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Official Premiership 06/07 thread


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Guest Ringo Masterson

There's a difference between addressing the captain and going up to him, waggling your fingers and screaming like a bitch. Look at people like Roy Keane, Gary Neville, or even the smaller team captains like Boa Morte or Reo-Coker, they go up to the ref and have quiet words. John Terry walks up to them and screams, with his whole team standing behind him howling. That's not having a word, that's being a moany bitch.

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He always does it though, all the time. Even when it's blatantly the right decision.

Loads of captains do it all the time, your boy being as bad as any.....bad being the wrong word for it since, frankly, I think captains are fine to go and complain to the referee. Boa Morte does it for Fulham a lot as well, its the nature of the beast.

There's a difference between addressing the captain and going up to him, waggling your fingers and screaming like a bitch. Look at people like Roy Keane, Gary Neville, or even the smaller team captains like Boa Morte or Reo-Coker, they go up to the ref and have quiet words. John Terry walks up to them and screams, with his whole team standing behind him howling. That's not having a word, that's being a moany bitch.

Yeah, but they still complain about most things that go against thier teams. I remember players like Shearer getting branded "moany" cos he used to do it, it's BS basically. Sure, he probably shouldn't do it the way he does, but I think its a pointless thing to be branded at someone.

What the rest of the team do isn't acceptable, but thats what they do, and what the captain does is something different (or at least should be...I think they've changed that law a few times)

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Guest Ringo Masterson

There's a difference between addressing the captain and going up to him, waggling your fingers and screaming like a bitch. Look at people like Roy Keane, Gary Neville, or even the smaller team captains like Boa Morte or Reo-Coker, they go up to the ref and have quiet words. John Terry walks up to them and screams, with his whole team standing behind him howling. That's not having a word, that's being a moany bitch.

Yeah, but they still complain about most things that go against thier teams. I remember players like Shearer getting branded "moany" cos he used to do it, it's BS basically. Sure, he probably shouldn't do it the way he does, but I think its a pointless thing to be branded at someone.

What the rest of the team do isn't acceptable, but thats what they do, and what the captain does is something different (or at least should be...I think they've changed that law a few times)

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He always does it though, all the time. Even when it's blatantly the right decision.

Loads of captains do it all the time, your boy being as bad as any.....bad being the wrong word for it since, frankly, I think captains are fine to go and complain to the referee. Boa Morte does it for Fulham a lot as well, its the nature of the beast.

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The handballing thing I don't get...so he got away with a couple (not on purpose, but penalisable, if thats a word) last year, doesn't exactly mean it should blot his copy book.

Boa Morte does control the players, but that doesn't mean he also isn't capable of "moaning" at the referee a lot, which is my argument. Chelsea have got the sort of players who are always going to complain to the referee irrelevant of whether Terry tries to stop them.

There's a way to do it, but the way you do it doesn't affect what you are doing. If Terry is a "moaner", then so are most captains in the league, no matter how calmly they do it.

EDIT: And interestingly, no matter how you percieve him doing it, he rarely, if ever, gets done for dissent, which would be a good indicator of him going over the top or taking it too far in the referee's eyes.

It's one of those pointless arguments, to be honest. I just don't get a rise out of seeing a captain moaning, complaining or "having words" with the ref like I do if some players do it.

Edited by Liam Byrne
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Guest Ringo Masterson

The handballing thing I don't get...so he got away with a couple (not on purpose, but penalisable, if thats a word) last year, doesn't exactly mean it should blot his copy book.
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Again, no. A dictionary definition of moaner gives:


n : a person given to excessive complaints and crying and whining

As such, most captains that approach the referee calmly to explain their point wouldn't be considered a moaner. Someone who goes to the referee and shouts his head off, much like Terry, is a moaner.

LOL. If you really think most captains CALMLY approach ref's about decisions then you're an idiot.

I'm not disagreeing with anyone or whatever, but Terry is just as bad as every other captain.

Anyway, today was a great day. Sorry to 9 to 5. :P But the better team won.

Edited by Summcore Superstar
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I can't wait for MotD tonight... Since I'm lazy: Is it 10, or 10:30?

As for the John Terry thing, he's a good captain off the field, he just reminds me too much of Wayne Rooney sometimes. He's got the passion, the committment and the leadership, but none of the temperament you need to be an excellent captain.

He's just as likely to fly off the handle and start a riot than anyone else in the Chelsea team when things don't go their way. Although having said that, absolutely nobody comes close to him as a Chelsea captaincy candidate in my books (perhaps Makalele).

The difference between Tony Adams and John Terry is colossal.

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Guest Ringo Masterson

Again, no. A dictionary definition of moaner gives:


n : a person given to excessive complaints and crying and whining

As such, most captains that approach the referee calmly to explain their point wouldn't be considered a moaner. Someone who goes to the referee and shouts his head off, much like Terry, is a moaner.

LOL. If you really think most captains CALMLY approach ref's about decisions then you're an idiot.

I'm not disagreeing with anyone or whatever, but Terry is just as bad as every other captain.

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Guest Ringo Masterson

Most captains don't act like that as much as Terry. They're all prone to screaming, but screaming at the referee every single time something goes wrong is a bit much. Sure it shows passion, but it gets irritating eventually.

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They need to get rid of the Gooner appreciation society on Match Of The Day.

Completely biased. Great tackle from the West Ham defender! Great celebrations from Pardew and apologising even when not required showed the mark of a gentleman. Kudos.

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Wenger is such a cunt.

And Ian Wright is so fucking annoying on MOTD2 its not believable. At least Lee Dixon tries to be even a bit un-biased. And he's not a whiny bastard either.

Anyway an away win and a clean-sheet for the Blades! Sexy times.

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Haha, another entertaining day of football :shifty:

To be fair to John Terry, since "being an annoying cunt in general" isn't a bookable offence, he shouldn't have been sent off. And why was Drogba's goal dissallowed?

To be fair to Wenger, watching him being a cunt is at least entertaining. And it's not like Fergie never does it.

To be fair to Blackburn, the fucking referee needs a few more Biology lessons. I'd be very surprised if he's had kids, considering how much trouble he seems to be having with the human arm. Should've been 1-1. Petrov is a lucky cunt. Admittedly it was the linesman that can't tell his arse from his elbow in Ooijer's case, but hey, it's only Andre Ooijer, he's used to giving away penalties that didn't exist by now.

Throwing coins at people is fucking retarded, but at least when it happens to van Persie it's somewhat amusing. Oh, and 'Graham Poll in Arsenal-screwing Shocker'. Oh, wait. Better make that: 'Graham Poll in Same Old Shit'. How retarded/drunk/blind do you have to be to NOT notice that penalty? It was the most clear-cut penalty I've seen for AGES (and West Ham had a shout too, although that was less blatant, and you could argue either way (personally I'd argue for it)).

So yeah, a good day for West Ham and Man Utd. And a shitty day for Chelsea (and thus, even Newcastle fans have something to cheer about, as long as you don't remind them that Glenn Roeder is still in charge of their club... whoops).

Edited by TheReilDeal
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