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What bands/artists have you recently "discovered" and are floating your musical boat at the moment?

Having had them recommended to me ages ago by one of my friends, I finally got around to checking out Neutral Milk Hotel, and I'm pretty amazed by the "In The Aeroplane Over The Sea" album, as it's really good. Was well worth the effort to check out.

I'll post some more when I've had a small think about it.

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I haven't really "discovered" any new bands lately, because I don't have a sound card on this PC, so I'm not listening to a lot of new stuff lately.

I think the last bands I "discovered" would probably be The Lucksmiths, who are now one of my favourite bands ever, and Chik Budo, who added me on Myspace, and who describe themselves as "punk/disco/jazz". How could I not like that combination?

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Incognito - Jazz funk, bitches

new "Freak Kitchen" album (Organic) - My mate told me they broke up...lying cunt...the album's bean out a while too...I should really have checked myself :( Lacks the solo's of the previous album. :(:( Flows a lot better though. I love "Infidelity Ghost" and "Becky".

In Flames - Much love Liam

Beulah - Blatant OC-like happy indie vibe thingamijigies. I like them.

Pork Tornado - Jazz-funk-porn groove...I don't care, it's surprisingly awesome...looking for Yugolsavian rock has its upside...shame they're American. :shifty:

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Um. Alien Sex Fiend. That's.. really, about it. I've been listening to ASF a lot, as well as Voltaire (known about for a good while now) and Neil Young (same as Voltaire).

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I haven't "discovered" them as such but recently I've been digging Built to Spill way more than I used to (partially because I have few memories of their AWFUL live show from a few years back at a Seattle music festival remaining).

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Guest Ringmaster The Living Legend

I haven't really discovered anything that impressive, but I've been listening to a lot of Ballboy and the Lucksmiths, which I always knew were fairly good but never gave a proper listen to if that makes sense.

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I haven't really discovered anything that impressive, but I've been listening to a lot of Ballboy and the Lucksmiths, which I always knew were fairly good but never gave a proper listen to if that makes sense.

I'm about like that with Neil Young, always knew the CD was lying around, never listened to it though - and fuck does he rock. :wub:

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Iron Maiden is one, and while it's not exactly like I heard them and thought "Hey I never heard of this Iron Maiden stuff before!". I've just recently been growing to appreciate their work, and I'm quickly turning into a big fan of their music. They simply rock shit out, and I love that quality in a band.

The Eyes are a band I actually did sort of discover. I had heard of them before, but now I finally found some of their music. They're an interesting group out of the late 70s LA punk era, that contained members of Black Randy and the Metrosquad. Their sound is hard to describe, some of it almost resembles 60s acid rock or 60s garage. Then some of it is just goofy and can't really be classified, and then there's one song that is straight punk. Very good band.

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If we can include bands we just got BACK into or bands we knew about for ages but only started listening then I've gotta include; Nine Inch Nails, The Offspring, Ill Nino and 36 Crazy Fists.

Edited by Jouzy
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