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I have Criteria for Lowbies to determine weither or not I'll waste them.

1. If they make rude gestures, they die.

2. If they see me and immediately start running away, they die.

3. If they are running on a road, they die.

4. If I'm near a group of them and they huddle into a little group for protection, they all die.

5. If I'm near them, and they don't act friendly, they die.

6. If they're attacking Alliance Friendly NPCs, even if they're mobs that they have a quest for, they die (after all I do play on an RP-PVP server)

I may add to this list later when I think of something, I think thats most of them though.

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I usually don't bother people if they don't bother me, but if they fuck with me I round up a posse and harass them. >_>

I hate it when guys from the opposite faction think you're stupid, the other night I was at the Scarlet Monastery meeting stone waiting on the rest of my party and there's a group of 6 or 7 alliance there, clucking and strutting around me and trying to provoke me into attacking, so I told them gangrape isn't my thing.

Also one of them seemed to have found a way around the language barrier, because I clearly understood one say "Me Love You". Although it was more like "m E Lo VE Y o U"

Also LEVEL FORTY *fistpump*

Also is it me or is the Lightbringer pally set not the coolest fucking looking shit ever? Hell, all the Pally sets are.

Also, character sheet - http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/#charact...amp;n=Aleindria - any comments?



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Guest clintcasey

I have Criteria for Lowbies to determine weither or not I'll waste them.

1. If they make rude gestures, they die.

2. If they see me and immediately start running away, they die.

3. If they are running on a road, they die.

4. If I'm near a group of them and they huddle into a little group for protection, they all die.

5. If I'm near them, and they don't act friendly, they die.

6. If they're attacking Alliance Friendly NPCs, even if they're mobs that they have a quest for, they die (after all I do play on an RP-PVP server)

I may add to this list later when I think of something, I think thats most of them though.

So basically, if they're not AFK, they die? :P

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Alliance is for gays.

Also, I love raiding Alliance towns. The other night in the LFG channel we got bored so four 70's and myself went and raided Astranaar as revenge for the 20-man raid attempt on Orgrimmar earlier. Then two of the 70's hit Southshore and took pretty much everything there out as well while I helped the other 70 finish a quest on his 29 mage alt.

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Your point? The flight masters at both are 50+ elites and besides, anything than hinders Alliance questing in my book is good. What made it even funnier is that no one gives enough of a fuck about either place to defend it, when people even rush to defend the smaller Horde outposts.

PS Alliance is still gay.

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I love WoW but I just don't get how the hell people have managed to get to lvl 70. I play it with my mate sometimes and we have lots of fun but we have one lvl 25 character and like 8 other low lvl characters. Do you have that much time on your hands, don't you play any other games and don't you get bored of one character and never seeing the other parts of the WoW world?

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Guest clintcasey

Your point? The flight masters at both are 50+ elites and besides, anything than hinders Alliance questing in my book is good. What made it even funnier is that no one gives enough of a fuck about either place to defend it, when people even rush to defend the smaller Horde outposts.

PS Alliance is still gay.

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Anyone who has quit WoW, or is looking for an MMORPG at all, I suggest trying City of Heroes\City of Villains. Get the Good vs. Evil edition which includes both games. You get to play both City of Heroes and City of Villains for one price (and its the same price people were paying to play CoH before CoV was even announced), and you don't have to pay for expansions!

(CoH\CoV has had 8 expansions (called `Issues', in keeping with the comics theme) with #9 coming out sometime in probably the next couple of months, and they're free. They download as patches.)

CoH\CoV does have several PvP zones where you fight the other side (heroes fighting villains, in other words) and PvP arenas where heroes can fight heroes and villains can fight villains.

My av and sig are from CoH.

Edited by GhostMachine
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That's one of the best features of CoX to me. I played it a bit but got caught up with WoW for a while and haven't particularly got into it. So will probably be going back to CoX. Free expansions though is a great idea, something like they're planning with LOTRO in some elements I hear.

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Anyone who has quit WoW, or is looking for an MMORPG at all, I suggest trying City of Heroes\City of Villains. Get the Good vs. Evil edition which includes both games. You get to play both City of Heroes and City of Villains for one price (and its the same price people were paying to play CoH before CoV was even announced), and you don't have to pay for expansions!

(CoH\CoV has had 8 expansions (called `Issues', in keeping with the comics theme) with #9 coming out sometime in probably the next couple of months, and they're free. They download as patches.)

CoH\CoV does have several PvP zones where you fight the other side (heroes fighting villains, in other words) and PvP arenas where heroes can fight heroes and villains can fight villains.

My av and sig are from CoH.

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Anyone who has quit WoW, or is looking for an MMORPG at all, I suggest trying City of Heroes\City of Villains. Get the Good vs. Evil edition which includes both games. You get to play both City of Heroes and City of Villains for one price (and its the same price people were paying to play CoH before CoV was even announced), and you don't have to pay for expansions!

(CoH\CoV has had 8 expansions (called `Issues', in keeping with the comics theme) with #9 coming out sometime in probably the next couple of months, and they're free. They download as patches.)

CoH\CoV does have several PvP zones where you fight the other side (heroes fighting villains, in other words) and PvP arenas where heroes can fight heroes and villains can fight villains.

My av and sig are from CoH.

Whats the subscription fee on CoH/CoV?

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CoH and CoV are alright, but they're a bit outdated, I'll wait for WARhammer: Age of Reckoning.

Plus I still enjoy WoW, left my guild which was pretty much only social, and joined a raiding guild, I'm pretty happy in Karazhan and Gruuls Lair now.

--Tokegen, Arcane Fire Mage of Sargeras

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Raiding is why I quit WoW, and why I probably won't go back. Its hard to advance when just about everyone is raiding and you can't get anyone to help with quests you absolutely have to finish in order to raid.

The next CoH\CoV expansion is going to be pretty cool. They're adding an invention system, which lets you make costume pieces and customize powers better. (like adding extra effects to attacks and modifying defensive powers)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest clintcasey

As long as their horde player's legs I don't see what the problem is.

If you want cheap Blues and Purples just run some BGs. AV is a realy quick and easy way to get honor. Even if you loose, as long as the game isn't a massacure, you'll get 500 honor points a game, more if you actualy bother to turn in quests and complete objectives.

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