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Transformers: The Movie


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I watched this earlier, and then I read some really horrible sounding rumors. Bumblebee is no longer a Beetle cause they couldn't get the rights, now he's a Camero. (Did I spell that right?) Megatron is a Jet Fighter. A whole bunch of stuff like that. Hopefully it's all false, but I dunno.

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I watched this earlier, and then I read some really horrible sounding rumors. Bumblebee is no longer a Beetle cause they couldn't get the rights, now he's a Camero. (Did I spell that right?) Megatron is a Jet Fighter. A whole bunch of stuff like that. Hopefully it's all false, but I dunno.

Edited by GhostMachine
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Yeah I've seen photos of the Camero

Poorly hidden spoiler below. Although really, this whole thread is spoilers.

Apparently there's two, he gets junked and restored and souped up by humans who then discover that he's a freaking robot (in disguise)?

Hurrah, Jury Rigged Spoiler Tag.

I've also seen the pictures of the police car, but I wasn't aware that was Star Scream.

I'm aware that Megatron wasn't always a gun/cannon, but I thought this was supposed to a movie based on the eighties cartoon. I mean, I'm not saying he should have been a Walther PPX or whatever, cause thats pretty gay and doesn't hold up very well, but a weapon of some sort wouldn't have been out of the question.

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They had an interview with Michael Bay who was talking about how Steven Spielberg is heavily involved in this and not just a name to add onto the posters. Plus it's a movie with a lot of explosions and special effects and robots as the central characters. Unless Optimus Prime gets involved in a love triangle with Kate Beckinsale, I don't see him screwing this up.

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They had an interview with Michael Bay who was talking about how Steven Spielberg is heavily involved in this and not just a name to add onto the posters. Plus it's a movie with a lot of explosions and special effects and robots as the central characters. Unless Optimus Prime gets involved in a love triangle with Kate Beckinsale, I don't see him screwing this up.

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I'm expecting only one thing in the movie, and will be severely disappointed if it doesn't happen:

Optimus saying "Autobots, transform and roll out!"

I imagine they'll go with something else when the robots transform than the sound effect used in the cartoon series, but wouldn't be that surprised if they don't do any kind of special sound effect when they transform, other than body parts moving and snapping into place.

But I'm not too thrilled that Prowl may not be in the movie. He was my third favorite original Autobot, after Optimus and Bumblebee.

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It'd had damn well better have the transforming sound effect, damn it!

Somewhat off topic; was I the only one pissed off when they didn't use that sound effect in the Citroen advert with transforming car?

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I expect something that makes people want to see said movie.

It's a Transformers movie. Anyone who even has a bit of interest in Transformers will see it anyway now. Either because they knew about it before, or because they now know there will be a film. It's a damn TEASER trailer!

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