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The top 100 films according to EWB

Crybaby Bunting

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1. Pulp Fiction

2. Goodfellas

3. Godfather Part 2

4. Halloween

5. The Godfather

6. Resevoir Dogs

7. Silence of the Lambs

8. Heat

9. The Usual Suspects

10. Fight Club

11. The Shining

12. American History X

13. Clerks

14. The Deer Hunter

15. The Shawshank Redemption

16. Casino

17. Return of the Jedi

18. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

19. Shaun of the Dead

20. Anchorman

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1) Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back

2) Serenity

3) Garden State

4) Lost in Translation

5) Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl

6) The Crow

6) Ed Wood

8) Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind

9) Big Fish

10) Alien

11) Aliens

12) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

13) Indiana Jones

14) Goldeneye

15) Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

16) Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

17) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

18) Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

19) Star Wars: A New Hope

20) Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

Ah, a bizarre mix of heavy-story telling, action and sci-fi.

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1) Seven Samurai

2) The Godfather

3) The Godfather: Part II

4) Pulp Fiction

5) The Shawshank Redemption

6) Casablanca

7) Fight Club

8) Kill Bill: Vol. 1

9) Chinatown

10) Kill Bill: Vol. 2

11) Reservoir Dogs

12) 12 Angry Men

13) Apocalypse Now

14) Monty Python & The Holy Grail

15) The Seventh Seal

16) Taxi Driver

17) Rashomon

18) Office Space

19) The Untouchables

20) Yojimbo

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1) Godfather 2

2) Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

3) Dawn of the Dead (original)

4) Pulp Fiction

5) Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

6) One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

7) Godfather

8) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

9) Star Wars: A New Hope

10) Wayne's World

11) Battle Royale

12) O Brother, Where Art Thou?

13) Citizen Kane

14) All the President's Men

15) 12 Angry Men

16) Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring

17) This is Spinal Tap

18) Fight Club

19) When Harry Met Sally

20) Terminator 2

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1) Shawshank Redemption

2) Withnail & I

3) Battle Royale

4) Sunset Boulevard

5) A Clockwork Orange

6) Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas

7) Jacob's Ladder

8) The Breakfast Club

9) The Rocky Horror Picture Show

10) Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

11) Dr. Strangelove

12) Blazing Saddles

13) Velvet Goldmine

14) The Night Of The Living Dead

15) Amelie

16) Princess Mononoke

17) Akira

18) The Great Dictator

19) M*A*S*H

20) La Jete

So that's all off the top of my head, so probably a fairly rubbish list.

I might throw in some reasons later.

Edited by Skumfrog
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* American Pie

* Anchorman

* The Buisness

* Bugsy Malone

* Dodgeball

* Dumb and Dumber

* Eurotrip

* The Football Factory

* Goodfellas

* Green Street

* Kevin & Perry Go Large

* Lock Stock

* Monty Python's Life of Brian

* Napoleon Dynamite

* Old Skool

* Team America

* Van Wilder

* The Warriors

* The Waterboy

* White Chicks

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1. Taxi Driver

2. A Clockwork Orange

3. Trainspotting

4. Romper Stomper

5. Raging Bull

6. Sid and Nancy

7. Mean Streets

8. A Dog Day Afternoon

9. Pulp Fiction

10. Gangs of New York

11. American Psycho

12. Full Metal Jacket

13. Midnight Express

14. Mad Max: The Road Warrior

15. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

16. Glory

17. Platoon

18. The Deer Hunter

19. Shawnshank Redemption

20. Angela's Ashes

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1) Anchorman: Legend of Ron Burgundy

2) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Minds

3) The Godfather

4) Pulp Fiction

5) SAW

6) Donnie Darko


8) American Beauty

9) Battle Royale

10) Creep

11) A Clockwork Orange

12) Big Fish

13) Rounders

14) The Ring

15) The 40 Year Old Virgin

16) The Terminal

17) Trainspotting

18) Forrest Gump

19) Hitch

20) Football Factory

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Guest seattlebandfan9

1 - American Beauty

2 - Shawshank Redemption

3 - Magnolia

4 - Almost Famous

5 - The Big Lebowski

6 - The Life of David Gale

7 - Rushmore

8 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

9 - American History X

10 - United States of Leland

11 - Garden State

12 - Forrest Gump

13 - High Fidelity

14 - Rounders

15 - Batman Begins

16 - What's Eating Gilbert Grape

17 - The Truman Show

18 - Mystic River

19 - Shaun of the Dead

20 - Stand By Me

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Almost fully updated. I'm thinking of having a deadline by Friday for all entrys, which would leave me with time to have the whole thing sorted by saturday/early sunday.

I think you should leave it going for another week or so at least. You can't put together a "top 100" list with only about 20 people voting.

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Sorry for the late entry, but this took me a long time to make.

In no particular order and including only 1 movie in a series/trilogy:

01) The Wizard of Oz (1939)

02) Casablanca (1942)

03) Forrest Gump (1994)

04) Back To The Future (1985)

05) The Titanic (1997?)

06) Edward Scissorhands (1990)

07) Clerks. (1994)

08) Aliens (1986)

09) Clue (1985)

10) Scarface (1983)

11) Clockwork Orange (1971)

12) The Lion King (1994)

13) The Shining (1980)

14) Pulp Fiction (1994)

15) The Exorcist (1973)

16) Shrek (2001)

17) The Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)

18) Kill Bill v.1 (2003)

19) The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (2003)

20) Finding Neverland (2004)

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I think you should really rethink the whole point system, I don't know but 20 for 1 and 1 for 20 just seems SO inbalanced that it's not even funny. Either way, the list of ApSham is as follows... oh it's always so hard to do this shit. And some would say too early for Clerks II to be on my list... fuck you.

1: Mallrats (1995)

2: Clerks (1994)

3: The Warriors (1979)

4: Chasing Amy (1997)

5: Clerks II (2006)

6: Godfather (1972)

7: Fight Club (1999)

8: Haggard: The Movie (2003)

9: Back To The Future (1985)

10: Godfather II (1974)

11: Jackass: The Movie (2002)

12: The Rundown (2003)

13: Walking Tall (2004)

And that's about as far as I want to go really, the other movies I could think of to put on here could've gone in any order, just being the generic but funny comedy movies with the Ferrells\Wilson\Stiller trifecta.

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1) Pulp Fiction

2) Forrest Gump

3) Battle Royale

4) Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

5) Reservoir Dogs

6) The Shawshank Redemption

7) Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

8) Dawn of the Dead (2004)

9) Shaun of the Dead

10) Goodfellas

11) Day of the Dead

12) American Psycho

13) Scarface

14) Dawn of the Dead (70s version)

15) Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

16) Insomnia

17) Night of the Living Dead

18) One Hour Photo

19) The Truman Show

20) Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

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1) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

2) Battle Royale

3) Donnie Darko

4) Pulp Fiction

5) Fight Club

6) Vanilla Sky

7) Shaun of the Dead

8) Team America

9) Amelie

10) Drop Dead Fred

11) League of Gentlemen- Apocalypse

12) Liar Liar

13) High Fidelity

14) Open Your Eyes

15) Apocalypse Now

16) Dogma

17) Sin City

18) Kill Bill

19) Toy Story

20) Trainspotting

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1) Pulp Fiction

2) American Beauty

3) Battle Royale

4) Reservoir Dogs

5) True Romance

6) Goodfellas

7) The Godfather

8) The Godfather Part II

9) Shaun Of The Dead

10) Scarface

11) The Usual Suspects

12) Die Hard

13) Trainspotting

14) Terminator 2

15) Rocky 3

16) The Shawshank Redemption

17) Sin City

18) Kill Bill

19) About A Boy

20) The Terminator

Edited by Burninating Pesci
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I do agree the point system is unbalanced. I'd prefer it based on a .5 instead of 1 whole point scale.

10 for 1, 9.5 for 2, and so on.

But wouldn't that be exactly the same as the system i was using already, only using 0.5 instead of 1, so it is still going up at the same proportion? In effect it is used to seperate two or more entries that are relatively close to each other, so the ranking scheme works easier. Although i'll take them ideas into considreation next time (Y)
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