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I kinda fucked Wakka up for the better on the advanced grid. Most of my playthroughs have kept everyone in their individual roles. This time round I've had Wakka start on his own route, go through Tidus' and now Rikku's. He's got a lot more MP than usual, and I've now got a second character who can whip out Al Bhed potions when needed. This time I've got Lulu's health into tank like levels, with only Auron higher.

...still haven't got to the Calm Lands yet, I haven't player over the last few days so I'm just after the point where you escape from Bevelle.

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If you feel the need to train up, you can do it on the Airship before you fight Evrae. That way you have a save sphere close at hand, with Rin on board in case you want to buy more stuff from him, AND, most importantly of all, you don't have to spend your whole time listening to that fucking irritating Al Bhed evacuation alarm the whole time. <_<

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With Evrae, you should try and make good use of the airship. Make sure you give yourself enough time to pull back when he goes for his poison breath. Also keep back and let Cid fire off a salvo of rockets which should aid you is knocking his health down. You should really level up enough to get slow too, as with weaker characters it can be a lifesaver. Lastly, make sure you buy a lot of softs from Rin just before the fight. Evrae can do a stone gaze attack that naturally pretrifies a character. Using a soft before he attacks again ensures that character doesn't get shattered into a million pieces.

If you feel the need to train up, you can do it on the Airship before you fight Evrae. That way you have a save sphere close at hand, with Rin on board in case you want to buy more stuff from him, AND, most importantly of all, you don't have to spend your whole time listening to that fucking irritating Al Bhed evacuation alarm the whole time. <_<

Edited by Xero Gravity
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If you feel the need to train up, you can do it on the Airship before you fight Evrae. That way you have a save sphere close at hand, with Rin on board in case you want to buy more stuff from him, AND, most importantly of all, you don't have to spend your whole time listening to that fucking irritating Al Bhed evacuation alarm the whole time. <_<

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You can fight fiends for as long as you like (mainly Bombs/Grenades) if you just keep running in circles around that bit of corridor directly outside the Bridge. Not amazing for EXP but it all helps.

In the European version of the game, I think Hastega's down in the bottom left corner of the Advanced Grid. You have to take Tidus in a long straight line down the very left of the grid to get to that area. I'll check, though.

Yep, in the very, very most bottom-left 'circle', at its centre. That's in the UK version at least.

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45 minutes...it took me 45 minutes to get to the save point at the top of Mount Gagazet, and that was with a hell of a lot of fleeing from fights. It's moments like this that make me wish I never got into Final Fantasy in the first place.

...ah well, Zanarkand is just around the corner so that's a plus I guess?

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Fleeing from fights? Pah. I can do Gagazet in like fifty minutes, fighting every battle I come across. Although, by that time, I do tend to have everybody built like a tank thanks to hours in the Thunder Plains and Calm Lands.

Currently hanging around in the Calm Lands, racing chocobos and trying to get the Sun Sigil. I got it on my first playthrough, almost by accident, at 2am, but since then I've never had it. Fucking thing.

Any tips apart from "don't hit stuff" to help me out?

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I don't know about tips. I eventually managed to get it on my old game, and I think getting ahead of the other racer at the start is essential to get all those balloons.

I haven't been trying for that though - I got the necessary win with a time of 16 seconds so that I could go down and get the Caladbolg or whatever it is, and now I'm at the foot of Gagazet procrastinating before I have to go up it. ¬_¬

Such procrasination usually means Blitzball. I've just started the League which has Wakka's 3rd overdrive, Status Reels, as its 1st prize, so at least it's going towards something worthwhile.

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Fleeing from fights? Pah. I can do Gagazet in like fifty minutes, fighting every battle I come across. Although, by that time, I do tend to have everybody built like a tank thanks to hours in the Thunder Plains and Calm Lands.

Currently hanging around in the Calm Lands, racing chocobos and trying to get the Sun Sigil. I got it on my first playthrough, almost by accident, at 2am, but since then I've never had it. Fucking thing.

Any tips apart from "don't hit stuff" to help me out?

I know it's a cliché, but keep your calm, it's much easier to concentrate on what's coming ahead if you aren't pre-occupied with your ton of failures, if you go twenty minutes, take a quick break and try again.

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Heh, I always made the destruction spheres top priority for that very reason.

Fighting Seymour for the third time on Gagazet was a lot easier this time round, since I do remember him dishing out severe pain on prior occasions. I think casting Bio on him right from the off helped a good deal, though.

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Finally got the airship, thank Christ.

Plot related query...

When you get on the airship after Zanarkand, Yuna walks up to Cid and respectively bows to him. However when she lifts her head, Cid has his back turned to her. She nods and walks away, but we can see that Cid looks all teary eyed.

I don't get quite what that all's meant to be about - either why Cid's so torn up, or what Yuna assumes the reason he turned his back on her is. Anyone care to enlighten me?

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That cannot be it, since...

Yuna and co. (well, everyone except Tidus) knew that Yuna was supposed to die in summoning the Final Aeon from the start. They've now fought and defeated Yunalesca, so they can no longer get the Final Aeon anyway so that's no longer an issue.

Edited by stokeriño
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