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The Guitar Hero Thread


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Zero is right. What fooled me for a while was thinking that whammying really quickly gave you more points than whammying slowly, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I swear the score meter goes up faster, but it doesn't seem to make a difference once the note ends - it's still always the same if you're whammying all the way.

EDIT: I have defeated Guitar Hero 2! Christ this is a sweet moment. Onto those bonus tracks I can't complete I suppose. What are everyone's favourites? I really enjoy playing Gemini and Less Talk More Rokk, which is a truly strange inclusion but damn good practice.

Edited by -A-
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Less Talk More Rokk is my favorite of the bonus songs (and I got 100% on it on Medium!), but I also enjoy X-Stream, Elephant Bones, Radium Eyes and of course, Trogdor & Thunderhorse.

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Since I'm into the metalcore scene, I was really stoked when they announced All That Remains and Shadows Fall being in the game. That said, Six is a hard mother-fucker on expert, and once I get good at it, I'm sure I'll play it more. The Shadows Fall one though is my favorite bonus song to play.

Other faves are Less Talk More Rokk, Thunderhorse, Trogdor, and some weird one. I also like making up my lyrics to the Megasus song.

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Well I just tried it out on Less Talk More Rokk - I stand corrected. My bad. I coulda swore it did though... damn. All that whammying for nothing.

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My girlfriend's loved it so much we went out and got the first when she saw the track list... I find I am actually capable of maintaining some decency with it instead of the second (4-5 stars on songs on Medium). It's mostly because my left hand is a bit screwed up and I have trouble using my pinky, thus I have to move my hand up and down and can't seem to get back and forth between green and blue quick enough.

Anyways, just a quick question... Does anyone know where to get a licensed guitar for the PS2 that isn't too expensive? We want to play together, but all we've seen is a 3rd party wireless guitar at EB for $75... Which is just too expensive.

EDIT: Or if the new 80s edition will have a bundle coming out with it for that matter.

Edited by Vilge Duin
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I've seen various guitars(wired and wireless) at stores like Hastings, Walmart, Target, Shopko, K-Mart, etc. I would seriously suggest visiting IGN, going to the gear section, and reading reviews on the third party guitars. Some of them are decent, while others reek of suckitude.

As for first party guitars, perhaps a pawn shop? Unless you can order online, in which case just go to http://www.redoctane.com/specialty-gh.html

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...Why didn't you buy the first one with a guitar? I'm not sure the 80s edition will come with a guitar as it's being touted as almost an add-on to GHII rather than a full on game.

And if you have trouble playing with your left hand, try the lefty flip option and play with your right hand.

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...Why didn't you buy the first one with a guitar? I'm not sure the 80s edition will come with a guitar as it's being touted as almost an add-on to GHII rather than a full on game.

And if you have trouble playing with your left hand, try the lefty flip option and play with your right hand.

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After playing Guitar Hero 2 on the 360 at work over the past couple of weeks I relented and bought it for the PS2.

I find myself getting carried away and that's only on easy to get a grasp of the songs.

Medium's tricky because my ring fingers are a little weak so I'm struggling going from blue to yellow.

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