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The Official "Heroes" Topic


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Guest The Ringy Complex

I'll probably watch Heroes again based on last night's viewing. It's not amazing or anything, but it's got my interest for another week. I enjoyed all the characters especially the pairing of Ventimiglia and Pasdar, which work really well together. And the ending was pretty fucking cool.

The show has got some really weird cinematography though. In any case, it's got me for another week.

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I decided to watch it and I enjoyed it very much. The characters are all quite interesting. I liked the Japanese guy watching the girl get naked for the sex cam. That was odd due to him watching it at his job. The girl walking in the fire and not getting burned was pretty interesting as was the part before that where her bones were sticking out and she just pushes them back in. But the best part was clearly the ending with the political guy being the one who can fly and not his brother who kept claiming he could.

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Let's not kid ourselves, if this were any other year this show would be getting the crazy accolades of "Earl" in 05, or "Lost" in 04. As it stands, it's nowhere near the top of the class this year, but definitely one of the most interesting pilots of the year. Definitely looking to see where they go with this, and if NBC can continue it's miraculous resurrection this season.

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The show is... ok after 2 shows. Although I'll say that nothing is really clear or of much substance. We understand the majority of the powers and so forth, but they don't give enough time to understand what is going on. There are a lot of characters, but jumping around so much that each episode really doesn't provide much in story is quite frustrating. I know the same as last week, I wasted an hour on this.

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I was suprised to see that Issac died so fast, considering it was the second episo...


Seeing as that was obviously the bomb going off when Hiro left, and considering that 3 other main characters are in New York, I think that Hiro's going to go back to October and try to stop it. I mean, he can shift time 5 weeks, so who knows...

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That was fucking awesome. I love that the characters on this show already seem to be on a "Lost" level of awesomeness. Hiro was already awesome, but now Claire and Niki have gotten great too. NBC gets awesomer by the week.

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I watched this weeks and last weeks and both of them were pretty badass. I liked this week better but that's just me. One of the only shows I'm watching this year. The girl with the power of seeing her psychotic side in a piece of glass is pretty awesome.

Super Hiro is the best though, he and the girl who doesn't feel pain/can't break anything make the show.

Edited by Mr. Evil Prick
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Hiro is one of the best characters on TV today. Such greatness.

He really isn't. Heroes needs to get better in a hurry. If this is the consistent level of crap that will consistently show up both Heroes and Kidnapped need cancelled by NBC.

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