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Gervais is gay...


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I haven't been keen on him since I saw him in the Simpsons.

That was a pretty bad episode, yes. Of course, most Simpsons this decade has been pretty bad, but still.

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I prefer him in Extras than The Office. Though honestly, Extras is made entirely by the celebrity guest stars they have in each episodes, while Gervais' part could easily be pulled off just as well by a dozen other comedians.

Patrick Stewart: "But of course, I've already seen everything." :shifty:

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I never got into The Office at ALL. There's something about the brand of humour that meant I couldn't just throw it on and enjoy it like I can with most good comedies. At least with Extras I'm happy to watch a few episodes in a row.

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Yeah, the problem with The Office is that it's kind of cringeworthy humour is really hit-and-miss. I find that kind of humour only really works with the odd flash of surrealism, such as Alan Partridge, which is pretty much the height of the genre, while The Office stayed far too grounded. It's all well and good saying "look, laugh at what happens in this office! It's just like what happens in yours!", but it's hardly groundbreaking entertainment. If I wanted to laugh at the people around me in everyday situations, I would do, and I wouldn't have to pay a license fee either.

Patrick Stewart and Ben Stiller made Extras funny, though.

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Funny, just the other day I was thinking how much his episode of the Simpsons bit the big one, how the guest stars made Extras anywhere near bearable, and how I could never get into the Office. Guess EWB's got a bit of a mind link, huh? What number am I thinking right now? Huh? HUH?

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but his stand-up just dies on me.

I dig his stand-up personally. It isn't awesome, but it isn't as bad as some people out there.

And I like Gervais. He isn't the funniest the UK has to offer or anything, but I think that both Office and Extras are good, and even if you aren't sold on his performances in either, he also wrote the things, didn't he? Gotta count for something I guess.

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but his stand-up just dies on me.

I dig his stand-up personally. It isn't awesome, but it isn't as bad as some people out there.

And I like Gervais. He isn't the funniest the UK has to offer or anything, but I think that both Office and Extras are good, and even if you aren't sold on his performances in either, he also wrote the things, didn't he? Gotta count for something I guess.

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The Office I found funny but i mainly liked the antagonism between Gareth and Tim. Extras was ok for the guest stars but there's only so long this extra hanging around the stars can be entertaining I have enough boring stories like that to listen to in real life.

As for his episode of the Simpsons... I think the first part was written by the writers and started off alright... Then he turned up and the episode just sunk like the titanic. Awfully unfunny

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