

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You know, my biggest problem with this game isn't even with something Blizzard has any control over.

It's the people.

Maybe I'm just too nice, though. I usually try to help lowbies out, whether it's giving them requested information or pulling mobs off of them when they went wandering through unfamiliar territory. However, the people that are the exact opposite are what irk me. The selfish people who don't do anything unless they stand to gain something from it and will stand there and watch you die, even if they can do something about it.

For instance, earlier, I was killing Bloodscalp Trolls and there were two mages, one 2 levels lower than me and one 4 levels higher doing (what I assume to be) the same quests I was doing. I stood and watched the level 33 pull a mob of them and start getting his ass kicked, and his buddy come to his rescue as he runs away. So, here's this guy, watching from a distance as his buddy pulls aggro from him and not even trying to help. By the time his friend finished with the mob he was within just two or three more strikes of death so I casted Holy Light on him and a Blessing and went on my way killing trolls.

Fast forward 10 minutes later, and the 33 is left with me. I'm still killing trolls for the ears and necklaces, and the trolls start respawning within range of me and attacking. So here I am with three trolls mobbing me, and what's this 33 mage doing? Nothing. He stands there and watches me die, then he steals my kill and runs off.

Grr. It just irritates me.

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Oh well, the assholes might not be the majority but they're definitively the most noticeable part of the gaming crowd. They're also curiously bi-polar on PvE servers: they'll help people of their own side quite nicely, but so help them if they find someone ten levels lower from the opposite faction, they'll gank them mercilessly. 'tis a bitch, I'm afraid.

Arathi Basin is loads of fun. Even with a 52 warlock I can still easily finish in the top 3 on the "Damage Dealt" chart. On the flip side it often means that I've died the most while doing so, but that is the price to be paid for being so damn good >_>

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Oh well, the assholes might not be the majority but they're definitively the most noticeable part of the gaming crowd. They're also curiously bi-polar on PvE servers: they'll help people of their own side quite nicely, but so help them if they find someone ten levels lower from the opposite faction, they'll gank them mercilessly. 'tis a bitch, I'm afraid.

Arathi Basin is loads of fun. Even with a 52 warlock I can still easily finish in the top 3 on the "Damage Dealt" chart. On the flip side it often means that I've died the most while doing so, but that is the price to be paid for being so damn good >_>

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Yeah, it's way fun.

Especially when you come across level 3 alliance shamans running around in contested 20-30 territory, wtf.

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March 7th: I join the world of warcraft.

March 14th: I drop out of college.

Coincidence? I hope so. Dropping my program so I can do Internet Application Programming instead of Business Administration which I hate now.

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Isn't that, you know, playing the game properly?

I hate corpse camping cunts as much as the next guy, but it is perfectly okay to me to kill hostiles no matter what level they are. It's the only way to play the game realistically.

Edited by Bushmeister
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Guest clintcasey

I have Criteria for Lowbies to determine weither or not I'll waste them.

1. If they make rude gestures, they die.

2. If they see me and immediately start running away, they die.

3. If they are running on a road, they die.

4. If I'm near a group of them and they huddle into a little group for protection, they all die.

5. If I'm near them, and they don't act friendly, they die.

6. If they're attacking Alliance Friendly NPCs, even if they're mobs that they have a quest for, they die (after all I do play on an RP-PVP server)

I may add to this list later when I think of something, I think thats most of them though.

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