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Official Premiership 06/07 thread


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Guest Rabid Wolveringo

I think he meant the Tampa Bay Bucs and Cleveland Browns are good to watch >_>.

The Cleveland Browns are good to watch? Bwhahahahaha.

Wait that's not even what he meant. Damn him and his ways :@

Edited by Rabid Wolveringo
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Tough on Wigan today, thought they deserved at least a point. Was delighted however to see Henry prove himself to be a twat with his antics after the first goal.

They should've had a penalty, and Flamini should've been sent off. Our first goal was offside, but Adebayor was onside and was given offside before that, so that evens itself out.

The Henry thing was stupid, but understandable. I don't care about how often the 'experts' say "well there's nothing that says Wigan have to come and hurry everything up" because it is fucking annoying. Bolton for example in the FA Cup. Went 1-0, and from that second on they took ages over every throw, every goal kick, every corner, every set-piece and it is so fucking annoying. Granted Wigan didn't go to that extent, but they were time-wasting, especially Kirkland. What Henry did was in the heat of the moment, and I'm sure he regrets doing that now.

And a twat? Henry one of the classiest guys in the modern game is a twat? Ok then.

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Arsenal were just as bad with the time wasting when they went 2-1 up.

The Lehmann thing was time wasting, but that was to prove a point. Wenger mentioned that after the game. Other than that, we had the ball on the pitch passing around, which just made Wigan look stupid, which is what we always to AT THE END of the game, not after 60 minutes, which is what can be bloody annoying. And not to mention that when we do that passing, we're still actually moving into an attacking positing and looking to score. Time wasting for the last few minutes is annoying, but far more acceptable than time-wasting for 40+ minutes.

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Lehmann "accidentally dropping" the ball onto the advertising board so it'd roll away and he'd have to go and get it was the single greatest thing Jens Lehmann has ever done. But of course, since he's an Arsenal player, he's booked for it. Thierry Henry's antics with Kirkland were also beautiful, even though he also got booked.

Sure, they both deserved the bookings... but you're saying Kirkland didn't? Hahahahaha.

The refereeing for that entire match was just bollocks. They got just about every major decision completely wrong. Emile Heskey was hilarious too. Hilariously pathetic. Note to Heskey, you're supposed to celebrate AFTER you've scored. I know, I know, that means you'll very rarely get to partake in it, but that's life. I know getting into the penalty box and shooting without falling over is a celebratory event in Heskeyland, there's a football match going on. Be a bit more professional please.

Heskey and Crouch up front for the next England game, anyone? Actually, they'd make a brilliant tag team. Crouch could do all the wrestling (as long as their opponents were defenders, of course), and Heskey could be the deignated fall guy that takes his job far too literally.

Oh, and WestHamlol.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Yeah, both Henry and Lehmann had me laughing hard tonight, especially Lehmann. Great stuff. Unsportsmanly, but when somebody on the other team's being a dick, you're well within your rights to teach them a lesson.

And as was said, harsh on Wigan, but poor referreeing's become a part of the game now, welcome or not.

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Lehmann just strikes me as the type of person that, if he caught you staring at his penis in a public toilet, would stab you in the eye as retribution, then laugh about it and buy you a pint with the knife still attatched, firmly expecting you to laugh it off :shifty:

And it wasn't really all that harsh on Wigan. They could've scored two if they didn't waste money on Emile Heskey, and had a dubious penalty decision go against them (it wasn't "stonewall" by any stretch of the imagination, Paul. You sore fucking loser. For someone who's only one single redeeming factor is his strength, going down in a heap because MATTHIEU FLAMINI of all people pulled on his arm... well, I'd be embarrased, let's leave it at that. But then, Heskey regularly embarrases himself, so...).

Other than that, they didn't really cause many problems. And it's not as if Arsenal were bereft of chances (and then there's the wrongly dissalowed goal...).

Don't get me wrong, they played well away from home against Arsenal, but they play the "poor little Wigan" card far too much for my liking. What about poor little Reading in SIXTH place?

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Paul Jewell complained that they lost because of bad refereeing decisions :o

Coz they have to be the first team that's ever happened too! Seriously, it happens all the time, you just look like a muppet when you start complaining about it, and a sore loser.

Edited by IAceI
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At least when Heskey went down like he was shot he was actually touched. Henry 'The Master of The Beautiful Game' or so Cantona seems to think took an unbelievable flop in the first half when he was a full three steps past the defender in the box but saw that he was losing control of the ball towards the end line.

*EDIT* Also Reily wait to see where Reading finish before you crown them, Wigan were in Reading's position last year, maybe not sixth this late but they were second through like the first 10 or 11 games last year.

Edited by Big Red Fury
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I think it's perfectly fair to pull out the "poor Wigan" card, because they had a lot go against them. They should have got a penalty (I don't care how big Heskey is and how small Flamini is, you don't put both your hands on top of someones shoulder and pull them back), which would have seen him gone. Skoko wasn't allowed back on the pitch giving Arsenal a one man advantage on the lead up to the goal, and it was offside, so it was really unlucky for Wigan.

As for time-wasting, seriously, everyone does it. The only reason it was particularly noted seemingly was because the commentators were mentioning Kirkland going to the other side of the goalmouth to kick the ball, which most goalies do when thier team is up and in the lead. Fuck, Arsenal do it often enough, no matter when they start doing it, Lehmann is the king of time wasting. As for Henry, as Andy Gray said, if he was Kirkland, he'd have told Henry to stick his apology, and I agree wholeheartedly. Henry acted like a dick and TMM, you can call him one of the classiest guys in football, but he's done several things like this before (bitching about Barcelona after the Champions League final last year, for example), so yeah, real classy.

And Henry's dive was spectacularly bad, and he should have been carded for it. I guess the ref gave him the benefit of the doubt because there was some contact, but as Big Red Fury said, to go another 3 or 4 steps and then go to ground as the ball went out smacks of trying it on.

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Guest Rabid Wolveringo

I agree with Liam. Although, the only reason Heskey probably didn't get a penalty was because the follow up looked theatric. Falling, then flipping on your back, raising your head and waiving your hands is the sure way to not get a penalty.

Also, either way you look at it, Henry's a twat. I like the guy, but he was an utter twat yesterday. When you've got Jens Lehmann in goal, you shouldn't be allowed to complain that other goalkeepers are behaving badly, because the guy's a twat and I'll be glad when he leaves in the summer.

And it's sad to see Henry diving has become a regular habit, especially when the guy was the one non-diver when Arsenal was crawling with them a few years back >_>

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