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Apparently all of my opinions are at odds with yours. >_>

Declaring Shatner to be above the legend that is Patrick Stewart in ANY respect is damn blasphemy. You can argue the character Kirk > Picard (and I might possibly agree), but Shatner > Stewart? Like fuck.

And Deep Space 9 is the best incarnation of Star Trek in any shape or form, ever. It dispensed with the shallow "random gimmicky race/planet -> solve problem or mystery within 40 minutes -> never hear from them again" and introduced PLOT to the franchise.

Plus, it doesn't have Wesley Crusher. The worse 'main' ST character of all time. It does, however, have Garek. Arguably the best 'main' ST character of all time.

Edited by stokeriño
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NextGen > Voyager & Enterprise > Original Series & DS9

and captain wise...

Picard > Kirk > Archer > Janeway & Sisko > Pike (;))

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But yeah, I only can care to watch it is Shatner's doing it for some reason...

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would say over all, Next Generation is my favourite incarnation of Star Trek. However, like Stok mentioned it does have the flaw of including that worthless piece of shit Wesley Crusher on it. DS9 would probably come in second, but as Stok (again) said it's probably the best thanks bringing in proper plots to the show...plus Quark rocks :shifty:

Ah well, if we're going to do ranking...here are Stokerino's Official Star Trek Evaluations (mainly because I'm procrastinating to put off going to bed). I'll do a few lists now and add in more tomorrow. Forgive me if I miss people I should be including.


1. Deep Space Nine (plot, continuity, and because of this has a wider and more interesting base of characters - rather than, like, the 6 or 7 of just one ship's crew)

2. Voyager (despite being pretty bad in the first 1 or 2 series it soon grew legs of its own as they added stylistic elements pioneered in DS9)

3. The Next Generation (good, but so very 80s and let down by a number of the supporting characters)

4. The Original Series (no worthwhile storylines and half the characters were bland, but good fun)

5. Enterprise (half the cast was alright, but the other was very weak and the 'prequel' plot devices a lot of the time seemed needlessly contrived)


1. Jean Luc Picard (best actor of the lot and the least camp, coincidence? stern but diplomatic)

2. James T. Kirk (good old fun in a typically brash way)

3. John Archer (did a very good job and one of the highlights of an otherwise weak show)

4. Benjamin Sisko (has some very bright spots but often lets his OTT shakespearian background get the best of him)

5. Cathryn Janeway (like a watered down attempt at Picard v2, with an alpha-female complex thrown in on top)

Second in Command

1. Spock (nothing really needs to be said, the perfect foil for his captain)

2. Kira (strong character that develops well after a bit of a "GRRR ARGH" start)

3. Riker (fun at times but mostly too much of "look at me, I'm like Kirk, see me give the ladies a wry smile")

4. Chakotay (another strong character, but spends too much time with annoying repetitive 'spirit quest' or Marquis nonsense)

5. T'Pol (you can't just make Seven of Nine v2.0 and make us take her seriously)


1. The Doctor (great actor, humourous, sarcastic, possibly develops the most of all ST characters during his incarnation)

2. Julian Bashir (from a guy with no assigned personality to one of the most layered and interesting of the bunch)

3. Leonard McCoy (can't rate him higher since really all he did most of the time was bicker with Spock about humanity and make other social commentary)

4. Phlox (fun and chirpy, but otherwise largely useless)

5. Beverly Crusher (entirely useless, her main angle with the Picard relationship never got anywhere and wasn't interesting when it almost did)


1. Miles O'Brian (gained a new lease on DS9 to become the 'every-man' that is very believable and everyone can relate to)

2. Scotty (a witty and sometimes OTT character who was thoroughly entertaining)

3. Charles 'Trip' Tucker III (one of the other standouts from Enterprise other than the captain)

4. Geordi LaForge (only really any good when paired with Data, and even then he was clearly the supporting talent)

5. Belonna Torres (potential often wasted with generic rage and/or angst, the kind that characters like Kira quickly grew out of)


1. Nog (developed from generic Ferengi TNG style to well-rounded Starfleet ensign - the ONLY Starfleet cadet to have been worthwhile)

2. Harry Kim (the epitemy of newb, always choosing the wrong twin! greatly entertaining, especially when paired with Paris)

3. Pavel Chekov (not as much as a stand out as those above but a great prototype for this role)

4. Hoshi Sato (a new twist that doesn't entirely pay off in any sizeable degree)

5. Wesley Crusher (annoying, whiny, self-centered, no personality other than 'naive', and he get's made into a supreme being - just as a way to get rid of him for one, one should imagine)

More tomorrow - with Tactical Officers, Friendship Pairings, Miscellaneous Eye Candy, Villians, Enemy Races and others~! >_>

Edited by stokeriño
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STAR TREK>Next Gen>DS9>Enterprise & Voyager.

You can't beat the dynamic of Kirk/Spock/McCoy.

And there was some awesome humour in the origional series.

The Trouble with Tribbles:

Montgomery Scott: Well... well, the Klingons, uh... is this off the record?

James T. Kirk: No, this is not off the record.

Montgomery Scott: Well, Captain, the... Klingons called you a... a tin-plated, overbearing, swaggering dictator with delusions of godhood.

James T. Kirk: Is that all?

Montgomery Scott: No, sir, they also compared you with a Denebian Slime-Devil.

James T. Kirk: I see.

Montgomery Scott: And then they said that you were...

James T. Kirk: [upset] I get the picture, Scotty.

Montgomery Scott: Yes, sir.

James T. Kirk: And after they said all this, that's when you hit the Klingons?

Montgomery Scott: No, sir.

James T. Kirk: [Confused] No?

Montgomery Scott: No, uh, I didn't. You told us to avoid trouble.

James T. Kirk: Oh, Yes.

Montgomery Scott: But I didn't see that it was worth fighting about. After all, we're big enough to take a few insults. Aren't we?

James T. Kirk: [Even more confused] What was it they said that started the fight?

Montgomery Scott: They called the Enterprise a garbage scow! Sir.

James T. Kirk: I see. And... that's when you hit the Klingon.

Montgomery Scott: [Obviously proud of himself] Yes, sir.

James T. Kirk: You hit the Klingons because they insulted the Enterprise, not because they...

Montgomery Scott: Well, sir, this was a matter of pride.

James T. Kirk: All right, Scotty. Dismissed. Oh... Scotty, you're restricted to quarters until further notice.

Montgomery Scott: Yes, sir. [Perks up] Thank you, sir. That'll give me a chance to catch up on my technical journals.

Edited by marksbros6
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:D Awesome stuff. Of course, reading that made me remember the DS9 anniversary show 'Trials and Tribbleations', where they have fun mocking their own lack of continuity...

Odo: "Klingons? Where?"

Waitress: "Over there in the corner." (points to klingons in original series makeup, i.e. funny eyebrows)

Bashir: "THOSE are Klingons?"

Waitress: "Alright, you boys have had enough to drink."

(everyone turns to look at Worf)

Odo: "Mr. Worf?"

Worf: "They are Klingons...and it is a long story."

Bashir: "What happened? Some kind of genetic mutation?"

Worf: "We do not like to discuss it with outsiders."


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Guest Koupa Troopa

Those were some furry eyebrows. And the Kou ratings are DS9, TNG, TOG, Voyager, Enterprise. Voyager is a good show even though it's fourth. Enterprise with it's country yokel intro is horrible.

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Apparently all of my opinions are at odds with yours. >_>

Declaring Shatner to be above the legend that is Patrick Stewart in ANY respect is damn blasphemy. You can argue the character Kirk > Picard (and I might possibly agree), but Shatner > Stewart? Like fuck.

And Deep Space 9 is the best incarnation of Star Trek in any shape or form, ever. It dispensed with the shallow "random gimmicky race/planet -> solve problem or mystery within 40 minutes -> never hear from them again" and introduced PLOT to the franchise.

Plus, it doesn't have Wesley Crusher. The worse 'main' ST character of all time. It does, however, have Garek. Arguably the best 'main' ST character of all time.

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As far as the series goes, (Best to worst, IMO) DS9, TNG, TOS, VOY, ENT.

DS9 had the unique characteristic of recurring characters. You had people like Winn, Rom, Nog, Weyoun, Martok, Garak, Dukat and Damar that actually did something. None of the other episodes really had that, other than "Black Female Ensign". It also had remarkable continuity.

I never really watched Enterprise all that much, the reason being that halfway through the first season I had seen all I had cared too of it. While Scott Bakula did a great job portraying Sam as a Starfleet Captain, I felt the rest was boring and forshadowed too much. I was very displeased with the inclusion of the Borg in one episode, as well as Archer talking about a future "Prime Directive".

TNG was great because every episode would focus on a single character of the main crew. I can't decide who had the best character development, Data, Riker, Picard or Worf. The women were really useless. Crusher never really showed innovation, while Troi was more or less there with a "Captain, blablabla.." "Yes, thank you Counselor. Mr. Worf, fire the torpedos". Pulaski....please. Dr. Pulaski was WORSE than Wesley. At least Wesley had a semi decent appearance in the episode where Worf jumps through alternant realties.

Voyager brought back the Boldly Going aspect, but got a little more annoying. Chakotay pretty much did nothing but kiss Janeyway's ass, and the whole command crew was more meh. I enjoyed it though, mainly because I wanted to see more of the Borg.

TOS was cool, because, well, it's TOS. New Worlds each week, same booming voice echoing from each one. It really didn't have any arcs, but it did get the groundwork going. I pray that perhaps they (Paramount), could perhaps do an enchanced version of TOS, reworking exterior shots, instead of getting the same 4 angles of the Enterprise.

As far as Captains, well, IMO, Kirk wins. Picard just kinda sat on the bridge, and while his reasoning was above Kirk's....Kirk could just plain kick people's ass. Picard was more of a "By the books" type, while Kirk was like "Fuck it, let's get these motherfuckers". You notice Kirk rarely stayed on board while the away team went down to investigate. Sisko had his moments, Archer was bland, and Janeway was just weak.

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Picard better than Kirk? BULLSHIT!!!

Kirk fights his own fights and beats up Klingons and Romulans on a regular basis. Picard has to get Data or Worf to do his fighting, because if he didn't he'd get his ass kicked on a regular basis. Picard defeats enemies by talking them to death.

Kirk probably has a few hundred illegitmate children spread throughout the universe. Picard probably has a few hunded lost hairs spread throughout the universe.

Locutus? Bah. If the Borg had kidnapped Kirk, THEY would have been assimilated, not him!

Read this:


Edited by GhostMachine
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Come on, Picard can take out Darth Vader. He doesn't need anyone to fight for him.

He knows that once hsi destructivity is unleashed, it would consume the entire ship. And also, he has a bad heart. All that excitement could kill him.

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Kirk would defeat Vader without having to touch him. One look from Kirk, and Vader would Force choke HIMSELF!!

Whatcha gonna do, Borg and other evil aliens? Whatcha gonna do....when Kirkamania....runs wild....ON YOU?!

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Kirk would defeat Vader without having to touch him. One look from Kirk, and Vader would Force choke HIMSELF!!

Whatcha gonna do, Borg and other evil aliens? Whatcha gonna do....when Kirkamania....runs wild....ON YOU?!

Put him on a bridge and shoot at it.... :shifty:

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I've just remembered something that will push Sisko right back up my captain rankings to second place, even above Kirk. It's in that episode from season 5 where he's going after Marquis defector Michael Eddington (It might be 'For The Uniform', or that might be the name of an earlier Eddington episode). Anyway, what does Sisko do to force Eddington to give himself up?

Sisko: If you don't give up, I'm going to irradiate this colony and make it unihabitable for the next 50 years.

Eddington: You're a goody Starfleet captain. You wouldn't dare.

Sisko: Mr. Worf, fire.

*irridiates planet*

Dax: The colonists are scrambling for their ships, but a lot of them aren't going to make it in time.

Sisko: Want to give up now, or shall we try another?

Eddington: You're crazy!

Sisko: Alright, planet number 2 it is then.

Eddington: Alright, alright! I give up!

It is the single most badass thing any of the captains has ever done.

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