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League vs Union


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The main one is the five tackle rule in League. When a player is tackled, the opponent moves away, and the attacker can backheel to a team-mate. If one of thier players is taken down on the fifth tackle, the ball is turned over to the opponents (thus why most teams kick it). In Rugby Union, when someone is taken down, a ruck is formed (which basically means players coming in from both sides, one trying to retain the ball, the others trying to force a turnover).

13 players in League, 15 in Union.

Less men in the scrum in League.

4 points for a try and 2 for a conversion/penalty in League, 5 for a try, 2 for a conversion and 3 for a penalty in Union (also 3 for a drop goal in Union)

That's all I can think of, as I'm not overly knowledgeable of the finer points of both games.

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Kicking arse in the 2nd Division, right? :shifty:

I prefer League during league competitions, but prefer International Union. I think its because I overall prefer League, but as the national game isn't as big here, not as much chance for national shows of pride.

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To be honest I don't pay a lot of attention to rugby. For internationals though it's got to be Union (As that's all I potentially watch). It's better to watch, less complicated, and just probably more fun IMO. But then again, the players in League are a lot fitter, and are a lot more athletic. IMO There seems to be a lot more high paced running involved in League.

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I find League to just be a case of a line of men running at another line of men, stopping, flicking the ball back and running again.

I much prefer Union which I feel has more subtleties, holds more skill and fits in more different parts to the game.

Also Union has given birth to Rugby Sevens which is perhaps the best of all Rugby games.

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Sevens is pathetic...all it takes is one fast bloke to get the ball, and generally its a try.

It too often turns into a Rugby based equivalent of Basketball (scoring wise...you score, we score, you score, we score) for me to enjoy it.

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The Rugby Sevens was embarassing to watch when I was waiting for the League to come on. All it was was Lote Tuquiri (an ex-league player) running around with a bunch of kids.

Now, League on the other hand, awesome sport. The only thing substandard about it is the quality of our referees. If you ever get to watch a game of NRL (the ESL is very poor in comparison to ours, especially the defence), do so. Thoroughly entertaining.

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Since Liam pretty much covered it, why not move on to a slightly different topic, namely which of the two do you prefer? I always liked Union better simply because it was less complicated, and particularly since the Quins are kicking arse.

Oh how I laughed at seeing them relegated.. Happy Days.

I've grown up with Union so always prefered it but most likely through that main purpose. It just seems more fluid to me and there are some stupid rules in Lewague. The whole, if you kick it and our man charges it down we still get the ball one being perhaps the most laughable of the lot, come to thingk of it Uriah Rennie used that in the Spurs game yesterday...

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The main one is the five tackle rule in League. When a player is tackled, the opponent moves away, and the attacker can backheel to a team-mate. If one of thier players is taken down on the fifth tackle, the ball is turned over to the opponents (thus why most teams kick it).

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The main one is the five tackle rule in League. When a player is tackled, the opponent moves away, and the attacker can backheel to a team-mate. If one of thier players is taken down on the fifth tackle, the ball is turned over to the opponents (thus why most teams kick it).

A turn over happens in Rugby League if a SIXTH tackle is made, players usually kick after the 5th tackle.

Well, I meant on the fifth tackle phase, after the fifth tackle, but yeah....:shifty:

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the ESL is very poor in comparison to ours, especially the defence

Huh? Who leaked 30 points compared to 10 in the WCC? very poor? go fuck, its only slightly behind, and thats only because the first 8 years was a Wigan/Saints/Leeds/Bradford money grabbing sesh.

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Union is better than League. Two main reasons:

1) League is far too stop-start. A flowing game of rugby is when it's most fun, and while it doesn't happen all the time in Union, it NEVER happens in League. Why? Because you stop after every tackle!

2) League scrums. What's the point if you're not going to push?

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Union is better than League. Two main reasons:

1) League is far too stop-start. A flowing game of rugby is when it's most fun, and while it doesn't happen all the time in Union, it NEVER happens in League. Why? Because you stop after every tackle!

2) League scrums. What's the point if you're not going to push?

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