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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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Because Lists are Fun:


The Immortal Iron Fist - Heel Turn is spot on here. I barely knew who Iron Fist was until Brubaker came along, but this comic is all sorts of awesome, and I LOVE Iron Fist now. The only let-down issue so far was #6, anf even then it did a good enough job of bridging two-arcs and setting up some potentially long-term stuff. The Immortal Iron Fist rules.

Daredevil - Brubakers first arc was simply brilliant. The second very good. The last arc was alright, but generally Brubaker's run so far has been very impressive.

The New Avengers - Ranging from fair to very good, this has become a comic I quite look forward too. Bendis has made Luke Cage VERY cool again, and Spidey is always witty.

Cable and Deadpool - Not been at it's best for a while, but still funny, and it's hilarious at times. Deadpool is a favourite of mine, and for a fairly new secondary level character, 'Bob' has his moments of hilarity too.

Astonishing X-Men - At worst good, at best brilliant. There are a couple of bits that get to me, like the fact Wolverine isn't written THAT well, and Beast is ocasionally used a little too much for humour, but the writing for some of the others - Emma Frost particularly is brilliant, the plots have been interesting. Oh, I don't like how Cyclops has become Kenny from South Park, he seems to die each issue!

B.P.R.D. - Just good stuff from this Hellboy spin-off. Again interesting stories told well, and all the characters are well written. Abe kicks ass too. New arc has the potential to be great.

Avengers The Initiative - Not one I think I lot will reead, this deals with a government run training camp for youngsters with powers. For a new book, they've had lots of shocking moments without them being cheap shocks for the sake of cheap shocks, and the writing is VERY tight indeed.

Captain America - Just great writing!

Witchblade - If Witchblade were harmless fun, it'd be good. However, Witchblade is harmless fun with stunning girls, so it gets a buy off me! Seriously, it's harmless fun, and the writing is better than people may expect.


Thor - I haven't been as sold on this as most have, but it has been a good enough read so far. The Iron Man 'fight' was very well done last issue.

Voodoo Child - Its only three issues in, but it's been a good start for this Virgin Comic Book. Its a good concept for a character in a well written story.

It's a mini-series that's just ended, but Daredevil: Battlin' Jack Murdock was superb, and I encourage all to read it. I do read X-Men, which is crap but my fan-boy love for X-Men makes me endure it, and I read Uncanny X-Men to the same end. I literally JUST started to read Thunderbolts, but I'll judge after more than one issue. There are a couple of other things I've checked out recently too.

I haven't read that much DC to judge fairly, but what I have read has been VERY sub-standard. Apart from Green Arrow: Year One. That's been good so far.

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I think it's official even more now: I Love Garage Sales! I found these comic books at one for 0.10 each. All of them in Very Fine condition.

Daredevil vol. 1: 169-173. 175-195. 197, 198.

Daredevil: The Man Without Fear: #5

Amazing Spider-Man: 224, 228, 255, 258, 260-63, 265-68, 270, 314, 353-58, 411.

Official Marvel Index to Amazing Spider-Man: #5

Marvel Tales Spider-Man: #190

Spider-Man: #26

Elfquest #1

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis #1

Grand Total: 53 comic books for only $5.30...

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The new issue of Sub-Mariner is decent, but it's blatantly obvious where they are now going with it which is a bit unfortunate.

Star-Lord was a good action-y set-up issue for the last one.

Gonna read the Daredevil TPB that I bought next I think.

Edited by Dragon-F'n-Force!
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The new issue of Sub-Mariner is decent, but it's blatantly obvious where they are now going with it which is a bit unfortunate.

Star-Lord was a good action-y set-up issue for the last one.

Gonna read the Daredevil TPB that I bought next I think.

Ah I read it last week (the joy of previews) and I agree it's predictable, but for me it may also bring a freshness to the character, I fucking love Namor, but he's not had anything significant in years, hopefully...

... the fact he has a son and potentially other heirs/clones/whatever...

... will breathe new life into the character.

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But surely...
The son will be the one that 'dies'. Hence Reed saying at the beginning that the DNA almost matches.

Well that's why I said other heirs/clones, I'm assuming it's an altered DNA clone since surely Namor would know if he had a son of that age. Although that skeleton is explained, it doesn't explain what the fuck happened to Atlantis and where Namor is now >_>
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Immortal Iron Fist was very good, again. In the same way Death Proof is a perfect homage to B-Movie Grindhouse films, it's a perfect homage to cheap martial arts films, and is very well written for. I also laughed loudly a few times, mostly at "Whirlwind of Impending Doom!" Ha ha, great stuff.

I'll get the 'annual' read sometime tomorrow.

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They were two previews I didn't get to read last week, I saved the best til last and ended up running out of time, forshame. But honestly, Iron Fist is my tip for the next 'big' superhero, with a film planned and the comic as awesome as it is, Danny Rand is not going to be Marvel's best kept secret for long, it's the perfect mix of comedy, kung fu, serious business and over the top ancient asian legends.

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Being in the UK, my nearest comic store is quite far from me so I find it hard to get a hold of US Titles (Marvel). Instead I just collect the trades which are roughly 6-12 months behind the comic releases depending on which titles.

Since everyone else was doing it a few pages back, thought I'd throw a list out too;

Uncanny X-Men The X-Men are my all time favourites, but this run with the XSE team is really bland I feel, hopefully the reshuffled team leading into the 'Rise and Fall of the Shi-ar' story will breath a little more life into it. Im pumped for the whole Messiah complex too, even though its going to be a good year or two away in the trades.

X-Men Enjoyed the Peter Milligan (thats his name right?) run more than a lot of people gave me the impression I would. I like the stories and the art, while not perfect its no way as bad as some people say. Hopefully when this team gets the re-shuffle, the stories will make up for an art style which I really don't like the look of and what seems like a totally random X-team (Rogue, Sabretooth, Mystique, Iceman and Cannonball? WTF?).

Astonishing X-Men. This recieves a lot of praise and rightfully so, its plain awesome. Can't wait for vol 4, as number 3 left us with somewhat of a cliff hanger. I dunno how long it'll be mind, heck I dont even know if that story has finished in the US yet :(

New Avengers. Brilliant story telling combined with awesome art has completely revitalised the whole Avengers franchise which was (in my opinion) totally stale prior to Disassembled. Waiting for 'revolution' which should be interesting with the aftermath of Civil War, and some awesome new characters such as Iron Fist and Dr Strange. The fact that they're now underground, and not the super invincible team with Cap, Iron Man and Sentry is going to make it all that much more fun.

Exiles. Only just started with this, and have read the first two volumes. Being a fan of the TV show 'Sliders' means I love this, and if the rest of the series follows in the same way as it started, the I can't wait to read more.

Ultimates. Read all of 1 and 2, can't wait for 3 to come along. Without a doubt the best book in the Ultimate series.

Ultimate X-men Great story telling, with a unique view on the X-men. I can't say I prefer it too the 616 X-men in anyway, but still a good book. Just finished Return of the King.

Ultimate Spider Man Another good title, although Im unsure if I will continue reading. I've just read vol 6: Venom, but I'm starting to get a little bored with it I guess. Can anyone who has read a lot more of this series tell me if its gets better, or if its worth reading on?

Thats what I'm reading right now, and today I just spent 2 1/2 hours straight reading the Planet Hulk Omnibus basically because I know the World War Hulk books will be out in January and wanted some background information as I havent read a Hulk comic since around the time of Heroes Reborn.

I am so, so, so glad I did, this was one of the best ever comic books I have ever read. Great art and storylines all the way through. Greg Pak never misses a thing with his writing in this book, and I actually can't wait to read World War Hulk after seeing how it ended.

Things I'm looking forward to reading;

Yes, I already said I can't wait for World War Hulk to make it to trades but other than the main story, I really wanna read World War Hulk: Frontline as of all the books that came alongside Civil War, that was probably the one I enjoyed the most.

Immortal Iron Fist I read the first issue as a marvel dot comic, so I cant wait for the whole first volume. A character I never knew too much about, but something tells me this'll be a good one.

Phoenix Warsong I have heard good things, and I enjoyed Endsong despite it lacking a certain 'something.' Hopefully Warsong will have that 'something.'

Mighty Avengers. Im already reading New Avengers, but Im willing to give this a try - the other side of the story post Civil War, hopefully it'll be just as good as new.

Captain America Omnibus Containing 1-25 of his most recent run. Yes I know how it ends, but I read the first 5 issues via the UK collectors editions and really want t oread the whole thing as it seemed a top quality story.

Anything else people could recommend would be cool too (Y)

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Okay, best place to ask this I guess. I am no real comic or superhero loving guy but I do have a question about Superman. I and everybody else knows what green Kryptonite does to Superman, but what about red, gold, blue etc do to him?

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Those of you not near comic shops might be happy to know my shop will be doing orders hopefully by the end of the month, as soon as the order system is sorted and secured, I'll place a lovely link in this thread.

That sounds awesome. Would it work in a similar way to subscriptions? ie I pay online via credit/debit card and I get posted the comics as they are released? I take it that it'd be a nationwide thing?

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Okay, best place to ask this I guess. I am no real comic or superhero loving guy but I do have a question about Superman. I and everybody else knows what green Kryptonite does to Superman, but what about red, gold, blue etc do to him?

Wonderous Wikipedia!

Those of you not near comic shops might be happy to know my shop will be doing orders hopefully by the end of the month, as soon as the order system is sorted and secured, I'll place a lovely link in this thread.

That sounds awesome. Would it work in a similar way to subscriptions? ie I pay online via credit/debit card and I get posted the comics as they are released? I take it that it'd be a nationwide thing?

Yup, that's how it's going to be, I've spoken to him aboout the debit/credit card thing and the good news is he's trying to make sure we take debit cards too, we both hate credit cards.

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With the (old) news that Cable & Deadpool is being cancelled to make way for a Cable solo book (distressing I know), I thought it'd be nice just to see where people thing Deadpool can go from here, quite frankly, I do like Cable, but Deadpool IS the reason I read the book, him and the best character in all comics -- Bob Agent of Hydra! Myself? I'd like to see him lead a new initiative team as their leader, or perhaps join Thunderbolts (although I doubt his breaking the wall would work at all in T-Bolts).

Just picked up the first three of four of Iron and the Maiden couple days ago, the first issue was killer, brilliant set up, not complicated, great art, a pleasant surprise when Jim told me that it was done by one of the guys behind Crash Bandicoot (sad I know, but Crash games were my first PS games). The follow ups weren't QUITE as good, but I feel that's only because they tried to pack to many random mob villains into the comic who are hunting for Iron, it's only four issues long and you really need to develop that story. The fourth issue I'm hoping makes up for it, potentially I'd like to see a follow up because it's a genuinely interesting world they've set up and Iron looks like the ultimate badass physically, and Angel is becoming the perfect femme fatale alongside him.

Finally, Omega the Unknown. Surprising just how interested I am from this first book. I've read through it (thus adding another to my growing list of comics) and found it's not at all what I expected. Too many comics, especially limited series, try to cram a lot of happenings into one comic, and before you can really remember the characters names it is over. Omega the Unknown seems to be doing the exact opposite, it's concentrating on the best part of comics -- the characters. It's built a sense of intruige around its events without making an overly dramatic statement, and already I care about the main characters and feel a sense of empathy with them. I wasn't a big fan of it's slightly sharp penciling and light faded colouring (it reminds me of a 1970's/80's newspaper strip), but it inexplaicably suits the story being told.

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I heard Cable and Deadpool was being cancelled like 18 months ago, and since its still around I assumed it was staying. Bummer, Cable, Deadpool and Bob rule.

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