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Lost Season Three Discussion Thread


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Ah, great episode. The talk of the box was confuddling, but it was a nice balance of flashback and island, and the flashback seemed to have events of significance for once. It only took minutes of the episode to restore Locke to his best (though he was mostly there last episode.)

Fuck DHARMA, fuck Jacob and Russeau, If Lost becomes the Locke/Ben show, I will be completely happy.

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Okay, this season has finally turned around. It looks like they were getting the filler out of the way early, as opposed to saving it for later.

Seriously, though, Locke is the fucking destroyer. He blew up the Swan, the communications station, killed Mikhail, and now blew up the sub. AND he has the best line of the season so far: "I hope that box is big enough to imagine you another submarine."

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The season started out kind of dull like last season, then went on that ridiculous break. What were the networks thinking? That was stupid, IMO. But it has become good again since it restarted, I like the way we've gone back to the first season feel where they leave you wanting more after it's over.

Overall, the Locke episodes have generally been that much better than almost all the others. Whoever rights this must have bigger plans for Locke than the rest of them.

And if Lost were to ever drop from ABC before it's finished, I'd bet a nut that some other network would pick it up in a heart beat.

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It still get ridiculously high ratings, even if they are slipping. It won't be getting cancelled by ABC any time soon unless it really takes a nosedive.

Really well done episode, and maybe just enough at the right time to restore some of my lost faith in this show.

I have to agree with Fizzy that the way Locke lost the use of his legs was somewhat iffy, but I sure as hell never saw it coming until he went for the phone.

And wouldn't you think that when Jack sees his way off the island go up in flames he might be a little bit pissed? Maybe react to Locke? Maybe throw a curse, a punch, something? But maybe this guy can handle seeing his rescue go bye bye just like he could handle watching the woman he loves getting fucked by his least favorite person on the island.

Edited by TGThing
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Sometimes I find Jack's reactions a bit underwhelming, but I usually chalk it up to him being a surgeon. He's used to disengaging himself in difficult times where he needs to find a solution. Being calm until he finds a response that will fix the situation is his second nature. This was established in the very first episode when he told that story to Kate as she sewed his cut up.

That said, I'm sure there are moments here and there that may be inconsistent to that idea. If there are, I don't think it bothers me. I usually try to find an explanation as to why some of the characters act in sometimes unusual ways. Hey, people are different, right?

But I have to admit, this was pretty timely since I just listened to the This American Life podcast Monday night, which had this quote from Dan Savage:

"...But was the portrayal of heterosexuals on television any better? Do real straight people act anything like those crazy ass breeders on Desperate Housewives? Do real straight people act like the fake straight people on Lost? Does anyone act like the people on Lost?"

Touche, Dan Savage.

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And wouldn't you think that when Jack sees his way off the island go up in flames he might be a little bit pissed? Maybe react to Locke? Maybe throw a curse, a punch, something? But maybe this guy can handle seeing his rescue go bye bye just like he could handle watching the woman he loves getting fucked by his least favorite person on the island.
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So Sawyer was the one who took Sun into the jungle. The stuff with Nikki and Paulo wasn't all that good. They are throw away characters so an entire episode dedicated to them was not something I'd consider useful. But the ending with Nikki getting buried alive was a nice swerve.

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Didn't they already established what happened to Sun like... when it happened?

I loved this episode. The flashback stuff was really cool, Desmond and Locke were bad ass as usual, and the ending was SICK. And more Shannon and Boone was great. The best part was that it was so good I wasn't pissed that we didn't get the immediate resolution to the submarine/Locke's father cliffhanger. Great follow up to another great episode.

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I wasn't pissed that we didn't get the immediate resolution to the submarine/Locke's father cliffhanger.

Do we ever get an immediate resolution to cliffhangers on Lost? :P

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I wasn't overly happy with the episode due to the fact I can't stand Kiele and Rodrigo's acting. But all in all it was an interesting episode.

Did anyone else hear the smoke monster right before Nikki was bitten by the spider? It's very possible that the spider that bit Nikki was a manifestation.

It's also interesting that everyone who buried Nikki and Paulo is now pretty much a murderer giving the smoke monster a good reason to judge them like it did Eko. Everyone else had already killed someone (Sawyer, Charlie, Sun & Jin) but this is the first time Hurley has been connected to a murder.

Edited by The LBTN Experience
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Did anyone else hear the smoke monster right before Nikki was bitten by the spider? It's very possible that the spider that bit Nikki was a manifestation.

Wow, I missed that the first time round, but looking back it definitely seems the case.

It's a bit farcical having two people buried alive, but hey, it's Lost, you leave reality at the door.

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