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Vietnam movies


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So yeah, I'm taking a class on the Vietnam War with perspective on film and literature relating to it. Since I don't have enough time and interest to read through books, we're left with films.

So, Nam movies. I've seen Platoon and Born On the 4th of July. I got Full Metal Jacket, but haven't seen it yet. With that said, recommendations?

Edited by Lowerdeck
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So yeah, I'm taking a class on the Vietnam War with perspective on film and literature relating to it. Since I don't have enough time and interest to read through books, we're left with films.

So, Nam movies. I've seen Platoon and Born On the 4th of July. I got Full Metal Jacket, but haven't seen it yet. With that said, recommendations?

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So yeah, I'm taking a class on the Vietnam War with perspective on film and literature relating to it. Since I don't have enough time and interest to read through books, we're left with films.

So, Nam movies. I've seen Platoon and Born On the 4th of July. I got Full Metal Jacket, but haven't seen it yet. With that said, recommendations?

You haven't saw Full Metal Jacket?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

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So yeah, I'm taking a class on the Vietnam War with perspective on film and literature relating to it. Since I don't have enough time and interest to read through books, we're left with films.

So, Nam movies. I've seen Platoon and Born On the 4th of July. I got Full Metal Jacket, but haven't seen it yet. With that said, recommendations?

You haven't saw Full Metal Jacket?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I was thinking the same thing, and really the only one you need to watch is Apocalypse Now.

I think that might be in class early next week. So that might be out...

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You watch Apocalypse Now.

You get an acting masterclass from Marlon Brando.

Because the shoot went to hell (overlong, problems with the helicopters, weather, injuries, financing etc) it all adds to the feel of the madness that Vietnam provoked.

For me it's the best of the lot, and most iconic.

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Any class that uses Full Metal Jacket as such in its curriculum get as thumbs up in my book.

"Good Morning Vietnam" paints the war in a very dark light while never beating you over the head with it. "Heaven & Earth" relies more on heavy-handed metaphor than anything else, but it's not a horrible movie.

Although I rarely enjoy F.F. Coppola's work, "Gardens of Stone" was well done. I didn't particularly like it due to the pacing not being to my liking, but it was well done. Erstwhile, "Casualties of War" reeks of 80s nostalgia, but it shows a very real side to war in general.

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As far as literature is concerned, as that's my forte, you could try reading Heart of Darkness around Apocalypse Now. It's about 60 years too early to be related to Vietnam, but Apocalypse Now draws so heavily on it that it might be worth reading, and perhaps any thematic differences or such you encounter could inform your understanding of the way Vietnam was treated in the media.

Also, Catch-22. I think that's about Vietnam.

Other than that, I concur with the general consensus - Full Metal Jacket, Deer Hunter, Apocalypse Now, and We Were Soldiers.

And, one that nobody has mentioned for some bizarre reason - Taxi Driver. Deals with the after-affects of Vietnam, struggling to re-integrate into society and the like.

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Also, Catch-22. I think that's about Vietnam.

It's World War 2 or Korean War, I can't remember which. It was written before the Vietnam war, I should have read it during English class. I remember it being based heavily on fighter pilots.

I'm also with the consensus here on Apocalypse Now and the Deer Hunter.

If you want a fun, cheesy, action flick from the 1970s, then try to find P.O.W. The Escape. It stars David Carridine as the bad ass American who ruins everybodys lives in Vietnam. Plus the guy who plays the antagonist is fucking great for comedy gold.

"I have relatives in Miami Cooper, some day we be neighbors...ha ha ha ha."

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Apocalypse Now! is a classic, highly recommended. The Redux version goes a little long, but is also good. Especially because it goes deeper to show how the war and there surroundings have effected the people there.

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If you can sit through 3 and a quarter hours, the Redux is absolutely mind-blowing. I tend to take a break after about two hours, and have some snacks, and go back to it. Like an intermission in a play/in 2001 or whatever. Do that, and you're laughing.

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Any class that uses Full Metal Jacket as such in its curriculum get as thumbs up in my book.

My project is to watch two movies on the Vietnam War ... I picked Full Metal as one. I was asking for what should be the second.

My point was mainly towards the fact that most schools act as if the movie (as in some even sadder cases, the Vietnam War) never happened. Any school that not only acknowledges, but actually allows, this film to be part of the course deserves kudos. Apologies if my choice of words didn't quite work out.

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Any class that uses Full Metal Jacket as such in its curriculum get as thumbs up in my book.

My project is to watch two movies on the Vietnam War ... I picked Full Metal as one. I was asking for what should be the second.

My point was mainly towards the fact that most schools act as if the movie (as in some even sadder cases, the Vietnam War) never happened. Any school that not only acknowledges, but actually allows, this film to be part of the course deserves kudos. Apologies if my choice of words didn't quite work out.

Well, we're in the northeast. I'm in college. And we're fairly liberal around here.

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