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World Cup 2006


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Bleh, commiserations to the English. You were my de facto side after Australia got eliminated, so it figures that you go out in the very next round to Italy lite. Ah well, come on Brazil!

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Fuck sake, it's so fucking annoying when Portugal skank their way through like this. They did it in the last fucking Euro and now they've done it here. Bullshit to the Rooney sending off, it wasn't a red card. And now it's safe to say Beckham wont ever be lifting the World Cup :(

At least Portugal will get torn to a million pieces when Brazil cruise past them. Hoping for Italy/Brazil final of course, as long as the Portugal cunts get shown up on Tuesday, all is good.

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I blame Rooney for being a hot-headed little fuck who surely that with the referees trying to be the stars of the show at the tournament - pushing a guy in front of them is not a good idea. I hope Wayne realises there's going to be a tabloid lynching of him tomorrow morning in the style of David Beckham in 1998.

That too and we're always shit at penalties etc. Ronaldo is a greasy pretty boy crying cunt etc. Let's go Brazil etc.

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Guest muddatrucker

To be fair, despite having some exciting players, the USA sucked over the majority of the tournament <_<

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Rooney was sent off for that shove on greasy Ronaldo? Bullshit...I hope Shearer's right, and Wayne decks him shoots him repeatedly in the kneecaps and guts before Ole Kicking him in the face with specially sharpened studs when they get back to Manchester.

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