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The Guitar Hero Thread


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I surprisingly didn't have too much trouble with Lou. And by too much, I mean I beat him after about ten tries instead after about seven months.

I don't know if I have the patience to play through expert.

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Guitar Hero 4's drum kit:


This looks cool with the two cymbals added. I don't understand why Rock Band never had them. I like this setup a lot.


Looks like the music editor mode. Judging by this picture does that mean every song will have rythem and lead guitar? Because having those two plus bass, drums, and vocals would be a lot for one screen to display.

-There will be a new guitar, bass, microphone, and drum kit

-Guitars are no longer licensed by Gibson and are custom made

-The interviewer noticed "clear notes" that may indicate a new guitar mechanic

-Unique bass controller

-USB Microphone

-Drum kit has 3 pads, 2 raised cymbal pads, and a bass pedal. The pads supposedly can detect how hard you hit them.

The last feature on the drums, about how hard you hit them, is an interesting addition. Is there really a point in having a bass controller though? It seems kinda useless.

There are supposed to be "more tracks than in any rhythm game ever", and the interviewer mentions "at least 70"

-The Neversoft employee claims all tracks will be masters

-Van Halen, Eagles, Linkin Park, and Sublime are confirmed to have tracks in the game.

-Dream Theater is mentioned, but not confirmed to have a song.

Dream Theater being in it is awesome, especially if it is Pull Me Under.

You'll be able to create a character like Rock Band now.

-There will be a world-tour style career mode where you choose a location and tracks you want to play at that venue, similar to Rock Band

-Unlike Rock Band, the interviewee claimed that you will "never be playing the same tracks over and over"

-There are separate career modes for at least guitar, bass, and drum (possibly vocals)

-The drum tour will add "drum solo" sections where the camera zooms in on a drummer and allows a freestyle solo

Having a bass career mode is cool.

-Jam Over mode - you can go into an on-disc song and remix the sounds with a free form jam, much like in Amplitude. This mode will not include vocals.

-After creating the remix, you can return to normal play mode and play the new note chart.

-Advanced Studio mode - a program, said to be like Apple's Garage Band, that will allow you to create your own music tracks, along with note charts for them

-Has an editor for guitar which can reportedly do electric or acoustic notes with a variety of sound effects, one for drums that has a normal drum kit along with Latin percussion instruments, and a keyboard editor that you can use to replace vocal tracks (which are not supported, for copyright and data storage issues)

-Each person will be allowed to upload 5 tracks, and if you receive positive reviews, you may be able to up load 10 or more

This is an interesting addition.

-The new "Easy Rhythm" mode for kids and newbies, where instead of having to push in frets, you simply strum along to the wide bars that are normally used for the bass drum.

-The old guitar controllers will still work. However, they say that you might miss out on some of the new play mechanics.

-The boss battles are back, but they've been altered significantly. They are less about attacking and more about playing the song back and forth.

-Their will be more special guest (real artists), but no one has been announced.

-Every instrument is wireless out of the box.

-Star power for the drums can be activated at any time by crashing both cymbals at once.

-GH3 Battle Mode is still in the game, but it's only for multiplayer and online now

-The wide bars will be used during the bass segments to signify "open string", meaning that you strum without pushing in a fret, adding a new spin to how the bass is played.

Now I probably won't rush out and get this like I did with Guitar Hero 3 and wind up a not liking it by the time I get to hard due to the insane difficultly to it. I hope they learned to not over-chart the songs this time around and just make a fun game like Rock Band is.

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I think this is gonna fail, hard. I think by this point most everyone willing to spend almost $200 on a music game has already bought Rock Band and I doubt many of those people have the money, let alone the room, for two sets of plastic drums. And god knows how expensive it's gonna be, coming with a separate bass.

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I'm not paying twice for essentially the same game with different tracks, so if the Rock Band stuff won't work, I won't bother with this. Shame, as some of the features sound quite cool, although editing and stuff seems kind of pointless, that's one thing where the "just do it for real" argument fits. They should just stick with the guitar games for chrissakes, that's the name of the fucking franchise.

At this rate, they may as well combine both teams and work on one game >_>

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The drums will (should) work if the cymbals are both yellow on GH's kit.

They aren't, the other is Orange. Cue the sound of internet folk going " :rolleyes: Typical, Activision. Don't make it better, make it harder."

Fear the orangeness!

Edited by Kaney.
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Peripheral-mania is going to come back and start biting publishers in the ass, it's getting out of hand. Okay, the first Guitar Hero, you need the controller to play, makes sense. GH2, they add a co-op career so a second controller makes sense. GH3 jumps to next-gen, time for wireless - okay, I can deal with that, it's the best controller yet. Then Rock Band comes along - sweet, drums and a microphone. Plus, if you're on the 360, your GH controllers will work - fine by me.

That should be it, end of discussion. I've spent money on wired guitars, wireless guitars, drums and a mic, I'm done. They take up enough space as it is, I'm not buying anymore shit. I think publishers are in for a rude awakening when people like me hit their breaking point on just how much they're willing to buy.

The peripherals are out there - save for a few minor, fixable issues with the RB drums and guitar, there's no need for anymore hardware. Make good software that uses the existing hardware or people are just going to stop buying altogether. People aren't going to throw down $100 a year just because you add an extra cymbal.

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I'm definatley with zero here. $180 for rock band was almost enough as it is and having now gh4 push out drums with just one extra pad essentially for what will probably be the same price or more is insane. Unless the rock band equipment for some inane reason doesn't work, then this will essentially be guitar hero 4 for me, not rock band hero.

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Yeah, the Rock Band Guitar doesn't work at all. I tried using it for the GH competition since all I had was an explorer controller(which I've grown out of, my hands got too large for it), and it wouldn't even register at all.

As for this, really depends on the tracks, as I like to have everything, but man, having two different drum sets and guitars and whatnot is downright super-nerdy and geeky. Not sure if I want that status.

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Peripheral-mania is going to come back and start biting publishers in the ass, it's getting out of hand. Okay, the first Guitar Hero, you need the controller to play, makes sense. GH2, they add a co-op career so a second controller makes sense. GH3 jumps to next-gen, time for wireless - okay, I can deal with that, it's the best controller yet. Then Rock Band comes along - sweet, drums and a microphone. Plus, if you're on the 360, your GH controllers will work - fine by me.

That should be it, end of discussion. I've spent money on wired guitars, wireless guitars, drums and a mic, I'm done. They take up enough space as it is, I'm not buying anymore shit. I think publishers are in for a rude awakening when people like me hit their breaking point on just how much they're willing to buy.

The peripherals are out there - save for a few minor, fixable issues with the RB drums and guitar, there's no need for anymore hardware. Make good software that uses the existing hardware or people are just going to stop buying altogether. People aren't going to throw down $100 a year just because you add an extra cymbal.

Spot on, we're essentially at the point where it's more options and more tracklists, essentially just expansion packs. It's costing way too much to play these games, and it's just more fuel for the fire for the "go and do it for real" crowd. I've now got two PS2 guitars and 2 360 guitars, I'll have the complete Rock Band set next week, that's enough. Go back to mkaing games an entertainment/art form rather than a means to make money. Please.

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It would be nice if Sony/microsoft were to make a standard guitar/drums/microphone controller, like they do with the normal controllers for other games so that they'd work on any rhythm game. Don't know if that is likely to happen though.

Edited by metalman
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  • 3 weeks later...
Activision's 2008 SEC fillings as cited that they plan to release Guitar Hero: Metallica by the first quarter of 2009, according the Wedbush Morgan Securities.

I wonder if this deal also calls for an exclusive contract which would suck as I am still hoping for that Metallica album that was one of the first rumored full albums for Rock Band.

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